What is the full form of ECGC?

Export Credit Insurance

Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) is a sort of insurance that ensures exporters against the risks of non-payment or postponed payment by remote buyers for products and administrations exported.

It covers commercial and political dangers such as bankruptcy, insolvency, currency fluctuations, and political instability which will affect payment from remote buyers. Export credit insurance enables exporters to grow their universal business by offering them a means to manage their risks and secure instalment for their exports.

It also gives financial institutions with greater confidence to loan to exporters by relieving their credit risks. Trade credit protection is ordinarily advertised by government-backed offices, such as Export Credit and Ensure Enterprise in India and the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

Export Credit Guarantee

Export credit ensure is a sort of financial support given by governments or specialised financial institutions to protect exporters against the dangers of non-payment or delayed instalment by remote buyers. The ensure covers commercial and political dangers, such as insolvency, bankruptcy, currency fluctuations, and political precariousness which will influence instalment from outside buyers.

Export credit enables exporters to grow their trade without worrying about the risks of non-payment and gives them financial security. It also permits financial institutions to lend to exporters more effectively, as they can moderate their credit dangers. Export credit ensure is regularly given by government-backed offices, such as the Export Credit and Ensure Organization in India and the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

Export Finance

Export finance refers to the financing options accessible to exporters to support their universal commerce exercises. The Send out fund includes different financial products and services such as trade credit, working capital finance, and trade finance facilities.

Export finance is fundamental for exporters to manage the risks included in universal trade and to secure instalment for their exports. It also empowers exporters to get financing for the generation of goods and services to be exported, purchase of raw materials and inputs, and to back the development of their commerce.

Export funds are ordinarily given by banks, financial institutions, and government- backed offices, and may include various financing schemes such as letters of credit, guarantees, and protections. Export finance can be a complex handle, and it is essential for exporters to work closely with financial specialists to decide the leading financing alternatives for their needs.

Risk Management

Risk management is a critical function for the Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) in ensuring the effective management of credit risks related with its credit insurance and trade credit secure items. ECGC's risk administration approach includes a comprehensive framework that incorporates risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and risk monitoring.

ECGC identifies credit risks by assessing various factors, such as the creditworthiness of buyers and the political and financial conditions in the buyer's nation. It assesses the risks related with each exchange and decides the appropriate level of cover required to relieve those risks. ECGC conducts regular reviews of its risk management approaches and methods to guarantee that they remain up-to-date and effective.

To mitigate credit risks, ECGC offers different credit protections and trade credit ensure items, including pre-shipment credit, post-shipment credit, and buyer's credit. These items give financial support to Indian exporters and ensure them against non-payment or postponed payment by foreign buyers.

ECGC also monitors its credit insurance and export credit guarantee products to ensure that they stay effective in managing credit risks. It conducts standard surveys of its safety net provider exchanges to recognize potential risks and to take fitting action to mitigate them.


In conclusion, the Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) plays a critical role in supporting Indian exporters by giving credit insurance and export credit insurance. ECGC's essential objective is to minimise the risks involved in worldwide trade, including non-payment or delayed payment by remote buyers due to commercial or political reasons. ECGC's credit insurance and export credit guarantees empower Indian exporters to expand their trade by advertising them a means to manage their risks and secure payment for their trades.


Q1. When was the ECGC founded?

Ans: The ECGC was founded in 1957.

Q2. What is the primary goal of ECGC?

Ans: The primary goal of ECGC is to encourage Indian exports by giving Indian exporters and banks access to credit insurance and guarantee facilities.

Q3. How does the ECGC assist exporters?

Ans: The ECGC supports exporters by offering credit insurance and guarantees that shield them from the possibility of non-payment by international clients.

Updated on: 29-Nov-2023


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