What is the full form of IBD?

What is IBD?

IBD can be expanded to Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This is a disease in which people suffer from diarrhea, stomach pain, blood in the stool, and many more things. IBD is of two types which include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease. Both of them should be treated as early as possible IBD may be mild for some people but other people may face critical issues which can even be life-threatening if not treated.

Types of IBD

IBD is of three types and they are discussed here.

Ulcerative Colitis

This is a condition in which ulcers are formed in the lining of large intestines and rectum. Ulcers are formed in the colon and rectum due to inflammation.

Crohn’s Disease

This is a type of IBD in which the lining of the digestive tract has inflammation and may affect the small intestine. The upper part of the large intestine may also sometimes be affected. The whole digestive system from mouth to anus can be affected by this disease.

Microscopic Colitis

The inflammation caused by this disease can be detected by a microscope only.

In all these types of IBDs, patients may suffer from diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and many more things.

Symptoms of IBD

The symptoms of IBD depend on the severity of inflammation and the place in the intestine where it occurs. People may not be affected due to mild symptoms but if they are severe, people need to see a doctor. Some of the symptoms of both of the IBDs are as follows −

  • Feeling of hunger will be reduced

  • Diarrhea

  • Stool may contain mucus or blood

  • Weight loss

Cause of IBD

Research is still going on to know the exact cause of IBD. One of the causes of IBD can be the malfunctioning of the immune system. This can happen because the digestive system may be affected when the immune system fights with foreign particles like viruses and bacteria. Other reasons can be gene mutations and heredity.

Complications caused due to IBD

IBD can lead to different types of complications and some of them are discussed here.

Colon Cancer

Most of the part of the colon can be damaged due to all types of IBDs and this can lead to colon cancer. If the cancer is detected, a colonoscopy is conducted at regular intervals.

Inflammation in different parts of the body

Skin, eyes, and joint inflammation can occur due to IBD. IBD may lead to arthritis, skin infections, and inflammation in the eyes.

Side effects of IBD medication

IBD medication can lead to different types of side effects which can lead to infections. The medication can lead to different types of cancers. Other problems can include osteoporosis, high blood pressure, etc.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

This is a condition in which scarring occurs in the bile ducts and the flow of bile is restricted. This condition can damage the liver if not treated.

Blood Clots

IBD can also lead to blood clots which can reach the lungs and block the blood flow. This condition is known as PE (Pulmonary Embolism).

Other complications may include

  • Bowel obstruction

  • Malnutrition

  • Fistulas

  • Anal fissure

  • Toxic megacolon

  • Perforated colon

Diagnosis of IBD

You need to go to a healthcare provider for the diagnosis of IBD. The healthcare provider will first ask you to describe your symptoms and then start all the tests. The first test will be a Complete Blood Count (CBC) and then a stool test will be conducted to know the severity of the inflammation in the intestines. Some other tests that you may have to go for are as follows −

Capsule Endoscopy

This is a device that consists of a camera which can be used to capture images while traveling through the digestive tract.


This is a test in which small and large intestines are detected for inflammation and other problems.


EUS can be expanded to Endoscopic Ultrasound. This is a test in which the digestive tract is checked for ulcers and swelling.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

This is a test in which an examination of the anus and rectum is conducted.

Imaging Scan

Imaging Scans can be conducted through CT scans or MRI. These tests are conducted to know about Abscess or inflammation.

Upper Endoscopy

This is a test in which the digestive tract is tested from the mouth to the small intestine.

Treatment of IBD

The treatment of IBD depends upon the symptoms, type, and severity. Inflammation can be controlled with the help of medications which can be found below.

Amino salicylates

It is an anti-inflammatory medicine which is taken to reduce the irritation in the intestines.


Antibiotics are taken for the treatment of infections and abscesses


This is a medicine which helps in the interruption of signals from the immune system which can lead to inflammation.

Surgical Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

People who suffer from Crohn's disease may have to go for surgery in which the diseased part is removed and a connection is made between the two ends of the healthy bowel. The bowel starts functioning as before after surgery. A few people may again develop the symptoms after ten years of surgery so they may have to go for another surgery.

Surgical Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis

About 1 in 3 people need surgery if they suffer from ulcerative colitis. The colon and rectum are removed in this surgery and the small intestine is directly connected to the anus. An ileal pouch is created to collect the stool and then the anus is used to exit it. After the removal of the colon and rectum, returning of the disease has no chance.

Difference between IBS and IBD

IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome while IBD can be expanded to Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Both of them have many differences which can be found in the table below −



It is a disease

It is a syndrome

Inflammation occurs in the intestines

No inflammation occurs in the intestines

Can be detected through scans like ultrasound

Can be detected through scans

Hospitalization may be necessary

No hospitalization is required

IBD may have IBS symptoms

IBS does not show IBD symptoms


IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and is of two types which include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease. In this disease, the digestive tract and intestines can have ulcers. People may face mild to severe symptoms and some of them are stomach pain, blood in stool, and many more. IBD should be treated at the earliest to avoid severe symptoms like colon cancer.


FAQ 1: What are the two main types of IBD?

Ans − The two main types of IBD are Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease.

FAQ 2: What are the symptoms of IBD?

Ans − The symptoms of IBD include diarrhea, stomach pain, blood in the stool, and many more.

FAQ 3: Does the treatment of IBD need surgery?

Ans − There may be a few cases in which surgery is necessary in both types of the disease. The colon and rectum are removed and the bowel is directly connected to the anus. In another surgery, the damaged portions are removed and the ends of the healthy bowel are connected.

FAQ 4: What are the complications of IBD?

Ans − The complications of IBD include colon cancer, inflammation in eyes, and joints, blood clots, and many more.

FAQ 5: How is IBD diagnosed?

Ans − Many tests are conducted to detect the symptoms of IBD. Some of these tests are −

  • Capsule Endoscopy

  • Colonoscopy

  • EUS

  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

  • Imaging Scan

  • Upper Endoscopy

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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