What is the full form of BMI?

Healthcare professionals generally use Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine the amount of fat in the body by using weight and height measurement of the individual.

A physical measurement used to evaluate how much body fat an individual has is referred to as the body mass index or BMI. The BMI or the Quetelet index was developed by the Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet in the 1800s. The BMI can be determined by dividing the body weight in kilograms (kg) by the square of the height in meters (m2). It is stated as kg/m2.

Despite the fact that BMI and body fat are frequently linked, a higher score does not always mean more body fat and BMI alone may not diagnose the condition. Medical experts assess a patient's health and risk factors using the BMI as well as other tools and tests.

High body fat is generally responsible for conditions like heart-related disease and type 2 diabetes. Low body fat can lead to nutritional deficiencies. The proper amount of body fat aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It also gives your body a source of energy, aids in regulating body temperature, and shields your organs.

The calculation method of BMI

The most important parameters on which the Body mass index of a person depends are the height and weight of the individual. It can be a wise choice to start if you're looking to understand how your body fat can impact your overall well-being.

The formula for BMI

$$\mathrm{=\frac {Weight (Kg)}{Height (m^2 )}}$$

For example: Weight = 50 Kg and Height = 1.70m

$$\mathrm{BMI =\frac{50 Kg}{1.70 m}=29.41\frac{Kg^2}{m}}$$

Importance of BMI

Body mass index is important since it's generally accepted that having a healthy BMI improves your chances of leading a happier and healthier life. For the overall population, risk assessment is done using BMI. In general terms, a person's risk of developing various diseases increases as his or her BMI rises. Unfortunately, BMI does not account for body fat distribution or make a distinction between body mass and weight. Due to this, it is not a reliable indicator of health for some groups of people, such as those with higher-than-average levels of muscle mass or those whose physique may be imbalanced for various reasons.

It is significant to remember that risk cannot be only determined by BMI. The probability of developing a disease is also influenced by a balanced lifestyle, level of exercise, as well as if their family has a history of illness. Nonetheless, those who are overweight or obese collectively have a higher chance of developing a number of ailments which include

  • Infertility in women

  • Stomach acid Reflux

  • High BP

  • Increased cholesterol level

Just like low BMI high BMI can also increase the risk of certain health conditions. If you have a low BMI consult your doctor and take the necessary measures to gain weight by making changes in food patterns

Value of BMI

A Body mass index of 18.5 to 25 is regarded normal; a BMI of 25 to 30 is considered overweight; and a BMI of greater than 30 is regarded as obese. If a person's BMI is under 18.5, they are regarded as being underweight.

The BMI range may differ in adult males and females

BMI calculations for babies are crucial for determining whether or not your child is developing normally. When health issues are discovered, the BMI can help you comprehend this and take the appropriate actions. The procedure for calculating BMI in children differs slightly. This is due to the fact that when a child grows, the weight of the baby changes progressively with time

Pregnant women's BMI will also be higher due to the added weight accompanied by Pregnancy, although this is not always due to more fat. In this situation, BMI will exaggerate body fat. Pre-pregnancy BMI and pregnancy weight increase should be used to evaluate a woman's weight and the requirement for exercise and dietary changes.

The BMI does not distinguish between different patterns of body fat. The BMI does not account for the fact that fat around the waist is more harmful than fat around the hips.


A BMI that is too high or too low shouldn't stop you from trying to improve your health, even if it is crucial to calculate your BMI and determine where you fall on the health spectrum. Age, gender, muscle mass, and bone weight all affect the reading, and modifications must be made in accordance with these factors. To stay healthy, make sure you eat a balanced diet and engage in frequent exercise.


Q1. Does BMI change with age?

Ans: BMI changes significantly as people age. A minimum BMI is reached between the ages of 4 and 6 years old. The BMI starts to decline after a year of age and continues to decline throughout the preschool years. BMI starts to gradually increase around 4 to 6 years of age and continues through puberty

Q2. Why is a healthy lifestyle more essential than body mass index?

Ans: Focusing on activities that promote health is considerably more important than worrying about your BMI if you want to become healthy, stay healthy, and improve your health. The distribution of body fat or the distinction between body fat and lean muscle cannot be determined by BMI.

Q3. What steps can be taken to lower the elevated BMI level?

Ans: A healthy Body mass index can be achieved by making simple, better-eating choices, consuming fewer high-calorie foods and beverages, and eating food in small proportions.

Updated on: 24-Nov-2023


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