What is the full form of EMP?


Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) results from a secondary nuclear reaction on the absorption of nuclear gamma radiation. It is also known as Transient Electromagnetic disturbance. The sun produces high energy levels of EMP on a regular basis as solar magnetic flares.

High energy level EMP can also be generated from nuclear blasts by the emission of gamma rays which are converted into EMP in the mid−stratosphere.


  • They are high energy.

  • The frequency can be low to high.

  • It also occurs in the Sun and the other stars of a short interval.

  • They have high amplitude.

  • They affect the broad spectrum of electronic devices.

  • The waveform keeps changing.

Types of EMP

Natural EMP

  • Coronal mass ejection (CME)− It is a huge eruption from the corona of the sun of magnetised and energetic plasma.

  • Meteoric EMP− It happens when a meteoroid enters the earth's atmosphere and breaks. It can also result from the impact of a meteoroid on a spacecraft.

  • Lightning EMP− It is a form of discharge which causes a large flow of current.

  • Electrostatic discharge− When two bodies are in close contact and there is a sudden flow of energy from one charged body to the other.

Man Made EMP

  • EMP simulator can simulate the actual effects of EMP

  • RADAR and some communication systems use high−power microwave sources which generate EMPs.

  • Surges in power lines.

Effects of EMP on Electronics and Infrastructure

Effects on electronics

  • Electromagnetic interference because of EMP can damage electronic equipment and also disrupt communication.

  • Lightening ( a form of EMP) can damage physical objects such as aircraft and buildings.

  • It can cause power outages by damaging transfers and power lines.

  • Radios, mobiles and computers are more vulnerable to EMPs.

  • Some sensitive electronic components like microchips and transistors can get damaged due to high voltages and current surges induced by EMP.

Effects on Infrastructure

  • It can affect transportation systems by causing malfunctions in trains and aircraft.

  • It can affect critical infrastructure like hospitals, police stations etc.

  • It disrupts communication networks and thus hinders emergency response such as rescue and recovery operations.

Protection against EMP

  • The introduction of electromagnetic shielding uses conductive materials such as copper, steel or aluminium. These conducting materials deflect or absorb the EMP energy. Shielding can be done for individual devices and even for entire buildings.

  • Surge protection can be used to reduce the impact of EMP. It diverts the excess power away from the devices. Surge Protection can be used with electromagnetic shielding.

  • Construction of EMP−resistant infrastructure and design such as burying power lines.

  • Installation of EMP−resistant transformer.

  • Electronic components can be protected by hardening them. It makes the components less vulnerable to high voltage and current surges.

  • Personnel for the critical services responsible should do regular testing and maintenance. The personnel can also be educated on the risks and effects of EMP.


Electromagnetic pulses have various effects on electronics as well as can be used as a weapon. The impacts of EMP are concerning as many daily functions can be disrupted and EMP can also be misused for example to make EMP nuclear bombs. Fortunately, many measures are available to combat the effects of EMP. It includes electromagnetic shielding, surge protection and EMP−resistant designs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How does EMP damage the electronic equipment and how can it be helped?

Ans: EMPs are capable of damaging electronics both permanently and temporarily. It happens due to high voltage and current. It can be helped by electrical shielding as it uses some conductive materials to absorb or deflect EMP. The electronics can also be hardened to protect the devices.

Q2. Is EMP a growing concern in the modern world?

Ans: Yes, the concerns around EMP are growing. It is because it can disrupt critical systems due to high voltage and current. It can also affect transportation. Now, there is another growing concern about EMP being used in war as a nuclear EMP bomb.

Q3. What are some sources of EMP?

Ans: There are various sources of EMP from natural to military sources. Some natural sources are solar flares, lightning strikes etc. The artificial sources include EMP simulators and power outages. Lastly, military EMP which includes nuclear and non−nuclear EMP explosions.

Updated on: 29-Nov-2023


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