What is the full form of FRB?


Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) was establish in 1913 under the Federal Reserve Act as the nation's central banking framework. Although the Federal Reserve Banks are autonomous, they collaborate to carry out monetary policy and offer commercial banks and the government financial administrations.

The Federal Reserve Banks are basic to the steadiness of the American financial system as well as the direction and oversight of banks. A Board of Directors and a President, both of whom are chosen by the Government Save Board, are in charge of each Federal Reserve Bank. Washington, D.C., is domestic to the Federal Reserve System's authoritative centre.

History and Establishment of Federal Reserve Banks

The Federal Reserve Act, which was passed in 1913, created the Federal Reserve Banks. In reaction to the series of banking and financial crises that afflicted the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Act was created.

A centralised bank system and a network of 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks have been established under the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Banks were intended to be quasi-public organisations, controlled by a Board of Directors and owned by member banks in the districts in which they operate.

In addition to acting as a lender of last resort during financial crises, each Federal Reserve Bank is charged with providing banking services to commercial banks within its district. The duty to be responsible for monetary policy, which includes regulating the currency flow as well as interest rates for the purpose to fulfil the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of ensuring price stability and maximising employment, was also delegated to the Federal Reserve Banks.

The Federal Reserve Banks have been important to the U.S. economy ever since they were founded, even in difficult economic times like the depression that followed and the economic downturn of 2008. The Federal Reserve Banks are still in charge of regulating U.S. monetary policy and maintaining the country's stability as an autonomous central banking system.

Functions and Responsibilities of Federal Reserve Banks

The Federal Reserve Banks carry out a range of duties and are responsible for a number of important things, such as −

  • Implementing Monetary Policy − By modifying the supply of cash and interest rates through the application of economic policy, the Federal Reserve Banks attempt to fulfil the Federal Reserve's double mandate of maintaining price stability and maximising employment.

  • Offering monetary services − The Federal Reserve Banks offer banks along with other financial institutions a variety of financial services, such as cheque processing, digital currency transmission, and the delivery of cash and coin.

  • The branches of the Federal Reserve are essential in regulating and overseeing banking and other financial institutions in order to maintain the stability and safety of the American banking system.

  • Ensuring Financial Stability − The Federal Reserve Banks keep track of and assess financial system hazards and when required, they take appropriate measures to reduce those hazards.

  • Investigation and Research − To help guide the policy of monetary easing and advance a better knowledge of the American economy, the Federal Reserve Banks carry out analysis and research on a variety of financial and economic topics.

  • Community Growth − Programmes to encourage inexpensive housing, access to credit, and growth in the economy are supported by the Federal Reserve Banks in their various regions.

Structure and Governance of the Federal Reserve System

The Governing Board of Governors, Federal Reserve Banks, and the Federal Open Market Committee, also known as the FOMC, are the three main organisations that make up the Federal Reserve System.

Seven people constitute the Board of Governors, which is based in Washington, D.C., and they are chosen by the President and approved by the US Senate. The Board of Governors is in charge of deciding on monetary policy, monitoring and controlling banks, and performing financial and economic system research.

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks are quasi-public organisations with locations in the nation's largest towns and are owned by member banks in each region. The Board of Directors for every Federal Reserve Bank is comprised of nine individuals, six of whom are appointed by member institutions in the district in which they operate and three of whom are chosen by the Board of Governors. The Executive Committee of Directors and the Board of Governors both endorse the appointment of the President of the respective Federal Reserve Bank.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is in charge of determining the country's monetary policies. The FOMC is made up of the seven Board of Governors members, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four additional Presidents of Federal Reserve Banks who alternate terms each year. The FOMC gathers multiple times year to debate the state of the economy and the financial sector and to decide on the direction of monetary policy.


In conclusion, the Federal Reserve Banks play an important function in the American economy through the implementation of monetary policy, the provision of financial services, the supervision and regulation of banks, the promotion of stability in the financial sector, the conduct of investigation and evaluation, and the support of community development programmes. With distinct lines of power and responsibility established at the national and regional levels, the organisational framework and governance of the United States Federal Reserve System are intended to guarantee the independence, transparency, and accountability of the American central banking system. In general, the Federal Reserve Banks have been essential in fostering economic expansion, stability, and financial accessibility in the United States, and they still play a crucial role in the country's financial system.


Q1. What strategies does the Federal Reserve Bank use to advance financial stability?

The Federal Reserve Bank works to maintain financial stability by monitoring, evaluating, and, as needed, taking steps to reduce systemic risks.

Q2. What kind of connection exists between member banks and the Federal Reserve Bank?

The Federal Reserve Bank offers its member institutions a variety of financial services, such as the distribution of money and coins, the processing of checks, and electronic funds transfers.

Q3. The Federal Reserve Bank accepts account openings from both individuals and companies.

No, only financial institutions and banks are permitted to open accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank.

Updated on: 21-Nov-2023


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