What is the full form of PUD?

What is PUD?

PUD stands for Peptic Ulcer Disease. This is a disease in which ulcers are formed as the protective lining called mucus is unable to protect the stomach and small intestine from the effect of digestive juices. The peptic word is taken from the word pepsin which is the main enzyme that is used in the digestion of food.

Along with pepsin, stomach acid is also there that helps in the digestion of food. These juices are very concentrated and are highly reactive. When these juices react with the lining of the stomach, it results in an ulcer. These ulcers can be formed in the stomach and upper portion of the intestine called duodenum.

Types of Ulcers

Ulcers are of different types and we will have a small discussion about them.

Duodenal Ulcers

This is the most common type of ulcer. Usually, 80% of the peptic ulcers are duodenal ulcers.

Stomach Ulcers

The remaining 20% of the peptic ulcers are stomach ulcers.

Ulcers may also occur in other parts of the body in unusual circumstances some of these unusual ulcers are Esophageal ulcers and Jejunal ulcers.

Esophageal Ulcer

If the acid in the stomach rises to the esophagus, it can react with the mucus lining and cause esophageal ulcers. The lining available in the esophagus is not as protective as the linings of the stomach and intestine.

Jejunal Ulcer

The jejunum is the middle portion of the intestine and the ulcer that occurs here is known as jejunal ulcer. This ulcer can occur due to surgery in which the stomach is connected to the jejunum. Other names of the jejunal ulcer are

  • Stomal ulcer

  • Marginal ulcer

  • Anastomotic ulcer

Is Peptic Ulcer Common?

Peptic ulcers can occur in 5% to 10% of people. The ulcer can occur at any time in a person's life but it usually occurs in middle-aged persons.

Symptoms of Peptic Ulcers

The symptoms of peptic ulcer are not visible in most of the people. But people may complain about the following −

  • Upper abdominal pain also known as epigastric pain

  • Indigestion

These symptoms may occur and then disappear repeatedly. The pain may occur shortly after eating the food. A burning sensation may also be felt along with the pain. This burning sensation occurs due to the reaction of the enzymes with the gastrointestinal lining. It is difficult to determine the part where the ulcer has occurred. If you feel a problem shortly after eating, then it is a stomach ulcer. If you feel a problem after 2 to 3 hours of eating, it is a duodenal ulcer.

If these ulcers are not treated, they can create complications. Bleeding can occur in these ulcers and may react with the gastrointestinal tract till the time a hole is created. The symptoms in such cases are as follows −

  • The stool may have blood

  • The color of the stool is black

  • Faintness and dizziness

  • Paleness

  • Heartbeat is fast

If a hole has occurred due to an untreated ulcer, the following symptoms may occur −

  • Sudden and severe pain in the abdomen

  • Swelling in the abdomen

  • Chills and fever

Causes of Peptic Ulcer

The gastrointestinal tract of the stomach consists of a mucus lining whose job is to protect the lining from the reaction of the digestive juices and stomach acid. The mucus also has the ability to repair all the damages. When the mucus is unable to repair or there is any interference in this task, it results in an ulcer.

Most people of the world suffer from H. pylori infection which is caused due to bacteria that live in the stomach or duodenum. If the problem grows, it can result in inflammation. This can lead to diminish self-repair properties of the mucus lining.

People who consume Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs may also suffer from ulcers if they overuse the drug. These drugs are easily available and no prescription is needed. Consuming them without having any guidance from a healthcare professional can affect the prostaglandins that are the main source of repairing the mucus lining.

Some of the other causes of ulcers are listed below −

  • Different types of infections

  • Reduced supply of blood

  • Stress

  • Chemotherapy

  • Radiation therapy

  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

  • Stomach cancer

Other Causes

Besides the causes mentioned above, peptic ulcers can also occur due to the following −


If you smoke frequently, ulcers may occur due to H. pylori bacteria.

