What is the full form of FAX ?

Introduction: What is Facsimile

Fax (short for facsimile), is a technology used to transmit scanned images or documents over a telephone line. It was invented in the 1960s and became widely used for communication and document sharing before the advent of email and other digital technologies. A fax machine scans a physical document and then transmits it to a receiving fax machine, which prints out a copy of the original document.

Fax technology has been important for businesses, particularly in the past when it was the primary means of transmitting documents quickly and securely. While fax usage has declined in recent years due to the prevalence of digital communication, it still remains a useful tool in some contexts.

Definition of Facsimile

  • A facsimile is an exact copy or reproduction of a document or image.

  • Facsimiles can be created using a variety of technologies, such as photography, lithography, and the printing press.

  • The purpose of a facsimile is to create an accurate and detailed replica of the original object or document, with the aim of preserving its content and appearance for future generations.

  • In the context of communication technology, a facsimile or fax machine is a device that scans documents and images and transmits them over a telephone line to a receiving fax machine.

  • The receiving fax machine then prints out a copy of the original document.

Facsimiles in the age of mechanical reproduction

Facsimiles have been used for centuries to reproduce important and valuable documents, particularly in the fields of art, literature, and historical preservation. With the advent of printing press technology, the creation of facsimiles became more widespread and accessible. The age of mechanical reproduction, a term coined by cultural critic Walter Benjamin, refers to the era when reproduction technologies such as photography, lithography, and printing press became widely available and affordable.

In this era, facsimile technology also advanced, allowing for the creation of accurate reproductions of rare or fragile objects. Facsimiles have been used in various contexts, such as in the reproduction of medieval manuscripts or the restoration of damaged paintings. The ability to create facsimiles of important documents and objects has allowed for wider access to cultural and historical artifacts, as well as greater opportunities for research and education.

The emergence of digital technologies has further improved the accuracy and accessibility of facsimile technology, allowing for the creation of highly detailed and precise replicas. In addition, digital facsimiles can be easily shared and distributed, increasing their potential impact and value.

Facsimiles and conservation

Facsimiles have become an essential tool in the field of conservation and preservation of important cultural and historical artifacts. Fragile or rare documents, manuscripts, and artwork require careful handling and protection from damage or loss. Facsimile technology allows for the creation of accurate and detailed replicas of these artifacts, providing researchers and the public with access to important historical and cultural materials while protecting the original objects from further deterioration.

By creating facsimiles, conservators can study the original documents without handling them directly, reducing the risk of damage or contamination. In addition, facsimiles can be used for educational purposes, providing students and scholars with a closer look at historical materials that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to access.

The creation of facsimiles also allows for the restoration and preservation of damaged or deteriorated documents, as well as the creation of backups and duplicates for security purposes. Digital facsimile technology has further improved the accuracy and accessibility of these replicas, allowing for the creation of highly detailed and precise digital reproductions that can be easily shared and distributed, increasing their potential impact and value.


In conclusion, fax technology has played an important role in document transmission and communication for several decades. Although its usage has declined with the emergence of digital communication, it still remains a useful tool for certain industries and contexts. Moreover, facsimiles have become an essential tool for conservation and preservation of important cultural and historical artifacts. As digital technologies continue to advance, the future of fax and facsimile technology remains uncertain, but its historical significance and contributions to communication and conservation will continue to be recognized.


Q1. Is fax technology still relevant in today's digital age?

Ans. While the usage of fax has declined with the widespread adoption of digital communication, it still plays an important role in certain industries and contexts. In particular, healthcare and legal sectors often rely on fax for the transmission of sensitive or confidential documents, as fax is considered more secure and compliant with certain regulatory standards.

Q2. Are facsimiles considered to be authentic?

Ans. While facsimiles are not considered to be authentic in the same way that original objects are, they are often recognized as valuable and important reproductions that serve a variety of research, educational, and conservation purposes. For example, a facsimile of a historical document may be considered to be an authentic reproduction, as it captures the original text and visual elements of the document in a faithful manner.

Q3. Can facsimiles be used to deceive people?

Ans. While facsimiles can be used to deceive people, particularly when they are created with the intent to pass them off as original objects, they are generally recognized as reproductions rather than originals. It is important for individuals and organizations to clearly label facsimiles as such and to ensure that they are not used to misrepresent the authenticity or provenance of an object.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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