What is the full form of GAIL?

What is GAIL?

GAIL can be expanded to Gas Authority of India Limited. It is a company whose headquarters is in New Delhi and it is responsible for processing and distribution of natural gas. The business conducted by the company includes transmission and gas distribution. It deals with natural gas, liquid hydrocarbon, and liquefied petroleum gas.

History of GAIL

GAIL was established in the year 1984 and its headquarters is in New Delhi. The company was started under the Indian Companies Act 1956. The company was established by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas to promote and develop the gas sector in the country. GAIL started the transportation of natural gas from the eastern and western coast of India so that it could be easily transferred to the consumer markets in the north and south. LNG terminals were established and pipelines were also constructed along with compressor stations.

GAIL expanded its business and besides the distribution of natural gas, it also started its production. The marketing of LNG and petrochemical products was also started. GAIL has now started to present itself in the international market by making partnerships and joint ventures with similar companies present in other countries. It is also starting new businesses by introducing biofuels and renewable energy. Now GAIL has become one of the largest natural gas companies and helps in increasing the Indian economy.

Tasks performed by GAIL

GAIL performs many tasks to provide its products and services and some of them are mentioned here.

Transportation of pipeline

GAIL maintains the gas pipeline whose length is 11,000 km. This gas pipeline has been made for connecting major gas production centers so that customers can get the product easily.


GAIL deals in the production of natural gas in different blocks of India and abroad.

Distribution and marketing

GAIL is responsible for the marketing and distribution of natural gas in different parts of India. It has to fulfill the needs of the commercial and industrial customers. It also has to distribute CNG and PNG to households. CNG stands for compressed natural gas and PNG is piped natural gas.

Import and supply of liquefied natural gas

GAIL also deals with importing and supplying liquefied natural gas. There are different terminals in India which supply the liquefied natural gas.

City gas distribution

GAIL is also involved in the distribution of natural gas to industrial, commercial, and household customers.


GAIL has developed several petrochemical plants to produce and distribute petrochemicals.

Contribution to the Indian Economy

GAIL is one of the established companies in India that contributes in earning good revenue to enhance the Indian economy. The company has been established for the production and distribution of natural gas in various forms all over the country. This helps in providing fuels to the vehicles, generation of electricity, and providing power to different industries.

GAIL also provides liquefied natural gas by developing LNG terminals. It is also involved in the development of city gas distribution networks. It also has the ability to generate tax revenue which can be used to develop different social programs. Another contribution is the generation of job opportunities. There are more than 20,000 employees in the company. This job generation also helped to fill up the job vacancies in rural and urban areas.

Different technologies used by GAIL

GAIL uses different technology for the production and distribution of natural gas all over India. Let us discuss them here in detail.

Advanced Automation and Control System

Advanced automation and control system is a technology that GAIL has implemented for safety and sustainability. This technology has increased the efficiency of distribution of the natural gas.

Drones to monitor pipelines

Various issues can occur in pipelines like leakage. GAIL has started using drones to monitor the issues on the pipelines so that they can be resolved easily.

SCADA system implementation

SCADA can be expanded to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. GAIL has implemented SCADA so that remote monitoring of pipelines can be done.


GIS can be expanded to Geographic Information System. GAIL uses this technology so that the network of pipelines can be easily managed and maintained.

AI and ML

AI can be expanded to Artificial Intelligence while the full form of ML is Machine Learning. GAIL is using both these technologies to improve the operations of its pipelines.

Clean Energy Technologies

GAIL is also trying to implement renewable natural gas and biogas which will help in meeting the goals related to renewable energy usage in India.

Future of GAIL

The demand for natural gas in India is increasing because it is considered as one of the most efficient energy sources. The share of natural gas to increase the energy mix has increased due to the ambitious targets of the government. Many initiatives are being taken for the progress of the natural gas sector.

List of products and services provided by GAIL

GAIL provides a wide range of products and they are listed below −

  • Natural gas processing and distribution

  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

  • Petrochemicals

  • City gas distribution

  • Exploration and production

  • Power generation

  • Telecom

Rewards won by GAIL

Here is the list of rewards that GAIL has won for its operations and success. The awards and the year are given in the table below −

Award Year
Platts Global Energy Award 2022
Green ribbon award 2022
Excellence in Cost Management 2022
Petroleum Rajbhasha Shield Scheme 2021-22
Outstanding PSU of the Year 2011


GAIL can be expanded to Gas Authority of India Limited. It is a company whose headquarters is in New Delhi. The company deals in the production and distribution of natural gas. The gas is delivered for household, commercial, and industrial purposes. The company is using many new technologies so that management and maintenance of gas pipelines can be easily done


1. What does GAIL stand for

GAIL stands for Gas Authority of India Limited

2. In which year GAIL was established?

GAIL was established in 1984.

3. What are the tasks performed by GAIL?

The tasks performed by GAIL are as follows −

  • Transportation of pipeline

  • Production of natural gas

  • Distribution and marketing

  • Import and supply of liquefied natural gas

  • City gas distribution

  • Petrochemical production

4. What are the technologies used by GAIL

GAIL uses the following technologies −

  • Advanced Automation and Control System

  • Drones to monitor pipelines

  • SCADA system implementation

  • GIS

  • AI and ML

  • Clean Energy Technologies

5. What are the products and services provided by GAIL

The list of products and services that GAIL provides is given below −

  • Natural gas processing and distribution

  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

  • Petrochemicals

  • City gas distribution

  • Exploration and production

  • Power generation

  • Telecom

Updated on: 20-Feb-2024


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