Alcoholic Drinks

The mucus lining of the stomach can be disturbed by alcoholic drinks especially if you are a frequent drinker. Alcoholic drinks also lead to an increase in the production of stomach acid.

Untreated Stress

If you take a lot of stress and do not go for treatment, this can also lead to the formation of ulcers

Eating Spicy Food

If you eat a lot of spicy food, you may suffer from ulcers as digesting such food takes a lot of time.

Complications if the Ulcers are not Treated

Peptic ulcers can cause a lot of complications if not treated on time. These complications are discussed below.

Internal Bleeding

Ulcers may bleed inside if they are not treated on time. In such a case, slow blood loss can lead to anemia while severe loss can cause the patient to be hospitalized. In the case of severe blood loss, vomit or stool can be blackened and may contain blood.

Hole in the Stomach Wall

Peptic ulcers can also cause perforation in the wall of the stomach or small intestine. This can cause serious infections.


Passage of food in the digestive tract can be blocked if the ulcers become large. You may lose weight easily and will always have a feeling of vomiting. This can also cause inflammation and scarring.

Gastric Cancer

Studies have shown that the increase in H. pylori infection can lead to gastric cancer.

Diagnosis of PUD

If the symptoms that you feel are related to ulcers, your doctor may ask you to go for a test of H. pylori infection. The search for ulcers and H. pylori infection can be done through the endoscopy test. Large ulcers can be detected with the help of a CT Scan or GI series x-ray exam. A urea breath test or stool test is done to check for H. Pylori infection.

The endoscopy is conducted by inserting a pipe into the gastrointestinal tract whose end consists of a camera. This test can also let the doctors know about the H. pylori infection by taking a stomach biopsy. Doctors can also treat the ulcers during the test.

Treatment of PUD

Medication is one of the best ways to treat peptic ulcer disease. The secretion of gastric acid is reduced and medicines also help in repairing the damaged tissues. If there is any infection, doctors would suggest antibiotics. The main aim of the medication is to eradicate the causes of the ulcer.

Mostly ulcers can be easily treated with medicines but if there are any complications, like a hole caused due to ulcer or bleeding of the ulcer, additional treatment is needed.

Prevention of PUD

There are various ways that you can adopt to prevent ulcers. Some of these ways are as follows.

Try to be away from infections, especially H. Pylori

Nobody knows the reason behind the occurrence of the H. pylori infection but it is estimated that it can be transferred through water or food and from one person to another. In order to prevent the infection, wash your hands with soap and water before consuming the food. Eat those foods that are completely cooked.

Reduce the usage of Painkillers

Painkillers are another reason that may cause ulcers. You need to reduce their usage. It is better that you take your medication with meals. Alcohol drinking should be avoided when you are on any medication.


PUD stands for Peptic Ulcer Disease. People who eat a lot of spicy food or smoke and drink may suffer from this disease. The infection caused due to H. pylori bacteria is another reason for PUD. If the ulcers are not treated they can create complications. Bleeding in ulcers can cause severe stomach pain. Mostly ulcers can be treated through medication but in severe cases, additional treatment is needed to eradicate them.


FAQ 1: Is PUD related to Pepsin?

Ans − Yes! Pepsin is the major enzyme that is used to digest food in combination with stomach acid. Both of them can cause ulcers if the mucus lining cannot be repaired.

FAQ 2: Can ulcers occur in the esophagus?

Ans − Yes! Ulcers can occur in the esophagus

FAQ 3: How ulcers are treated?

Ans − Usually, medication is sufficient for curing ulcers but in severe cases, additional treatment is needed.

FAQ 4: How many types of ulcers are there?

Ans − The main types of ulcers are Duodenal Ulcers and Stomach Ulcers. There are other types of ulcers also which include Esophageal Ulcer and Jejunal Ulcer.

FAQ 5: What is the full form of PUD?

Ans − PUD stands for Peptic Ulcer Disease.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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