What is the full form of EVM?


Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) is a machine used to electronically store, record, and count votes. It is planned to accelerate, further develop productivity, and work on the exactness of the voting cycle by supplanting ordinary paper polling forms.

A control unit and a balloting unit make up an EVM. The balloting unit is put within a voting compartment while the control unit is retained with the election official so that the voter may cast their ballot.

EVMs have been complimented for bringing down the recurrence of mistakes. They have been utilized in India, Brazil, and the Philippines.

Components of EVM

A Control Unit (CU) and a Balloting Unit (BU) are the two fundamental parts of an Electronic voting Machine (EVM). Here is a brief description of each element −

  • Control Unit (CU) − The Control Unit (CU), the EVM's brain, oversees the whole voting procedure. It regulates how the Balloting Unit operates, displays the candidates' names and symbols, and keeps track of the votes made by the electorate.

  • Balloting Unit (BU) − The part of the electronic voting machine known as the "balloting unit" (BU) is where electors cast their votes. It permits the citizen to pick their preferred competitor by showing the rundown of up-and-comers and their comparing images.

  • Battery − The EVM has an inbuilt battery that gives the machine the required electricity to function.

  • Cable − A cable connects the Control Unit with the Balloting Unit, enabling data transmission and communication between them.

  • Printer − In some circumstances, an EVM may also come with a printer that may print out a receipt or a paper record of the votes cast, which can be used for auditing and verification.

Functioning of EVM

An electronic voting machine (EVM) follows a few steps to operate. Those are as follows −

  • The Control and Balloting Units are examined to ensure they are in good functioning order and have no pre-loaded data before the voting process begins.

  • The Presiding Officer then turns on the EVM and the Control Unit.

  • The Presiding Officer hands the voter the Balloting Unit and presses the Balloting Unit button to allow them to cast their ballot within the voting compartment.

  • The voter chooses the candidate by pushing the relevant button on the Balloting Unit, which shows the candidates' list and associated symbols.

  • The Balloting Unit locks the voting machine once the voter casts their ballot, registers the vote, and prevents any more votes from being cast.

  • The Control Unit is decoupled from the Balloting Unit while casting a ballot is done, and the Control Unit gets the votes that were kept in the Balloting Unit.

  • The results of the vote-counting are then shown on the control unit.

Advantages and Disadvantages of EVM

EVM provides a lot of benefits and that is why any voting country uses this extensively. The benefits are as follows −

  • Faster and More Efficient − EVMs can automatically count the votes and deliver the results within hours of the polls closing, making them significantly quicker and more efficient than traditional paper ballots.

  • Reduces Errors and Frauds − EVMs are intended to make it more difficult to miscount votes or manipulate the results, which lowers the likelihood of mistakes and fraud.

  • Cost-effective − EVMs are more affordable in the long run because there is no longer a need to print, transport, and store paper ballots.

  • User-friendly − EVMs are intended to be simple to use and user-friendly. With instructions that are easy to understand and visual aids to guide voters through the voting process, EVM is a simple and easy machine usable for every user.

  • Time-saving − EVMs can save a lot of time since they can count votes swiftly and precisely, which shortens the time required to tabulate results.

  • Reduced Number of Spoiled Ballots − Because electronic voting machines (EVMs) give voters clear, basic instructions that assist in guarding against mistakes, they can help minimize the number of spoiled ballots.

  • Compact and Portable − EVMs are small and portable, making it simple to move them to different sites and set them up, which can aid in boosting voter turnout in rural regions.

  • Better Data Management − EVMs make saving, retrieving, and analyzing voting data easier since they make it possible to do these things easily.

EVM, though a great voting machine, also has some unavoidable faults. Those are mentioned below −

  • Defenseless Against Hacking − EVMs are vulnerable to being hacked and messed with, which could imperil the decency of the appointive cycle.

  • Lack of Transparency and Auditability − Since it is impossible to confirm the accuracy of the findings without physically inspecting the machines, EVMs lack transparency and audibility.

  • Requires Technical Expertise − EVMs need technical skills to operate and maintain them, which might be difficult in some regions with a shortage of qualified employees.

  • Accessibility − Voters with disabilities may encounter difficulties using EVMs since the devices may not be built to meet their unique requirements.


Electronic voting machines (EVMs), which offer a fast, precise, and easy-to-understand casting ballot system, have impacted how decisions are led. They have advantages over ordinary paper voting forms, like more noteworthy effectiveness, fewer misrepresentation opportunities, and better board information. To assure the validity of the voting process, privacy, security, and accessibility issues are also raised by their use.


Q1. Are EVMs reliable and safe?

Ans: EVMs are developed with security mechanisms that guard against tampering and hacking, making them safe and secure. But worries about their susceptibility to hacking or manipulation have prompted ongoing efforts to enhance their security features and procedures.

Q2. Can EVMs be verified or audited?

Ans: A manual count of the votes cast in a selection of polling places can be used to audit or verify EVMs and assist in identifying any anomalies or mistakes in the electronic count.

Q3. How are EVMs serviced and maintained?

Ans: EVM needs routine maintenance and service to keep them functioning correctly and accurately. This usually entails checking the machines both before and after an election, changing any broken parts, and, if necessary, upgrading the software and security measures.

Updated on: 04-Dec-2023


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