What is the full form of CII?


Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) collaborates closely with the Indian government, industry, and other stakeholders to establish a supportive policy climate for businesses to succeed. It promotes policy adjustments and reforms to boost the ease of doing business, improve the business climate, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

Its headquarters are in New Delhi, India, where it was founded in 1895. Large, medium, and small businesses, global firms, and industry groups make up the organization's more than 9,000 members. Members of this group come from a range of industries, including manufacturing, services, and infrastructure.

Objectives and Mission

The primary goals of CII are to −

  • Recognize and enhance the contribution of industry to the nation's economic growth.

  • Serve as a catalyst for the expansion and advancement of the Indian industry.

  • Strengthen industry's dedication to the community.

  • Strive for Indian industry globalisation and economic integration.

  • Provide the government and industry the most recent facts and information.

Through encouraging innovation, competitiveness, and entrepreneurship, CII seeks to be a catalyst for the growth of a strong and sustainable Indian industry. Its other missions include promoting the development of an industry-friendly policy environment, facilitating foreign trade and investment, and raising the standard of living for Indian residents.

Services and Initiatives

Many of the programmes and services include −

  • Policy Advocacy − CII collaborates closely with the government to promote policy reforms and improvements that will foster the growth of businesses. In order to support economic growth, it offers policy recommendations to the government and advocates the interests of its constituents.

  • Developing Capacity − CII provides its members with a variety of training and capacity-building programmes to improve their abilities and understanding in fields including technology, management, and innovation.

  • Business networking − CII gives its members the chance to connect and work with other stakeholders to investigate commercial partnerships and prospects.

  • International Trade Promotion − To display Indian industry's capabilities and products to the worldwide market, CII organises trade delegations, business missions, and exhibitions to promote international trade and investment.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility − The CII encourages its members to engage in social development projects that benefit the communities in which they operate and supports ethical business practices.

Membership and Partnerships

Many of the important affiliations and partnerships include −

  • National Memberships − The CII has over 9,000 members, representing a variety of economic sectors in India, including major, medium, and small businesses, international firms, and industry groups.

  • International Memberships − CII has alliances with a number of foreign institutions, such as the World Economic Forum, the International Chamber of Commerce, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

  • Government Partnerships − To encourage economic expansion and development, CII collaborates closely with the Indian government. It works along with numerous government departments and ministries to promote legislative and regulatory changes that will help the expansion of the Indian manufacturing sector.

  • Industry Associations − The CII collaborates with a number of industry associations in India to advocate their members' interests and foster the expansion of particular economic sectors.

  • Academic Institutions − To foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and research and development, CII collaborates with academic institutions both in India and overseas.


The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is a nonprofit group that actively supports the expansion, competitiveness, and sustainability of Indian industry. The CII collaborates closely with the government, business, academic community, and other stakeholders to develop an environment that is conducive to the growth of businesses through a wide range of services, projects, memberships, and collaborations. In order to achieve its goal of promoting India's sustainable and inclusive growth, the CII uses lobbying efforts, capacity-building programs, business networking opportunities, foreign trade promotion, research and publications, and social development projects.


Q1. How does CII encourage sustainable development?

Ans: By pushing its members to adopt environmentally friendly practices and technologies and to lessen their carbon footprint, CII fosters sustainable development. Additionally, it promotes ethical corporate conduct and works to promote social development in the areas where firms operate.

Q2. How do the CII and the Indian government collaborate?

Ans: In order to promote policy reforms and adjustments that foster the expansion of Indian industry, the CII collaborates closely with the Indian government. It works with numerous government departments and ministries to support economic growth and development while contributing to policy.

Q3. How can I become a member of CII?

Ans: Visit the CII website to find out more about the organisation and how to contact its representatives if you're interested in joining or taking part in its activities and programmes.

Updated on: 29-Nov-2023


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