What is the full form of PKD?

What is PKD?

PKD stands for Polycystic Kidney Disease. It is a hereditary disease in which cysts are formed in the kidneys. These cysts are in the form of sacs and contain fluid. cysts are non-cancerous but are one of the causes of kidney failure. They damage kidneys as their sizes get enlarged with time. These can develop in any other part of the body also like the liver, pancreas, etc. PKD can lead to other severe disease like high blood pressure.

Symptoms of PKD

PKD has many systems and some of the major ones are listed here −

  • High blood pressure

  • Back pain

  • Side pain

  • Blood during urination

  • Kidney enlargement leads enlarged abdomen

  • Headaches

  • Kidney stones

  • Infection in kidney and urinary tract

When a doctor is needed

People suffering from PKD do not know about it for a long time. If you find any symptoms, you need to visit a doctor. If your parent, sibling, or child shows the symptoms, then also you will have to go to see a doctor.

Causes of PKD

The main cause of PKD is the abnormal genes which means that the disease is carried in families. A genetic mutation may occur due to which none of the parents have the genes. PKD is of two types and we will discuss them here in detail.


ADPKD can be expanded to Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. People who are in the age range of 30 and 40 years. If one of the parents has this disease, there are 50% chance in each child to have this problem.


ARPKD can be expanded to Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. This is a less common variant of PKD and its symptoms are shown after birth. It may also happen that symptoms may occur during adolescence or in childhood. This disease occurs in a child if both parents have the genes.

Each child of such a parent has a 25% chance of getting the disease.

Complications that occur due to PKD

Females suffering from PKD may have painful pregnancies and serious complications. Women with PKD and having high blood pressure during pregnancy lead to a problem called preeclampsia which can be fatal for the mother and the baby. Such pregnant women have to be in contact with a doctor till their delivery. Besides the kidney, PKD can also create problems in other organs like the pancreas, liver, spleen, etc. In severe cases, the brain and heart can also be affected.


Various tests are conducted to diagnose PKD. One of the most reliable tests for this disease is ultrasound. People having age more than 40 years have to go for an ultrasound of their kidney to test whether they are suffering from PKD or not. CT Scan and MRI are the other tests which can be conducted for the diagnosis of the disease. These tests may find cysts which cannot be detected through ultrasound. Genetic testing can also be done through blood tests to detect the abnormal genes that are the cause of the disease. The test is costly and may not be able to detect PKD.

Treatment of PKD

Currently, there is no cure for PKD but research is going on. Patients need to have a lot of plain water to slow down the growth of cysts. They should also avoid beverages that consist of caffeine. Some supportive treatments are available which can lower the symptoms of PKD. These supportive treatments can lower the growth of cysts. Some of these treatments are as follows −

  • Controlling blood pressure

  • Antibiotics for bladder and kidney infection

  • A lot of water and fluids should be consumed

  • Control weight

  • Quit smoking

  • Exercise

  • Reduction in salt intake

  • Caffeine beverages should be avoided


PKD can be expanded to Polycystic Kidney Disease. This is a disease in which cysts are formed in the kidney that can further lead to the formation of kidney stones. If not treated, the disease can lead to kidney failure. The symptoms of the disease are high blood pressure, side pain blood while passing urine, and many more. Abnormal genes are the cause of the disease. Ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI are the tests which are conducted for the diagnosis of the disease. Currently, there is no cure for the disease but supportive treatments are available to control BP, reduce the growth of cysts, etc.


1: What is the full form of PKD?

PKD stands for Polycystic Kidney Disease

2: Which organ is affected by this disease?

The organ that this disease affects the most is the kidney as cysts are formed and there are also chances of the formation of kidney stones.

3: Is PKD curable?

No! There is no treatment yet available but research is going on. Supportive treatments are available to slow down the growth of cysts and control blood pressure.

4: What shall I do if I have PKD?

Have a lot of plain water and fluid, avoid smoking, avoid beverages with caffeine, etc.

5: What is the main cause of PKD?

The main cause of PKD is abnormal genes.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2024


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