What is the full form of DEAF?

Introduction to DEAF

Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (DEAF) is referred to as the scheme that was formed by the Reserve Bank of India in 2014.

When the goal of the assumed process is actually required by the bank, the campaign attracted depositor attention on it. In order to process bank regulations, the amendment legislation creates a fund component in its authorization.

In education, where work is done to raise public knowledge of the following issues, it has been steadfastly maintained. This fund has specifically demanded that it be paid back for the money that was deposited in order to open a deposit account, where work is being done to speed up the fund's operations.

Purpose of DEAF

In order to increase public understanding of deaf issues, people, and culture, this month has been declared Deaf Awareness Month. The week aims to promote deafness awareness, foster social inclusion, and raise awareness of the different organizations that offer services to the deaf community.

Establishment of DEAF

The evolution of deaf communities and culture over time, as well as the experiences and education of deaf people. The history of deaf people has been written as an account of deaf people's education, as a story of deaf people's daily lives, and as a part of deaf people's communities. The responses of those without a physical distinction to those around them, evolving notions of what is normal, and the presence of a community of individuals who build lives based on an entirely distinct sensory universe from those around them are some of the key themes of disability-related scholarship that are expressed in this history.

Deaf communities have developed over the years in many different parts of the world, especially in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

The development of Deaf culture was greatly aided by the founding of schools for the Deaf throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. These institutions, which were frequently started by religious groups, gave Deaf people a place to gather, gain knowledge from one another, and interact. These institutions developed become significant hubs of Deaf culture over time, promoting the growth of sign languages, the arts, and various other forms of culture.

Utilization of DEAF funds

Deposits that stay unused in a bank for ten years are transferred to the Reserve Bank of India's Depositor Education and Awareness Fund.

The protection of depositors is a top priority for RBI, hence it has implemented a number of steps to make sure that older deposits do not go undeclared and that any current unclaimed deposits are returned to their proper holders or recipients after following the appropriate processes. On their websites, banks list all of the lost deposits, which is the second aspect.

The RBI has made the decision to create a website to enable searches across different banks for potential unexplained accounts according to inputs from users in order to enhance and expand the access of depositors and beneficiaries to such data.

Fortunately, the account owners or their descendants can still get the full amount back once these remaining funds are given to the DEAF. Banks will demand that they follow certain obligatory procedures in order to confirm both their personal information and the validity of their claims.

The DEAF form must be obtained in person at the relevant bank branch by the holders or their legal representatives, or it may be downloaded from the bank's website. However, heirs are required to deliver the form and the death certificate of the principal account holder to the bank. descendants can turn their lost account into an ordinary account and enable transaction privileges once the bank has approved the details.

A depositor who has an unsettled sum or a fixed deposit in DEAF may occasionally request that the bank return the money plus interest. In the event that interest is applied to those accounts, the banks will probably cooperate. Following the start of these processes, the bank might submit a request for a refund from the DEAF to cover the sum owed to their client.


The committee is in charge of ensuring that the DEAF scheme's work is carried out safely, and RBI is tasked with resolving any conflicts that may arise in order to keep the work moving forward. If the rules and regulations of the plan required any changes, only RBI can make the necessary amendments with the proper announcement in the government.


Q1. What is the sum that has to be credited to the fund?

Ans: The credit balance in any bank deposit account that has not been used for ten years or more, or any amount of money that has gone unused for ten years or more, shall be the amount to be credited to the Fund.

Q2. Can the Deaf receive the whole amount through a bank transfer?

Ans: Including the interest that had accumulated that the bank would have been expected to reimburse to the client or depositor as of the transfer date to the Fund, a bank was required to transfer the entire amount to the DEAF as instructed.

Q3. What do Deaf and Hard of Hearing People do?

Ans: The community of the deaf and hard of hearing is diverse. There are differences in how someone becomes deaf or hard of hearing, their hearing ability, their age of beginning, their level of education, their communication style, and their sense of culture.

Updated on: 24-Nov-2023


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