What is the full form of IL&FS?


Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) is an Indian-based NBFC that provides non-banking financial services. It was established in 1987 with the intention of assisting with India's infrastructure development. Project finance, fund management, investment banking, and financial advising services are just a few of the financial services that the business provides.

Infrastructure projects in the fields of transportation, electricity, water supply, and telecommunications have all been developed by IL&FS. It has been crucial in helping India finance infrastructure projects including the construction of roads, ports, airports, and power plants.

However, IL&FS had a serious financial crisis in 2018 as a result of a heavy debt load and a lack of liquidity. This resulted in the corporation missing out on a number of payments, which caused a crisis in India's financial markets. In October 2018, the Indian government assumed control of the organisation, and since then, it has been striving to resolve the situation and bring the business back to life.

The IL&FS crisis has brought to light the difficulties the infrastructure industry in India is facing, including problems with project funding, regulatory monitoring, and governance. The Indian government is attempting to encourage more private sector participation in infrastructure development while also taking initiatives to solve these challenges.

Services provided by IL&FS

IL&FS provides a range of financial services, primarily focused on infrastructure development. The following are some of the services provided by IL&FS −

  • Project Financing − IL&FS offers funding for projects including highways, ports, power plants, and other types of infrastructure. The business provides structured finance options in addition to debt and equity funding.

  • Fund Management − IL&FS oversees the management of funds that finance Indian infrastructure projects. In addition to managing mutual funds, private equity funds, and real estate funds, the organisation also provides a variety of other fund management services.

  • Investment Banking − IL&FS offers investment banking services such as project financing advice, capital raising advice, and merger and acquisition advising services.

  • Financial Advisory − IL&FS provides clients with financial counselling services in fields including risk management, asset management, and debt restructuring.

  • Asset Management − Roads, power plants, and other infrastructure projects are all managed by IL&FS's asset management division. The business offers asset management services, which cover the upkeep, utilisation, and improvement of these assets.

  • Technology Services − IL&FS offers technology services for infrastructure development, such as project management, software development, and IT infrastructure management.

Infrastructure projects undertaken by IL&FS

In India, a variety of infrastructure projects have been developed and financed by Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) over the years. Some of the notable infrastructure projects undertaken by IL&FS include −

  • Rapid Metro Gurgaon − The rapid transit system that serves the city of Gurgaon in the state of Haryana was developed and financed in part by IL&FS. The project was finished in 2013 and is anticipated to give Gurgaon residents access to a quicker and more dependable form of transit.

  • Chenani-Nashri Tunnel − The Chenani-Nashri Tunnel, a 9-kilometre-long road tunnel in Jammu and Kashmir, was developed and financed in part by IL&FS. It is anticipated that the project, which was finished in 2017, would increase connection between Jammu and Srinagar.

  • Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) − Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) is a planned commercial area that was developed with the help of IL&FS. The initiative, which aims to establish a top-notch corporate and financial hub, is predicted to draw funding and generate employment.

  • Hyderabad Metro Rail − Hyderabad Metro Rail is a fast transport system in Hyderabad, Telangana. IL&FS was a key shareholder in the project. After the project's completion in 2020, Hyderabad residents will have access to a dependable and effective form of transportation.

Controversies surrounding IL&FS

Since a financial crisis was revealed in 2018, IL&FS has encountered a variety of scandals and difficulties. Some of the main controversies surrounding IL&FS include −

  • Financial Irregularities − It was discovered that IL&FS had participated in financial irregularities, including overstating its assets and income and omitting to disclose important information regarding its financial condition. Due to this, the firm had a liquidity issue, which in turn sparked a larger crisis in the Indian financial markets.

  • Corporate Governance − IL&FS has been accused of having weak corporate governance, including claims of conflicts of interest and insufficient board monitoring. Later, the board of the corporation was reorganised, and numerous new directors were chosen.

  • Regulatory Oversight − The regulatory monitoring of IL&FS and other businesses in the Indian financial industry has come under fire. Some claim that regulators did not properly oversee IL&FS's financial situation and did not intervene in a way that would have prevented the disaster.

  • Legal Challenges − In connection with the financial crisis, IL&FS has encountered a variety of legal obstacles, including investigations by Indian authorities and legal proceedings taken by creditors and investors. Due to the complexity of its financial structure and the numerous parties involved, the corporation has also experienced difficulties restructuring its debts and assets.


Over the years, Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) has been instrumental in funding and building infrastructure projects in India. But the business has encountered a lot of difficulties and problems, notably during the financial crisis of 2018, which revealed IL&FS's financial irregularities and subpar corporate governance. The issue has prompted more general inquiries regarding the direction and control of the Indian financial system, as well as the function of infrastructure funding in the country's economic growth. The government has taken action to handle the problem and improve regulatory control of the financial sector, but it is still unclear how the IL&FS crisis will affect India's infrastructure financing environment in the long run.


Q1. What kind of infrastructure projects does IL&FS finance?

Numerous infrastructure initiatives in the fields of transportation, energy, water, and social infrastructure are financed by IL&FS.

Q2. What kind of infrastructure projects does IL&FS finance?

Financial irregularities, subpar corporate governance, and regulatory shortcomings all contributed to the financial collapse at IL&FS.

Q3. What has been the impact of the IL&FS crisis on the Indian financial sector?

The IL&FS crisis had a major effect on the Indian financial industry, raising concerns about the effectiveness of regulatory monitoring and the dangers of financing infrastructure.

Updated on: 16-Nov-2023


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