What is the full form of CDE?

What is CDE?

CDE stands for Complete Dental Evaluation. Dentists conduct this evaluation to check all the oral problems of your teeth and gums. After completion of the exam, the dentist may make a plan to improve the overall oral health. The dentist will let you know the ways of taking care of your oral health. The duration of the exam can go up to 30 minutes or more.

Things included in the Exam

In the dental exam, a dentist checks the oral history of your teeth and gums and then plans a long-term strategy to take care of your oral health. The exam has to be conducted after every 3 to 5 years. Let us discuss about the aspects of this exam.

Interview of the Patient

The dentist will talk to you so that he can know about your medical and dental history. You may have to take your previous records if you are not coming for the first time for a dental check-up. Your oral hygiene, diet, tooth decay, gum problems, and other things are checked to have clear information about your dental health.

Oral Examination and Cleaning

In this examination, the dentist will check tooth decay, cavities, and other dental problems. The dentist will start cleaning your teeth and gums. He will look at each tooth to know whether they require cleaning or not. He will also check whether there are chances of the development of cavities. If there are any such chances, the dentist may take preventive measures to stop tooth decay and cavities.

Diagnostic Exams

Different types of diagnostic exams are conducted for oral health. These tests include X-rays, radiographs, and many other types of images. Before taking an X-ray, a piece of plastic will be put into your mouth to protect you from radiation.

Periodontal Exam

In this exam, the condition of the gums is checked for periodontal disease. If there is any presence of such a disease, the dentist will apply preventive measures so that the health of the gums can be maintained. The health of the gums would be maintained to keep the teeth healthy.

Tooth-by-tooth Exam

This is an exam carried out by a dentist in which each of your teeth will be checked. The dentist will check your tooth for plaque and discoloration of your tooth. Other damages for each tooth will also be checked in this exam. If any repair work or filling has been done, the dentist will also check their condition.

Bite Evaluation

Bite evaluation is a test in which a dentist checks whether biting something causes pain in your teeth and gums. If you face any problem while biting and chewing something, the dentist will check other problems of your teeth and gums.

Additional Tests

Doctors may also go for additional tests which are discussed here.

Whiteness and Straightness

Dentists may check about the whiteness and straightness of your teeth. These conditions will show the health of your teeth. The dentist will check the front and back of the teeth along with in between the teeth. Plaque and tartar can accumulate where teeth become congested and brushing is not possible. The accumulation of plaque may cause bacteria and bad breath in the teeth.

Cancer Screening

A dentist also checks whether there is a development of any type of cancer in your mouth. If the detection of cancer is early, it can be easily treated and cured. If cancer is in the mouth for a long time, its treatment becomes difficult and treatment takes a long time.

How does CDE is Conducted?

In the CDE, a dentist will clean your teeth and check your gums for different problems and diseases. The steps involved in the test are discussed below.

Dental Cleaning

The first step in the dental examination is scaling in which small metal tools are used to clean plaque and tartar. Plaque is created by bacteria after eating. If you brush your teeth regularly after eating, plaque will not be created. Plaque is the reason for the cavities and tissue and bone will also be destroyed.

Plaque also results in the formation of the tartar which is a hard substance. Tartar may lead to swollen gums as it is created in the gum line. If the tartar continues to build, it can lead to tooth loss and other infections in the mouth. You need to go to a specialist dentist who can clean your tartar.


The next step conducted by the dentist is to polish your teeth. With the help of an electric toothbrush that consists of a rubber tip. A special and slightly gritty paste is used to polish the teeth.


Flossing is done after the teeth are polished.

Fluoride and Sealants

The dentist may also apply fluoride and sealants so that cavities and tooth decay can be prevented. Fluoride is available in the form of gel which is applied on the teeth. Mostly, the teeth of children are treated with fluoride.

Sealants are the thin coatings which dentists apply on those places where you chew the food. Sealants have the ability to prevent cavities for many years by keeping bacteria and food away from the grooves. Sealants can be applied to the teeth of children and adults.

Advantages of CDE

There are many advantages of CDE and some of them are available in the list below −

  • Problems related to the teeth and gums can be detected early which makes the treatment easy

  • Your teeth will be cleaned and polished and you can always keep them white

  • If you already have some dental problems, they can be managed and treated to give a long life to your teeth

  • Regular check-ups will prevent the need to go for costly procedures

  • Bad breath will be prevented


CDE stands for Complete Dental Evaluation. This is an examination in which a dentist will check all your teeth and gum problems. Your teeth will be cleaned and polished to maintain their health and whiteness. If there is any problem in your teeth or gums, the dentist will treat them to give a long life to the teeth. Dentists will clean plaque and tartar and may also take an X-ray if needed. He will also look for the symptoms of oral cancer.


FAQ 1: Why CDE is necessary?

Ans − CDE is necessary as it helps in detecting the teeth and gum problems at an early stage and can be treated at the earliest.

FAQ 2: Who cleans the tartar?

Ans − Tartar should be cleaned by a specialist dentist as it is a hard substance and is difficult to clean.

FAQ 3: Why do plaque and tartar accumulate in the teeth?

Ans − Tartar and plaque accumulate in the teeth because they are not cleaned properly after eating.

FAQ 4: How the teeth are polished?

Ans − Teeth are polished with the help of an electric brush in which a rubber is attached at the tip.

FAQ 5: What is the task of the sealants?

Ans − Sealants are applied on the chewing areas of the teeth. They help to prevent cavities for a long time and keep the teeth healthy.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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