What is the full form of CRPF?


Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is the largest Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) in India. It was established in 1939 as the Crown Representative's Police and changed its name to the Central Reserve Police Force in 1949 after gaining autonomy.

The CRPF's major duty is to support and help the State/Union Territory Police in maintaining law and order, conducting counterinsurgency processes, and battling terrorism. Also, it is utilized for a number of errands, including decision work, VIP security, disaster management, and the assurance of basic foundation.

The CRPF is one of the foremost eminent and powerful paramilitary groups in the whole globe, with a drive of over 300,000 members.

Roles and Responsibilities of CRPF

The following are some of the main duties and roles of CRPF −

  • Assisting in the upkeep of law and order in the states and Union Territories

  • Ensuring the security of important installations and key areas

  • Carrying out anti-terrorism and counter-insurgency actions

  • Aiding the neighbourhood police to keep the peace during riots and disturbances

  • Securing elections and other significant occasions.

  • aiding in disaster management and rescue activities for other security forces

  • Protection and VIP security for prominent individuals and foreign dignitaries

  • Carrying out special missions, such as reconnaissance and intelligence collection

  • State police and other security forces should receive training and capacity building.

Organizational Structure of CRPF

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is hierarchical organizationally. Special DGs and Additional DGs provide assistance to the Director-General (DG), who is responsible for managing the force. The DG is responsible for overseeing the force's deployment, training, and operations.

A number of Inspector Generals (IGs), who answer to the Director General (DG), are in charge of overseeing the operational and administrative operations of various zones, sectors, and groupings. The Inspectors General (IGs) are supported by the Deputy Inspectors General (DIGs), who are in charge of a number of ranges and battalions.

The CRPF has battalions, companies, and platoons as its operational units. The commandants of the battalions are in charge of the organisation, instruction, and welfare of their own battalions. Assistant Commandants lead the platoons, while Deputy Commandants oversee the companies.

Additionally, the CRPF has a medical division that offers healthcare to its members and their families. A medical officer leads the medical branch, with help from additional medical personnel.

Achievements and Contributions of CRPF

Here are some of the achievements of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) −




Played a major role in the Indo-Pak war


Assisted the Indian Army in the Bangladesh Liberation War


created the COBRA, a specialised unit to fight terrorism and naxalism.


Played a crucial role in the Kargil War


Served with distinction and was awarded the President's


executing effective counterterrorism operations in Mumbai


deployed for security purposes during the Delhi Commonwealth Games


actively participated in implementing COVID-19 lockdown measures

Here are some of the CRPF's greatest contributions −

  • Internal Security − The CRPF has taken a driving part in protecting internal security, participating in counterinsurgency and anti-terrorism operations over the country.

  • Elections − By giving security and helping in the conduct of elections, the CRPF has essentially contributed to the country's capacity to hold free and fair elections.

  • Calamity Management − The constrain has taken part in a number of disaster management activities, including as alleviation and look and protect missions following landslides, floods, and earthquakes.

  • Foreign Missions − Individuals of the CRPF have participated in a number of UN-sponsored foreign peacekeeping missions.

  • Sports − The CRPF encompasses a dedicated sports academy that has delivered various competitors at the national and universal levels.

  • Social Initiatives − The force has moreover carried out a number of social activities, such as giving the less fortunate members of society access to healthcare and instruction.

  • Awards & Acknowledgments − For its great benefit, the CRPF has received a number of respects and acknowledgments, including the President's Police Medal for Valour and the Police Award for Commendable Service.


In conclusion, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is a pivotal paramilitary association in India that is entrusted with maintaining inside security, supporting anti-terrorist operations, and reacting to normal calamities. Since its establishing in 1939, it has extended in measure and scope and established a presence all over the country. The CRPF has made a number of essential commitments and achievements, including peacekeeping missions, fiasco administration, and maintaining law and order in emergency circumstances. Its organisational structure is built to empower productive operations. The CRPF features a key position in India's security framework thanks to its commitment to keeping up law and arrange and to giving dedicated benefit to the nation.


Q1. What position in the CRPF is the highest?

Ans: The Director General holds the highest position in the CRPF.

Q2. Does the CRPF exist outside of India?

Ans: Yes, the CRPF has taken part in a number of UN peacekeeping operations in various nations.

Q3. What function does the CRPF perform in disaster management?

Ans: By delivering rescue and relief operations during natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, etc., the CRPF plays a significant part in disaster management.

Updated on: 01-Dec-2023


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