What is the full form of GBPS?


GBPS stands for Gigabits Per Second. When we talk to our internet service provider that the speed of the internet is slow. It is the speed of the internet reaching your system. The speed of the internet that we receive at home or on mobile is not as high as Gbps. It is different from “GBPS” which is the abbreviation of “Giga Bytes Per Second”.

It is the speed of data transfer in a network communication channel. It is the speed of high-speed serial data transfer in disk drives, network communication channels, and Ethernet, while the “Giga Bytes Per Second” are the speed of data transfer from memory to memory drives.

Definition of Gbps

Gigabits per second (Gbps) is the unit of measuring data transmission speed over a network or medium like “SATA Drives, Ethernet Ports, Hard drives, or Network Channel”. The value of 1 Gbps is equal to 1 billion bits per second. It is also written as “Gb/s”.

  • The data transmission speed is also measured in some other units like GBPS i.e. Giga Bytes per Second which is the speed of data transfer from memory to memory or drive-to-drive speed.

  • Other units of data transmission are Kbps (Kilo bits per second) and Mbps (Megabits per second).

How is Gbps measured?

Suppose a telecom service provider uses a speed of 1 Gbps. It means you can transfer more amount of data at a high speed in less time.

The data transfer rate is calculated by the formula;





For example: Suppose in 1.5 hours the speed of data transfer is 200 bits per second. First, we have to convert time into seconds i.e.






Now convert data into bytes;



The data transfer in the above question is 131.84 KB in 1.5 hours at 200 bps speed.

Applications of Gbps

The Gbps is the speed of data transmission in a network. It defines how earlier we receive the data from sender to receiver.

The uses of Gbps are as follows;

  • A gigabit Ethernet gives a speed of approx 1Gbps.

  • It is the speed of home internet that we receive, which ranges between 1 Mbps to 100 Mbps or higher.

  • A WiFi connection (802.11g) ranges from 50 to 54 Mbps.

  • In an ethernet, it ranges around 100 Mbps.

  • In a WiFi connection of (802.11n) the speed ranges around 150 Mbps, 300 Mbps, and even higher.

  • The higher the speed in Gbps the more smooth will be the data transmission and clarity.

  • If the speed is in Gbps you can open more tabs in a window and run multiple programs smoothly.

  • A good speed gives you clarity in pictures and data downloading at a higher speed.

  • In a bank, the speed of the internet is quite important as your requests for operating your account, money transfer, and other bank activities.

  • Likewise in the field of education, and offices, the speed of data transmission plays a vital role.

Comparison with other data transfer rates

The rate of data transfer is measured in different units like Gbps, GBPS, Mbps, and Kbps. These units are linked to each other by some value. Let’s see these values.

  • The 1 GBPS is equal to 1000 Mbps, or 1 billion Gbps.

  • 1 Tbps is equal to 1000 Gbps.

  • The value of 1 Mbps is equal to 1000 Kbps.

  • 1 Kbps is equal to 1000 bits per second.


Gbps is the speed of data transfer in a network. It stands for “Gigabits per second”. The speed of any network determines how smoothly you can browse data, or download it, in a network. It also defines the quality and speed of data transfer. Higher the speed higher will be the data transfer. The speed of internet we received at home is measured in Mbps ranges between 1 to 100 Mbps. One 1 Gbps is equal to 1024 Mbps.

The use of the internet and the inception of digital media has demanded high speed of data transmission for education, personal, official and industrial purposes.


Q1. Why it is important to measure bandwidth network?

Ans: The bandwidth is quite important in a network, it is the capacity of the network in wireless or wired communication. Its measure determines how many devices can connect to that network and work smoothly. A good bandwidth in a network is quite important for good speed. It is needed for messaging, video conferencing, web browsing etc.

Q2. What is TBps and how is it related to GBPS?

Ans: “Tbps” in the network stands for Terabytes per second. It is the rate of data transmission like GBPS. It is equal to 1000 GBPS or 1 trillion bytes per second. In laser technology, the speed is measured in Tbps. It is much faster than GBPS and it will soon replace the data transmission of GBPS to TBps.

Q3. What is 10 Gigabit Ethernet?

Ans: 10 Gigabit is a telecommunication technology that is used for high-speed data transfer in a network. It is used in industries, business organizations, Data Centers and studios to provide high-speed data transfer. It sends data securely and reliably. It is scalable.

Updated on: 04-Dec-2023


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