What is the full form of PE?

What is PE?

The full form of PE is Pulmonary Embolism. If you have a blood clot in your legs which flows with blood and enters your lungs. This clot blocks the flow of blood, it can cause problems in blood flow and the flow of oxygen into the lungs. You can get cured easily with the help of medicines after going for diagnosis and treatment. The medications can go on for several months to get fully cured. If the clot is not removed quickly, it can damage the lungs and heart and can also be fatal.

Symptoms of PE

One of the most common symptoms of PE is shortness of breath and pain in the chest. You can also face the problem of mucus with blood. Other symptoms depend on the size and severity of the clot. Some of the symptoms are as follows −

  • Sudden shortness of breath

  • Severe pain in arms, chest, neck, jaw, or shoulder which may seem to have a heart attack

  • Cough having mucus with blood

  • Skin is plain and bluish

  • The pulse rate is faster than normal

  • Sweating is excessive

  • Wheezing

Causes of PE

There are many causes of PE and some of them are listed below −

  • Collection of blood in legs or arms due to long inactivity which can occur due to surgery or long bed rest

  • Vein injured due to surgery or fracture

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Clotting factors due to certain types of cancers

  • Hormone replacement therapy

Diagnosis of PE

Diagnosis of PE is a difficult task, especially in the cases of any heart or lung disease. Your healthcare professional will talk to you about the history of your medications and surgery. A physical examination may be conducted and many tests may also be done. Some of these tests are as follows −

Blood Tests

A blood test is done to check the level of D dimer which is a clot-dissolving substance. If its level is high, then the chances of blood clots in the body increase. Besides this, the test will also provide information about the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. If the level of oxygen is low, it may be due to a blood clot in the blood vessel.

Chest X-Ray

Chest X-ray is conducted for getting the images of heart and lungs. PE cannot be diagnosed but the test can show other symptoms.


Ultrasound is a test in which sound waves are used to look for deep vein clots. Veins in the knee, calf, and thigh can be easily checked for clots through this test. The health provider will use a transducer which will be moved over your skin and the image will appear on the computer screen. Treatment will start immediately if the clots are present.

CT Pulmonary Angiography

This is a test in which x-rays are generated which help in producing cross-section 3D images of your body. This helps in checking whether arteries in your lungs have pulmonary embolism.

Ventilation-Perfusion Scan

If you have a problem with radiation, then instead of a CT scan your health provider can go for a ventilation perfusion scan. A tracer is injected in your arm's vein which compares the flow of blood with air flow in the lungs. This test is considered as one of the best tests to get information about blood clots in the body.

Pulmonary Angiogram

This is a test in which doctors can get a clear picture of the blood flow in the arteries of the lungs. The tester needs to have high-level skills to perform this test. A catheter is inserted in the large vein which will be threaded to your heart and pulmonary arteries. A dye is inserted in the catheter and images are taken through X-rays as the dye travels to your lungs. The dye can lead to kidney damage.


MRI is a test in which a magnetic field is used along with computer-generated radio waves which helps in the creation of the images of tissues and organs. The test is done only for pregnant women in the case of PE. To avoid the effect of radiation on the baby. People having kidney problems and cannot face the usage of dyes can also go for an MRI test


The main aim of the treatment of PE is to prevent the clot from getting bigger. Another aim is to prevent the formation of new clots. PE can be treated with the help of surgery, medicines, and other types of processes. We will discuss these treatments here.


Doctors use different types of medicines to treat PE. Some of them are discussed here.

  • Blood Thinners − Blood thinners are also known as anticoagulants and their job is to prevent the formation of the new clots. It also prevents the growth of existing clots. One of the most common medicines used is heparin which is injected into your vein. You will also have to consume an oral anticoagulant Heparin is injected till the time the oral coagulant starts showing its effect.

  • Clot Dissolvers − Usually clots formed inside the body automatically dissolve but there are situations in which medicines are taken to dissolve these clots. The medicine is injected in the vein Severe bleeding can start due to these medicines so they are given only if the situation is life- threatening.

Surgery and other procedures

Besides medications, there are many other procedures and one of them is surgery. Let us discuss these procedures here.

Clot removal

If the clot size has become so big that it can be a threat to life, it has to be removed. Doctors remove these clots with the help of a catheter which is threaded in the blood vessels to break down and remove the clot.

Vein Filter

In this procedure, a filter is positioned to the main vein with the help of a catheter which prevents the clots from going to the lungs. The test is beneficial for those patients who are unable to take oral anticoagulants. The filter can later be removed if there is no need.

Prevention of PE

There are many ways which can be used to prevent pulmonary embolism. Some of these ways are discussed here.

  • You should exercise regularly by moving arms and legs for a few minutes every hour in case you have to stand or sit for a long time

  • A lot of fluids should be consumed but alcohol and caffeine consumption should be reduced

  • Tobacco products should be avoided

  • Tight clothes and shows should be avoided

  • Obese people need to reduce their weight


PE can be expanded to Pulmonary Embolism. It is a disease in which blood clots formed inside the legs, arms, or other parts of the body may reach the lungs. If the growth of the clot is not controlled it can lead to heart attack, lung problems, and even death. The clot can be diagnosed through various tests like ultrasound and CT scan, etc. it can be treated through medications and surgery.


1: What is the full form of PE?

The full form of PE is Pulmonary Embolism.

2: What is the cause of the PE?

The cause of PE is a blood clot which may be formed inside the legs, arms, etc., and transported to the lung

3: Which organs are affected by PE?

PE affect lungs and heart?

4: Can PE cause death?

Yes! If the clot size grows so much that it blocks the blood flow, people may face heart attack and death.

5: How can PE be treated?

PE can be treated through medications and surgery.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2024


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