What is the full form of BMR?


Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR is a calculation of how many calories you would expend if you spent a full day at rest.

The rate at which the body uses energy to maintain necessary bodily activities while at full rest is referred to as the basal metabolic rate. The majority of these vital processes include the heart pumping, the lungs breathing in and breathing out air, the filtration process of the kidney, the formation of new cells, and maintaining a healthy body temperature. The total number of calories needed to support these essential bodily functions is calculated using a BMR calculator.

A true calculation of BMR can only be performed after a 12-hour of fasting period, a good night's sleep, and in the absence of any physical exercise or emotional excitement, as these factors can momentarily affect metabolic rate.

A better understanding of BMR

When trying to gain, lose, or maintain your present weight, it is essential to be aware of your basal metabolic rate. Knowing how much energy your body consumes while at rest allows you to assess the extent to which your regular diet supplies this energy and make necessary dietary changes to contribute to accomplishing your individual health objectives.

Typically, the energy represented by your BMR makes up around 70%-80% of the calories you burn each day to support the health of vital organs including the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, skin, and more. The remaining calories burned throughout the day are a consequence of physical activity and nutrient composition like meal digestion.

What is the metabolic age?

Your biological age is the number of years you have lived, however, your metabolic age indicates how effectively your metabolism is working in comparison to others your age.

An individual with a higher metabolic age has a lower metabolic rate compared to what would be predicted based on their age. The doctor may not routinely examine the metabolic age, and it is not used to make diagnoses. The fitness community uses it more frequently to evaluate general fitness and wellness. In some circumstances, metabolic age may be useful for tracking metabolic health and adjusting lifestyle. Yet, it is not always simple to obtain the number

How to calculate your BMR?

Direct calorimetry, indirect calorimetry, or a fast math equation can all be used to determine the BMR.

One should go to a clinic that uses direct or indirect calorimetry if you want the most precise result:

Direct Calorimetry − This is the most reliable method. It requires spending time in a calorimeter, a closely regulated space, with little to no movement. Unfortunately, it is tough to get and is exclusively employed in research contexts.

Indirect Calorimetry includes measuring the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body using an in-office instrument.

However, as the majority of individuals do not have access to these tools, researchers have created more practical approaches to determining BMR. One common method to compute it rapidly is the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation

$$\mathrm{For\: Males:10\: x \:weight\: in \:Kg +6.25 \:x \:height\: in\: cm – 5\: x\: age +5}$$

$$\mathrm{For \:Females: 10\: x\: weight\: in\: Kg +6.25 \:x \:height\: in\: cm – 5\: x\: age – 161}$$

BMR assessment Recipes

Our body needs energy even when we are sleeping to function efficiently. For instance, your body forces your cardiovascular system to circulate blood via your veins. Maybe the food you just ate is being broken down by your stomach. The Basal Metabolic Rate is a better term to describe this procedure.

Calories are also the primary parameter people consider while trying to lose weight. The BMR may be useful in this situation. The BMR improves as your muscle mass increases. Your ability to burn more calories rises as you build more muscle. And doing this will assist you in losing excess fat. You can use your BMR value as a starting point for a specific diet. Depending on your degree of activity, additional calories may be supplied.


Basal metabolic rate calculates the bare minimum of calories required for an individual to maintain their essential bodily processes while at rest. Only in a carefully supervised clinical setting, a person acquires an accurate BMR estimation

Estimates of BMR could be useful for persons who are attempting to control their weight. They can help a person determine how many calories they need to consume every day in order to reach their target weight.

Online tools and equations can provide a good approximation of BMR. On the other hand, if they want more precise results, they should go see their doctor.


Q1. Can the BMR be altered?

Ans: Despite common assumptions, the basal metabolic rate, which is mostly influenced by genetics, cannot be significantly altered by food or exercise. BMR can also be impacted by body composition; for instance, people who have greater fat mass percentages have been observed to have lower BMRs than lean equivalents.

Q2. How does aging affect a person's metabolism?

Ans: This is because as you get older, your metabolism tends to slow down, making it easier to gain and harder to shed weight. Loss of muscle, being less active, and the aging of your metabolic processes are a few causes of this. Fortunately, there are several of things you can take to counteract this decline in metabolism with age.

Q3.How can we maximize our BMR for fat loss?

Ans: The BMR is the total amount of calories you burn while at rest. Reducing your consumption by a small amount while remaining constant is the safest approach to handle a calorie reduction for fat loss. One must consume more calories per day than one needs in order to maximize your BMR for lean body mass increase.

Updated on: 24-Nov-2023


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