What is the full form of ICU?

What is ICU?

ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit. It is also known as CCU (Critical Care Unit), and ITU (Intensive Therapy Unit). Intensive Care Unit is a ward where patients having serious injuries or illnesses are admitted. Cases such as major surgery, major accident, sudden illness for a short time, etc. are admitted in this ward.

Why ICU is Needed?

ICU is needed due to the following reasons −

  • Airway is problematic

  • Cardiac arrest

  • Respiratory issues

  • Pulse less than 40 or greater than 140 beats per minute

Equipment Used in an ICU

ICU has a lot of specialized equipment for taking care of a patient. The number of equipment is as follows −


A ventilator is a machine that helps a patient to breathe comfortably. The machine consists of a tube which is inserted into the mouth or nose of a patient. The tube can also be inserted by making a small cut in the throat.

Monitoring Equipment

Monitoring equipment is used to monitor different body functions which include blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level in blood, etc.

Pumps and IV Lines

These are the tubes which are used to provide nutrition, fluids, and medication.

Feeding Tubes

Feeding tubes are inserted inside the nose, or stomach by making a small cut, or inserting it into a vein of those patients who are unable to take anything from the mouth.


Drains are the tubes which are used to remove blood or fluid coming out of the body.


These are the tubes which are inserted in the bladder for urination.

Types of ICU

Intensive care units are of different types which we will discuss here in detail.

Medical Intensive Care Unit

The medical ICUs are the wards where medical professionals take care of adult patients who need specialized monitoring and continuous observation. Some of these conditions include

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding

  • Drug overdose

  • Respiratory failure

  • Sepsis

  • Stroke

  • Cancer

Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Surgical ICUs are meant for those patients who have gone through a major surgery. Surgeries can be of any type like heart, lung, liver, etc. This ICU is meant for those patients who need continuous observation.

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Pediatric ICUs are meant for taking care of children who are critically ill. This ICU is also meant for those children who have gone through surgery and need continuous observation so that their condition becomes stable. This will help in their health improvement.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Neonatal ICUs are meant for those infants who are born prematurely. Infants who are critically ill and are at high risk are also kept here under observation. This ICU is also meant for birth complications and patients suffering from congenital disorders.

Besides these, there are many other types of ICUs like

  • Coronary units

  • Burns units

  • Trauma ICUs

  • Out-of-hospital ICUs also known as mobile ICUs


ICU can be expanded to the Intensive Care Unit. ICUs are meant for those patients who are suffering from critical conditions and need continuous observation. ICUs can be used for infants, children, and adults. ICUs are categorized on the basis of types of patients.


Q 1 − What is the full form of ICU?

Ans − ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit.

Q 2 − What is the usage of ICUs in a hospital?

Ans − ICUs are the wards that have specialized staff and machinery. ICUs are meant to continuously monitor the health of patients who are critically ill.

Q 3 − Do ICUs include different types of equipment?

Ans − Yes! ICUs have different kinds of equipment like ventilators, monitoring equipment, pumps and IV lines, and many more.

Q 4 − What are the other names of ICU?

Ans − Other names of ICU are CCU (Critical Care Unit), and ITU (Intensive Therapy Unit).

Updated on: 19-Jan-2024


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