What is the full form of BPD?

What is BPD?

BPD can be expanded to Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a mental illness in which the patient suffers from mood swings which can go up to extreme points. They are unable to maintain relationships as controlling emotions is difficult for them. Such patients should be taken care of as they have the tendency of harming themselves and they may also try to commit suicide.

People having this disorder belong to Cluster B personality disorders which consist of dramatic and irritating behaviour. There are many people who suffer from this disorder but are unaware of it. It is common among teens as they are in the age of developing their personalities.

Symptoms of BPD

BPD can have many symptoms which can decrease with time and fully go away. Some of them are discussed here.

Fear of being alone and abandoned

People who suffer from this disorder have a fear of being abandoned. This feeling grows their anger and fear may also get intensified. They try to take a chance of stopping their loved ones from leaving.

Relationships are not stable

People who suffer from BPD are unable to maintain healthy relationships. This happens because of sudden mood changes and changes in the views regarding others. Their relationship with their family, friends, colleagues, etc. is unstable.


People suffering from BPD always have a guilty feeling. They feel that they are bad and are ashamed of themselves. They can make sudden changes to their opinions and goals.

The mood is rapidly changed

People may have sudden mood changes. Sometimes they may be in a good mood and other times they may get angry and change their views about different persons. Their anger, fear, anxiety, etc. may also get uncontrolled. The mood swings can end up within a few hours to a few days.

Dangerous behaviour

BPD patients may sometimes show unusual and dangerous behavior like rash driving, gambling, arguing, fighting, etc.

Suicidal behaviour

BPD patients may also have the tendency of committing suicide. They may try to cut their skin or burn themselves This may happen if they have a feeling that they are abandoned.

Causes of BPD

There are many reasons due to which people become BPD patients. Some of these causes are discussed below.

Child abuse and trauma

Sexual, physical, and emotional abuse is one of the major causes that people suffer from BPD. In their childhood. This can happen if the parents treat their children harshly, children are physically abused at home or school, the death of a loved one, separation from parents, and many more.


Another reason that people suffer from BPD is Genetics. Studies show that BPD may run in families and the new generations may develop this disorder.

Changes in brain

The brains of some people may not work properly and are unable to control emotions and behavior. This is another reason for having BPD.

Diagnosis of BPD

BPD starts developing from childhood and continues to adulthood. Healthcare providers cannot detect BPD until a person reaches the age of 18. People at the age of 18 years or below may be diagnosed with BPD if symptoms appear continuously for a year. BPD is a disorder which cannot be diagnosed easily.

There are conditions when such people suffer from depression due to various reasons like the death of a loved one, broken relationships, failure in examination, physical abuse, etc. This disorder can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist. BPD can be diagnosed by asking various questions related to family history, mental health conditions, work history, etc.

Treatment of BPD

Treatment of BPD is a difficult task. People having less severe symptoms can easily get cured but patients with severe symptoms take a long time to get cured. Time, commitment, and patience are required for the treatment of such persons. Talk therapy or psychotherapy along with medications are the best solution to cure the disorder. Patients may also have to stay in the hospital for a short time. This stay will be done if there are chances that patients may act aggressively and may harm themselves or other persons.

Psychotherapy Treatment

BPD can be treated with the help of Psychotherapy treatment. This treatment is also known as talk therapy. The aim of this treatment is to know about the fears and motivations of a patient. This therapy is of different types.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

This is a therapy in which patients are convinced to accept the reality of their lives. The health providers will also help people to change their lives by teaching them different kinds of skills. People will also be able to retain their relationships and their self-destructive behavior will start diminishing.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This is a therapy in which a psychiatrist closely will determine the behavior of a patient. He will also take care of the emotions and thoughts. The psychologist will let the patient know about his or her behavior and tell about thoughts which affect their actions.

Group Therapy

This is a therapy where a group of people have to meet for a discussion of their problems in front of a psychologist. BPD people can meet and communicate with other people with positive minds.


There are no specific medicines for BPD but for a few symptoms, doctors may provide some medication. These symptoms can be anxiety, depression, mood swings, etc.

Difference between Bipolar Disorder and BPD

Bipolar Disorder and BPD both are associated with mood shifts but bipolar disorder is a mood disorder while BPD is a personality disorder. Let’s know more differences between the two.

Bipolar Disorder BPD
Mood swings go up to extreme points Mood changes rapidly
Mood change can last for a week or even more Mood change last within hours or days
The patient may feel restlessness Patients may have emotional issues
Different types of thoughts occur Fear of abandonment
Need to sleep is reduced Anger issues


BPD can be expanded to Borderline Personality Disorder in which patients suffer from mood swings, unstable relationships, and many other problems. Diagnosis of BPD is difficult and it can be cured with the help of medication and talk therapy.


1: What does BPD stand for?

BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder.

2: Is the diagnosis of BPD is easy?

No! diagnosis of BPD is not easy as it develops from childhood and goes up to adulthood

3: Can BPD lead to death?

No! BPD cannot lead to death but patients may have thoughts of committing suicide.

4: Can BPD be cured?

Yes! BPD can be cured through medication and talk therapy.

5: Can patients become aggressive?

Yes! Patients can get aggressive and may harm themselves or others.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2024


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