What is the full form of HSPDP?


Hill State People's Democratic Party (HSPDP) is a local political party in the Indian state of Meghalaya. Hoping Stone Lyngdoh and other state officials from the Khasi and Jaintia Hills districts launched the party in 1968.

The HSPDP works for more autonomy and self-determination for the state's indigenous people and focuses mostly on problems affecting the tribal community of Meghalaya.

Over the years, the HSPDP has been embroiled in a number of disputes, including claims of corruption and rivalry among party officials.

History and Evolution of HSPDP

In 1968, Hoping Stone Lyngdoh and other leaders from Meghalaya's Khasi and Jaintia Hills areas created the Hill State People's Democratic Party (HSPDP). The Congress Party's dominance in Meghalaya politics and the perception that the Indian government had marginalised the state's tribal majority led to the formation of the party.

The HSPDP first concentrated on problems affecting the tribal community, such as land rights, cultural preservation, and economic development. The party supported giving the indigenous people of the state more freedom and self-determination.

In the 1972 state elections, the HSPDP secured its first seats in the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly. The party got more actively engaged in state politics throughout the next years and participated in a number of coalition administrations in Meghalaya.

The HSPDP had internal disagreements and leadership disputes in the 1980s, which led to the creation of offshoot parties. The party nonetheless continues to be a significant political force in Meghalaya and to fight for the rights and interests of the indigenous people living there.

The Meghalaya Progressive Alliance, which the HSPDP joined up with other regional parties to create in the 2000s, was successful in establishing the state government in 2008. Hoping Stone Lyngdoh, the leader of the party, held the position of deputy chief minister in the administration.

The HSPDP has recently taken part in a number of coalition administrations in Meghalaya, including the present Meghalaya Democratic Alliance administration. The party is still involved in state politics and continues to fight for the rights and interests of the indigenous people of the state.

Ideology and Political Stance of HSPDP

The Hill State People's Democratic Party (HSPDP) is a local political organisation in Meghalaya that largely addresses problems affecting the state's indigenous populace. The values of autonomy and self-determination for the indigenous people of the state are at the heart of the party's philosophy and political position.

The HSPDP promotes increased native population participation and rights, including land rights, cultural preservation, and economic growth. The party also advocates for the advancement of regional languages and cultures in addition to the preservation of traditional tribal structures.

The HSPDP favours a decentralised type of government that gives local organisations and communities more influence. The party has advocated for more state government autonomy while criticising the centralising tendencies of the Indian government.

The HSPDP has participated in a number of coalition administrations in Meghalaya, and the coalition partners often have an impact on the party's political position. However, the party's fundamental beliefs continue to be focused on the rights and interests of the indigenous people of the state.

The HSPDP is best described as a local party dedicated to advancing indigenous people's sovereignty and self-determination and with a heavy emphasis on tribal concerns.

Electoral Performance and Current Status of HSPDP

Since its founding in 1968, the Hill State People's Democratic Party (HSPDP) has played a key role in Meghalaya politics. The party has participated in a number of coalition administrations in the state and has gained seats in a number of state assembly elections.

The HSPDP ran as a member of the coalition headed by the United Democratic Party (UDP) in the 2018 Meghalaya Legislative Assembly election and won two seats. The Congress Party and the National People's Party, the incumbent parties, won some of the party's longtime strongholds, but the party's overall result was not as strong as in prior elections.

The Meghalaya Democratic Alliance cabinet, which was established after the 2018 state elections, now includes the HSPDP as a member. Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit, the head of the party, is now Meghalaya's Deputy Chief Minister.

The HSPDP is engaged in state politics and continues to fight for the rights and interests of the indigenous people of the state. However, the party has had uneven electoral success lately, and it is up against other regional and national parties in the state.


In Meghalaya, the HSPDP has participated in a number of coalition administrations, and its leaders have held important roles in state politics. The party has a sizable support base in Meghalaya's Khasi and Jaintia Hills areas, where it has throughout the years gained a number of seats in the state legislature. Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit, a representative of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly, is the party's current leader. Over the years, the HSPDP has been embroiled in a number of disputes, including claims of corruption and rivalry among party officials. It nonetheless continues to be a significant political force in Meghalaya and to fight for the rights and interests of the indigenous people who live there.


Q1. What is the ideology of the HSPDP?

The key tenets of the HSPDP's philosophy are autonomy and self-determination for the indigenous people of the state. The party promotes increased native people participation and rights, including land rights, cultural preservation, and economic growth.

Q2. What is the HSPDP's stance on governance?

The HSPDP is in favour of a decentralised system that gives local organisations and communities more influence. The party has advocated for more state government autonomy while criticising the centralising tendencies of the Indian government.

Q3. How has the HSPDP performed in elections?

In Meghalaya, the HSPDP has won seats in a number of state assembly elections and has participated in a number of coalition administrations. The party has had a mixed record in previous elections, nevertheless.

Q4. What is the current status of the HSPDP?

Currently, the HSPDP is a member of the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance, and its leader, Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit, is also the state's deputy chief minister. The party is still involved in state politics and continues to fight for the rights and interests of the indigenous people of the state.

Updated on: 16-Nov-2023


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