What is the full form of OSA?

What is OSA?

OSA can be expanded to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. OSA is a disease in which the sleep of an individual is obstructed due to the relaxation of muscles which blocks the airway and the patient stops and starts breathing repeatedly. Sleep apnea is of different types and OSA is one of them. One of the symptoms of OSA is snoring. Many types of treatments are available which can help to cure OSA.

One of these ways is a device which can be used to keep the airway open while sleeping. The airway is opened by the device with the help of positive pressure. There is another device called mouthpiece which helps in bringing the jaw into the forward position while sleeping. Surgery is another option which may be needed in a few people.

OSA Symptoms

OSA has many symptoms and some of them are listed below −

  • Feeling sleepy in the daytime

  • The snoring sound is loud

  • Breathing stops frequently during sleep

  • Morning wakeup with sore throat and dry mouth

  • Always suffering from headaches in the morning

  • Depression

  • Mood change

  • Choking

  • Gasping

  • Night walk

When a Doctor is Needed

A doctor is needed in the following cases −

  • Loud snoring sound disturbs sleep

  • Choking or gasping

  • Night walk

  • Sleeping or drowsing excessively during the day

Causes of OSA

OSA is caused due to the blocking of the airway by the excessive relaxation of the muscles at the back of the throat. This relaxation narrows the airway and causes problems in breathing. The breathing problem increases the level of carbon dioxide in the body. When the brain receives the information of an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, it wakes up the patient. The duration of this awakening is so short that the patient does not remember it. This sleeping and awakening can occur frequently each hour. The patient will not be able to go into deep sleep.

Risks due to OSA

There are many risk factors that can be caused due to OSA and some of them are discussed below −


People who have the problem of obesity can also suffer from OSA. This happens because of the deposit of fat around the airway. Other problems that may occur due to the fat deposit are hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome

Age Factor

People who cross the ages of 60 and 70 can develop the problem of OSA.

Narrowness of the Airway

If there is a problem with a narrow airway in a family, it can cause OSA. Enlargement of tonsils and adenoids are the other reasons due to which people may suffer from OSA.

High Blood Pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure may also suffer from OSA.

Other Factors

Other factors that can cause OSA are diabetes, asthma, and transfer from one member to another genetically.

Complications That can Occur Through OSA

OSA can result in different types of complications and a few of them are discussed here.

Sleepiness and Fatigue During the Daytime

OSA disrupts sleep at night and this can result in drowsiness in the daytime along with fatigue. Concentrating on the work is difficult and you may also fall asleep while watching TV or mobile. If children suffer from this problem, their performance in school will be affected.

Cardiovascular Problems

OSA can lead to sudden drop of oxygen levels in the blood which can lead to high blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular problems like heart attack and other heart diseases like coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, etc.

Medicine and Surgery Problem

OSA may cause problems in giving general anesthesia OSA can become worse due to painkillers, anaesthesia, and additives. A major surgery can also be the cause of worsened OSA condition

Problems in the eye

OSA may also cause a few eye problems like glaucoma. If any eye problem occurs due to OSA, it can be easily treated.

People having OSA can also suffer from other problems like headaches in the morning, memory problems, depression, and many more.

Diagnosis of OSA

A doctor will check all your history and examine you physically. Day drowsiness and snoring will be the best clues for diagnosis. Many types of tests may be conducted and they are described below −


This is a test in which you will be asked to sleep at night in the hospital or sleep center. Many monitoring appliances will be connected to your body to record physiologic variables. These devices will let the doctor know about sleep disorders. Machines that are connected to your body and their functions are listed below −

  • electroencephalogram (EEG) for brain waves measurement

  • electrooculogram (EOM) for eye movement measurement

  • electromyography (EMG), for muscle activity measurement

  • electrocardiogram (ECG), for heart rate and rhythm measurement

  • pulse oximetry test for oxygen levels in your blood measurement


In this test, the brain waves are measured by connecting the electrodes to your scalp. The waves are measured, before, during, and after sleep. Eye movement is recorded by EOM. The eye movement and brainwaves let the doctors know about the different phases of sleep.


EMG is a test in which muscle movements are recorded during sleep. The activity of muscle relaxation is recorded by the machine during sleep.


ECG is used to measure signals from the heart while sleeping. Heart rate and rhythm are recorded by the machine.

Pulse Oximetry

This is a test in which a device called pulse oximeter is connected to the thin part of your body where there is a great blood flow. A fingertip can be the best example. The device has the ability to measure the oxygen levels in the blood.

Treatment of OSA

There are various ways which can be used for the treatment of OSA. The main aim of the treatment is to prevent the ways that narrow the airway and cause breathing problems. Some of these treatments are discussed here.

Weight Loss

One of the best ways of treating OSA is daily exercise and weight loss. This treatment may not completely cure OSA but it will reduce its severe results. It will also reduce blood pressure.


CPAP can be expanded to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. In this treatment, the patient has to wear a face mask the whole night which helps in keeping the airways open.


BPAP can be expanded to Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure. If CPAP is unable to cure OSA, BPAP is used. It is a machine which has the ability to deliver two pressures which are called inhaled pressure and exhaled pressure and it depends on your breathing.

Sleep on Your Side

If you are habitual to sleep on your back, it can worsen the condition of OSA. It is better to sleep on your side to avoid its symptoms.


OSA can be expanded to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It is a disease in which a patient is unable to sleep as he wakes up many times due to stopping and starting of breathing. There are many ways in which the disease can be treated. Some of them are sleeping on your side, weight loss, and many more.


Q 1 − What is the full form of OSA?

Ans − OSA stands for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Q 2 − What are the symptoms of OSA?

Ans − The symptoms of OSA are snoring, drowsiness in the daytime, fatigue, and many more.

Q 3 − Can OSA be fully treated?

Ans − Yes! There are various treatments like CPAP, BPAP, surgery, etc. which can be used to cure OSA

Q 4 − Why OSA occurs?

Ans − OSA occurs due to blockage of the airway due to muscle relaxation or fat accumulation.

Q 5 − Is age factor also the cause of OSA?

Ans − Yes! People above 60 may suffer from the problem.

Updated on: 19-Jan-2024


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