What is the full form of FCRC?


Fragment Cylic Reducncy Check (FCRC) is a method for checking changes and errors in the communication channel.

The error messages occur in various programs that are running in the Microsoft Operating system. An error in a file can corrupt a file or folder by extension “.pst”. It can be fixed by easy programming.

Definition of FCRC

“Fragment Cyclic Redundancy Check” is a basic Data verification method that is run by a computer to check the accuracy of data on hard disk, CD, DVD, etc. These errors arise due to corruption in the hard drive, glitches in files, cluttered disks, and unsuccessful program installation. These errors must be resolved to avoid system failure and protect data from loss.

How FCRC works

There are a few methods to check fragment cyclic data redundancy errors.

  • The error enables you to access files or data in your system.

  • “Fragment Cyclic Redundancy Check” Error in Optical disk drive, hard drive, CD, DVD etc.

  • Data error messages occur in Outlook due to the corruption of files.

How to Resolve FCRC

These errors are resolved by the following methods;

  • Use CHKDSK Utility − In this process, you have to repair the Hard drive by running the CHKDSK utility using the command prompt.

  • Another method is to run a “system file checker”. It reconstructs the window system, windows dLL files, and other protected files. In this process, the corrupt files are replaced by new files.

  • Use Data Recovery Tool − It helps in the recovery of data using recovery tools like “stellar data recovery professional”. It recovers corrupt files, unreached hard drives, lost files etc.

Applications of FCRC

“A cyclic redundancy check” is an algebraic polynomial that helps in the recovery of lost and corrupt data in your system.

  • CRC detects all types of unit-bit and double-bit errors in your system.

  • It recovers corrupts files, unreached hard drives, and lost data.

  • It detects the error that occurred during data transmission in the system.

  • It ensures efficient and error-free data detection and transmission.

  • It verifies the accuracy of the data and detects accidental changes in the system.

Advantages and disadvantages of FCRC

There are some advantages and disadvantages to every method.


  • FCRC is simple and easy to code. It can be applied in any form of execution.

  • It supports all types of operating systems and versions.

  • CRC can detect single as well as double bit- errors in your system which have at least three logical 1.

  • It can also detect broad burst errors with high possibility.

  • It can also detect odd number errors with having divisor X+1.


Although the Cyclic redundancy looks easier and more authentic mechanism, actually it is not facile as it seems.

  • The FCRC is not worthy for security purposes.

  • It does not work without recovery tools.


The fragment cyclic Redundancy check is a method based on a polynomial algorithm which finds the error or changes in any communication. It is used for identifying and decreasing transmission errors. During transmission, there is a chance of losing data. So to check whether the data sent is received properly or not. To monitor this Cyclic redundancy check whether data is received properly or not. It is also used in data storage drives. They look like normal devices but are kept in combination with tons of binary units. There are binary units that carry lots of data, and there is always a chance of data loss, this cyclic redundancy checks this loss of data and its recovery.


Q1. What are the causes of error in FCRC?

The cyclic redundancy check error is caused by scattered hard disks, registry corruption, failed installation of the program, and glitched files. These errors can be specific and any system failure. The FCRC verifies the data in the system and disk drives etc.

Q2. How many types of error detection techniques are in a computer network?

There is various error detection technique in the system but popular ones are, Single parity check, Checksum and Cyclic Redundancy Check.

  • “Cyclic error detection technique” is a method based on binary division.

  • “Checksum” is an error detection method that uses upper layer protocol to detect errors. It is more reliable than other techniques. In this process, the data is sent in small subunits of a bit length of 16.

  • “Parity Check” is an error detection technique that works in network communication. It ensures whether the communication nodes are correct or not. It works on an even and odd parity bit.

Q3. What is a cyclic redundancy check generator?

CRC generator is a polynomial algorithm presented in a bit system. The bits are obtained from the CRC generator i.e. “X7+ X6+ X4+X3+ X+1”. The CRC generators must be chosen by the same rules;

  • The CRC generator should be divisible by the value of ‘X’. This ensures the length of the burst error is equal to the length of the polynomial.

  • The second rule is it should be divisible by X+1. This ensures the detection of odd number bits.

Updated on: 28-Nov-2023


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