What is the full form of TKR?

What is TKR?

TKR stands for Total Knee Replacement. If you are between the ages of 50 and 80 years, you may need this surgery as you may feel pain in your knee and are unable to perform your daily activities. Another name for total knee replacement is arthroplasty. In order to replace the knee, plastic and metallic parts are used along with the knee cap to replace the knee so that your knee can function well and you can do your daily activities comfortably.

Types of Arthritis

Usually, knees are affected due to different types of arthritis and we will discuss some of them here which are the major ones.


This arthritis depends upon your age. If your age is 50 years or more, this arthritis may occur and can lead to wear and tear of the knee. The part of the knee that is most damaged is cartilage which wears away with time. Knee pain occurs due to the rubbing of bones with each other.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is a type of arthritis in which the synovial membrane is damaged. The task of the synovial membrane is to cover the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis causes this membrane to get thickened and inflamed. This inflammation can lead to the damaging of cartilage which may result in stiffness and pain.

Post Traumatic Arthritis

This is a type of arthritis in which the cartilage and bones of the knee are damaged due to an accident. The cartilage present in the knee may be damaged by the ligaments and this causes knee pain.

Components of Knee

The knee is the biggest joint which consists of different types of bones, cartilage, and other things. Here we will discuss about different parts of a knee.


The tibia is the large bone of the lower leg and is also known as the shin bone.


The femur is the thigh bone and is also known as the upper leg bone.


The kneecap that surrounds these bones is called patella


The cartilage is responsible for covering the surface of the bone at the joint. Friction between the bones of a joint is reduced by this cartilage.

Synovial membrane

This is a tissue which is available in the form of a lining and it ends at the joint capsule. Synovial fluid is secreted by this membrane for lubricating the joint. This fluid is sticky in nature and is clear.


The ligament is a connective tissue which supports the joint and controls its movement. This tissue surrounds the whole joint so that movement can be controlled.


The tendon is another tough and tight connective tissue whose job is to make a connection between muscles to bones. The movement of the joint is controlled by this tissue.


The curved part of the cartilage is termed as meniscus. This part is available as a shock absorber in the knee and other joints. Deepening the knee joint and increasing the contact area are other responsibilities of the Meniscus.

Reasons for Performing TKR

Knee replacement surgery is necessary so that you can do your daily work comfortably. Osteoarthritis is the main reason which causes knee pain as joint cartilage wears and tears away and causes mild to severe pain. You may not be able to walk or go upstairs, and your knee may also get swollen and result in pain.

Things to be done before, during, and after surgery

Different things have to be considered before, during, and after the surgery. We will discuss each of them here.

Before the Surgery

  • Your doctor will explain the whole procedure of the surgery and then you will be asked to sign a consent form.

  • Your doctor may ask about the complete medical history and you may also have to go for different physical tests to make sure that you are fit for the surgery.

  • You have to inform the doctor about the things and medicines which are allergic to you.

  • You also have to inform the doctor about any previous surgery or any problem that you are facing

  • Another thing that you have to inform is the medication that you are taking for any particular condition.

  • You will have to inform about pregnancy or any expectation of being pregnant.

  • You have to stop eating and drinking 8 hours before the surgery.

During the Surgery

The steps involved in the surgery are as follows −

  • You will have to wear a gown.

  • You will be laid on the operation table in a specific position.

  • A urinary catheter will be inserted.

  • Hair over the place where surgery has to be done will be shaved and removed.

  • The surgery is performed afar giving anesthesia and the anaesthesiologist will keep observing your blood pressure, oxygen, breathing, and heart rate.

  • The doctor will use an antiseptic on the skin and then make an incision.

  • The surface of the knee joints that are damaged will be removed and a prosthesis, made up of plastic, will be used for resurfacing.

  • The prosthesis is attached to the bone with the help of surgical cement.

  • There are three components in a prosthesis which include the following

    • o Tibial component to resurface the tibia bone

    • o Femoral component to resurface the femur bone

    • o Patellar component for knee cap surfacing from the bottom

  • Stitches or staples will be used to close the incision

  • Dressing will be done through the sterile bandage

After the Surgery

You will be shifted to the recovery room so that your blood pressure, breathing, and pulse can be observed. After all these processes become normal and stable, you will be shifted to the ward and you will have to stay in the hospital for several days. A physiotherapist will contact you and help you in moving the newly replaced joint. He will tell you different types of exercises which you have to perform for recovery. You may also have to use a continuous passive motion machine which helps you to move your new joint. Different medicines will be provided to you so that you can manage the pain. You will have to contact your doctor in the following cases −

  • Fever

  • Bleeding from the incision

  • Pain on the incision


TKR stands for Total Knee Replacement. People who are in the range of the age of 50 and 80 years may need this surgery if they have severe pain in their knees and no non-surgical treatments are providing any relaxation. Different tests will be taken before performing the surgery. After the surgery where different parts of the knee joints will be replaced, you will have to contact the physiotherapist who will let you know about different exercises which you have to perform to live a normal life. You may also have to take some medicines for a certain period.


FAQ 1: What is the full form of TKR?

Ans − The full form of TKR is Total Knee Replacement.

FAQ 2: Why TKR surgery is needed?

Ans − TKR surgery is needed when a patient is not relieved of his knee pain through medication and non-surgical treatment.

FAQ 3: What are the different types of arthritis that can lead to knee replacement?

Ans − The different types of arthritis that can lead to knee replacement are −

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Post Traumatic Arthritis

FAQ 4: What are the components of a knee?

Ans − The components of a knee include

  • Tibia

  • Femur

  • Patella

  • Cartilage

  • Synovial membrane

  • Ligament

  • Tendon

  • Meniscus

FAQ 5: Is TKR effective?

Ans − Yes! TKR is an effective solution for people suffering from knee pain.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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