What is the full form of EGOM?


Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) was created by the Government of India to solve complicated or delicate matters that need the coordination and decision-making of several ministries.

The formation of an EGoM follows a specific process −

  • Identification of the issue − A policy topic or issue is identified by the government as needing particular attention and cooperation amongst various departments. This can be because of its importance, difficulty, or sensitivity.

  • Cabinet approval − The Cabinet, the highest decision-making body of the government, is presented with the idea to create an EGoM. The necessity for an EGoM is assessed by the Cabinet, which then approves its establishment.

  • Composition of the EGoM − The government names a group of senior ministers to the EGoM after it has been authorised. The group's makeup will vary depending on the nature of the problem at hand. Usually included are ministers with knowledge of or direct responsibility for the relevant areas.

  • Terms of reference − By creating the EGoM's terms of reference, the government specifies the particular goals and objectives of the organisation. This entails detailing the decision-making processes, the time frame for solving the problem, and any particular rules or restrictions.

  • Decision-making authority − The Cabinet has granted the EGoM the competence to decide on the specified problem. As a result, the EGoM's decisions are legally obligatory and may be carried out by the relevant ministries.

Role of EGOM

The Indian government established the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) as a body of top ministers to decide on certain policy matters and provide recommendations to the Cabinet. When making decisions and addressing problems that call for complex political and administrative collaboration, the EGoM is essential. The key roles and functions of the Empowered Group of Ministers include −

  • Decision-making − Policy choices that call for intermenstrual collaboration or have major ramifications must be made by the EGoM. It considers many angles, deliberates on the matter at hand, and then makes recommendations to the Cabinet for ultimate approval.

  • Policy formulation − The EGoM develops policies and strategies in fields that need particular consideration or have difficult problems. In order to provide comprehensive plans and frameworks for successful execution, it brings together pertinent ministries and stakeholders.

  • Conflict resolution − The EGoM resolves disputes and conflicts between ministries or departments on certain policy matters. By promoting conversations, negotiations, and consensus-building among the involved parties, it serves as a platform for settling issues.

  • Coordination and implementation oversight − The EGoM ensures that departments and ministries work together effectively to carry out government projects. It keeps track of how various projects and programs are doing, spots any bottlenecks, and then takes the appropriate action to speed up implementation and get the intended results.

Composition of EGOM

Depending on the particular topic or policy item being handled, the Empowered Group of Ministers' (EGoM) membership may change.

The members of the EGoM are chosen by the Indian Prime Minister based on their qualifications and applicability to the issue at hand. The EGoM typically consists of senior ministers from important departments and ministries pertinent to the specific topic. While the exact composition can differ, the EGoM usually includes the following members:

  • Chairperson − A senior minister is chosen to serve as the Chairperson of the EGoM. This person is in charge of directing talks, assisting in decision-making, and making sure the group runs well.

  • Concerned Ministers − The ministers in charge of the ministries or departments directly interested in the topic under discussion make up the EGoM. These ministers represent the interests of their respective ministries by contributing their knowledge and viewpoints.

  • External Experts − The EGoM occasionally seeks input and counsel on particular facets of a problem from outside experts, business titans, or people with specialised experience. These professionals provide their knowledge to help with well-informed decision-making.

Examples of EGOM's Work

In India, the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) has worked on several policy problems and addressed pressing concerns. Here are a few examples of the EGoM's work −

  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): − To simplify and put into effect the GST regime in India, the EGoM on GST was established. It was in charge of organising negotiations between the federal government and state governments to resolve issues with revenue sharing, tax rates, and administrative procedures. The creation of the GST framework, which finally resulted in the execution of this extensive indirect tax reform, was made possible in large part by the EGoM.

  • Telecom Spectrum Allocation − The EGoM on Telecom Spectrum Allocation was established to examine problems with spectrum price and allocation in the telecom industry. It sought to maximise spectrum utilisation, provide a fair and transparent spectrum allocation process, and increase government income. To foster efficiency and competition in the telecom sector, the EGoM provided recommendations on spectrum price, auction methods, and allocation criteria.

  • Natural Gas Pricing − For the purpose of establishing the price scheme for natural gas produced domestically, the EGoM on Natural Gas price was established. It sought to strike a balance between the needs of the government, consumers, and gas producers. In order to develop a pricing system that would promote exploration and production while guaranteeing fair prices for consumers, the EGoM thought carefully about a number of aspects, including production costs, market dynamics, and investment needs.

  • Infrastructure Projects − The EGoM has also participated in resolving issues with infrastructure projects. For instance, to address concerns about coal block allocation for electricity and other infrastructure projects, the EGoM on Coal Blocks Allocation was established. It sought to promote effective coal resource use, increase transparency, and ensure equitable distribution.


Senior ministers who have the capacity to make decisions and carry out policies pertaining to their designated areas of responsibility make up the Empowered Group of Ministers. On issues that call for collaboration and resolution among ministers, the EGoM has the authority to decide and offer direction. The organisation is often created to address a particular problem or purpose, and it is disbanded once its goals have been met.


Q1.How is the composition of the EGoM determined?

Members of the EGoM are chosen by the Indian Prime Minister based on their qualifications and applicability to the current problem. Senior ministers from important ministries typically make up the EGoM, although external experts may be invited as needed.

Q2. Can the EGoM resolve disputes between ministries?

Yes, the EGoM aids in settling disputes and conflicts between ministries or departments on particular policy matters. It serves as a forum for dialogue, bargaining, and identifying points of agreement to settle problems.

Q3. Does the EGoM handle crisis management?

The EGoM can, in fact, be quite important in managing crises or emergencies. In order to lessen the effects of the crisis and bring about a return to normalcy, it develops plans, coordinates relief efforts, and takes the appropriate steps.

Updated on: 21-Nov-2023


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