What is the full form of IELTS?

What is IELTS?

IELTS can be expanded as International English Language Testing System. This test has been designed for those people e who have the aim of studying and working in a foreign country where one of the languages for communication is English. The test is being conducted for the past 30 years. Governments, employers, and educational institutes consider this test and give preference to those candidates who go for the test.

Types of IELTS

IELTS is of two types discussed below.

IELTS Academic

IELTS Academic is a test in which the proficiency of candidates in the English language is tested to know whether they are suitable for the academic environment. It will also assess your eligibility regarding studying or training in English.

IELTS General Training

IELTS General Training is a test which is used to assess English language proficiency in everyday context. Social and workplace situations are tested in this test.

How does IELTS work?

IELTS was introduced by some of the language assessment experts with the aim of testing different types of skills needed to reside in an English-speaking foreign country. The assessment is done on the basis of the following −


Candidates are tested for their understanding of different ideas, and opinions and follow the development of an argument. In this test, candidates have to listen to four recordings and then answer the questions. Native English speakers record these recordings and the duration of this test is 30 minutes.


Candidates are tested for their reading abilities, and understanding ideas and opinions while reading, Candidates have to answer 40 questions in this test so that their reading skills can be tested. Candidates have to read many things like gist, details, ideas, logical arguments, etc. The duration of this test is 60 minutes.


Candidates are tested for writing accurately about their responses and organizing their ideas. They are also tested on their vocabulary and grammar. Two tasks are given in this test which have to be completed in 60 minutes. The test depends on the module a candidate has chosen.


Candidates are tested on communicating with people regarding their opinions and information. The communication depends on trending topics and candidates have to justify their opinions. The test is conducted in three parts and is recorded for further assessment.

Dates for IELTS Tests

IELTS Exams are held four times in a month in India which means 48 times in a year. These are paper-based exams and are held on Saturdays and Thursdays. If you go for an online test, you can choose multiple dates. The results of the exams are delivered within 3 to 5 days.

Owner of IELTS

IDP Education, British Council, and Cambridge Assessment English own and run IELTS.

Reasons behind Choosing IELTS

There are many reasons that people choose IELTS and some of them are listed below −

  • The test is recognized by many universities all over the world as proof of English language proficiency.

  • IELTS score is accepted in different fields like accounting, manufacturing, medicine, law, nursing, pharmacy, teaching, etc. all over the world.

  • People who want to migrate to another country have to prove their English language proficiency which they can do through IELTS.

  • Four skills are examined in the test to check the language abilities of the applicants.

Scoring system

The scoring system for IELTS is based on bands from 1 to 9. One is the lowest and nine is the highest band. Let us discuss about different bands.

Band Score 1

Candidates having this score are unable to use the English language

Band Score 2

Candidates having this score are not good at communication. They use only a few words to express their ideas. They are also unable to understand spoken or written English.

Band Score 3

Candidates who receive this score have limited knowledge and use only general and familiar words. Communication skill of these candidates is not good.

Band Score 4

Candidates getting this score are limited to familiar situations. They face problems in understanding complex language. Communication level is also not good.

Band Score 5

Candidates getting this score are termed as average and have partial command over the language. They can understand the meaning of most words but still make mistakes while communicating.

Band Score 6

Candidates who receive this score are termed as competent as they have a good command over the language. Though there can be some inaccuracies and misunderstandings they can use complex language.

Band Score 7

Candidates getting this score are termed as good as they have operational command over the language. They can occasionally make mistakes and may also have some inaccuracies. They can do reasoning well and can understand complex language.

Band Score 8

Candidates getting this score are termed as very good as they can understand complex language and make mistakes occasionally. They may face problems and inaccuracies in unfamiliar situations.

Band Score 9

Candidates receiving this score are termed as excellent as they have full command over the language and do not commit any mistakes.

Difference between TOEFL and IELTS

People who want to go abroad to study or work have to prove their English proficiency especially if they are going to an English-speaking country for work or study. The differences between them are as follows:

  • TOEFL is for academic purposes only while IELTS is for studying as well as working abroad

  • The total score of TOEFL lies between 0 and 120 and for each of the four modules it is between 0 and 30. Scoring in IELTS depends upon bands between 1-9 and for reading and listening, the score is between 0-40 which is converted to bands. For speaking and writing, the score is given by the examiner.

  • TOEFL is accepted in the US while IELTS is accepted in the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia

  • TOEFL is taken for academic purposes while IELTS is taken for academic and work purposes

  • TOEFL mostly has multiple-choice questions while IELTS has a mixture of questions

Advantages of IELTS

IELTS has many advantages and some of them are listed below −

  • IELTS is recognized by many educational institutes and companies in many countries

  • IELTS is considered as one of the top exams to get admission abroad

  • It helps in making your career

  • Language skills are improved

  • Get job opportunities in foreign countries easily

  • Candidates can change their lives in their home country by taking the IELTS exam

Disadvantages of IELTS

IELTS has many disadvantages and some of them are listed below −

  • It is an expensive test

  • It is a time-consuming test

  • Test dates are limited

  • Writing tasks can be hard

  • Difficult to highlight text


IELTS is an exam which is taken by those candidates who want to study or work abroad in an English-speaking country. Four skills are tested which include Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The test is held 48 times in a year and is very expensive.


1. What is the validity of an IELTS exam?

An IELTS exam is valid for two years.

2. What is the age limit for candidates taking the IELTS exam?

Candidates with age more than 16 years can take the exam.

3. When are the tests held in India?

Tests are held 4 times in a month on Thursdays and Saturdays.

4. What happens if a candidate fails to attend the test?

The candidate will be termed as absentee and he or she cannot ask for a refund.

5. Can candidates access their answer sheets?

No! The IELTS exam is confidential.

Updated on: 19-Jan-2024


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