What is the full form of BP?

Full form of BP

Blood Pressure (BP) is the force the heart exerts to pump blood throughout the body. Blood pressure is directly correlated with the heartbeat's force and pace and the artery walls' diameter and flexibility. The unit measuring blood pressure is millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

In medical terms, BP stands for blood pressure. Systolic pressure (the force exerted by the heart as it expels blood out of the system ) and diastolic pressure (the lowest arterial pressure when the heart is in a state of rest) are collectively used to measure blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure in adults should be less than 120 mm Hg, and their diastolic blood pressure should be less than 80 mm Hg, the normal reading range should be 120/80 mm Hg

High blood pressure

Blood pressure that is higher than the normal range is referred to as high blood pressure or hypertension. Depending on the activities that we perform, there is a variation in blood pressure throughout the day. A long-term increase in blood pressure can slowly but dramatically impair health. A blood pressure reading greater than 180/120 mm Hg is a sign of a medical emergency and needs immediate treatment. High blood pressure raises the danger of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other major health issues if left untreated. Those who have frequent complaints of high blood pressure should monitor their BP regularly.


Sometimes those who have high blood pressure may not experience any symptoms and are not aware of the condition. High blood pressure can interfere with the normal functioning of our system because of this, hypertension is referred to as a silent killer.

  • Chest discomfort

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Severe headaches


By making lifestyle modifications, many persons with high blood pressure can bring their readings into a normal range. A well-balanced low-sodium diet, quitting smoking, exercising, and losing weight are all-natural strategies to lower blood pressure. Some people even need medications prescribed by the doctor to keep their BP under control.


  • If either of the parents or a sibling has high blood pressure, then it is more likely to pass on to other family members

  • The blood arteries, the kidneys, and other body organs change as a result of weight gain. Frequently, these modifications raise blood pressure. Being Overweight increases the risk of heart disease and its risk factors, such as high cholesterol

  • Chewing tobacco, and smoking can raise blood pressure for a short time. Smoking tobacco damages the blood vessel walls and accelerates the artery hardening process.

  • High-stress levels might cause a rapid rise in blood pressure. Stress-related behaviors like eating more, smoking, or drinking alcohol can cause blood pressure to rise even more.

  • Renal or cardiac issues might result in high blood pressure in children. Yet, a growing number of children are developing high blood pressure as a result of poor diet.

Low blood pressure

Low BP or “hypotension” occurs when the blood pressure falls below the normal range. Blood pressure lower than “90/60 mm Hg” is considered low BP. Low blood pressure might remain unnoticed or may result in fainting and dizziness. Dehydration and other significant health problems are just a few of the factors that might result in low blood pressure. It's necessary to identify the cause of low blood pressure so that, if needed, it can be treated.


  • Fainting

  • Tiredness

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Nausea

  • Blurry vision

Short-term treatment of low blood pressure may only require changes in diet plans. In some instances, doctors might prescribe medicine to treat the condition. Adopting certain habits can improve the condition

  • Consuming extra water all day long

  • Avoiding alcohol because it can dehydrate the body

  • Wearing knee-high or waist-high compression socks

  • Before leaving the bed, move your legs to increase blood flow.

Fluctuation in blood pressure

The blood pressure will fluctuate a little bit daily. Sleep, anxiety, and workout can all have an impact. But, there can be an issue if your blood pressure frequently changes and it affects your daily routine.

Numerous conditions can lead to fluctuation in blood pressure.

  • Tension and mental stress can momentarily raise blood pressure. Excessive stress over time might harm your circulatory health and could cause lifelong blood pressure issues.

  • Diuretics and blood pressure drugs, for example, are designed to lower your blood pressure readings. Others, such as antihistamines for colds and allergies, can raise your blood pressure.


Throughout your life, it is essential to keep track of your blood pressure reading. The great news is that there are lifestyle modifications and treatments available to keep your blood pressure under control if it starts to become uncontrolled. Contact your healthcare practitioner if you have any worries or questions about your blood pressure.


Q1. What are the few factors that could impact blood pressure?

Ans: Food habits cardiovascular activity, smoking and consumption of nicotine, drug and alcohol use, and prescribed medicines are some of the factors that affect heart rate and blood pressure.

Q2. Why is it vital to monitor blood pressure?

Ans: The organs must maintain a normal blood pressure reading to function properly and to prevent any harm. Age, medical issues, and other lifestyle choices can all affect blood pressure therefore it is necessary to keep a check on blood pressure.

Q3. How low blood pressure levels can affect our system?

Ans: It has always been accepted knowledge that we should all make an effort to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Even while this is accurate, having extremely low blood pressure can be risky since it can make it difficult for the body to transport oxygen, to different organs of the body which can cause harm to the heart and brain.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2023


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