What is the full form of BMD?

A Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test measures the health of the bones. All throughout your life, bones are being created and destroyed. The bone deterioration rate may outpace the bone production rate as you age. Osteoporosis, a condition caused by porous, weak, and porous bones, can result from this loss in bone density. Even a small fall can result in a bone fracture if you have weak bones. Your bone's strength is evaluated by BMD.

Methods of performing BMD

To determine the density and mineral content of the bone, a bone density test is used. The hip or spine's bone density can be assessed using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a specialized CT scan that employs computer software. The DEXA scan is regarded as the "gold standard" or most precise test for a number of reasons.

  • The bone mineral density and reduced bone mass are measured by a DEXA scan, a high-precision form of X-ray. A higher risk of bone loss and fractures is indicated by a bone density that is lower than your age.

  • Soft tissue absorbs one peak, whereas bone absorbs the other. The BMD is the amount left over after subtracting the amount of soft tissue absorption from the overall quantity.

The healthcare professional might use this measurement to determine whether bone mass has decreased. In this disease, bones are more brittle and likely to fracture or break more easily.

Osteopenia and osteoporosis are mostly diagnosed with a bone density test. Your risk of fracture in the future is also estimated using it. Typically, the spine, lower arm, and hip bones are the sites of the testing technique to assess bone density. One of the two bones in the lower arm, the radius, and the wrist, fingers, or heel may be checked during portable testing, however, because only one bone site is examined, this type of testing is less accurate than nonportable procedures.

Typical X-rays could reveal weaker bones. But when bone fragility is visible on routine X-rays, it can be too late to be treated. At an early stage when treatment may be helpful, bone densitometry testing can detect declining bone density and strength.

Why is the BMD examination carried out?

The main purpose of a bone density test is to look for osteoporosis (weak, thin bones) and osteopenia (reduced bone strength) so that these conditions can be treated as soon as necessary. Bone fractures can be prevented with early treatment. Osteoporosis-related fractured bone problems are frequently severe, particularly among older people. Osteoporosis can be cured or prevented from getting worse by early diagnosis and initiation of treatment

When does the doctor suggest the BMD test?

If the test is necessary, you should discuss it with your doctor. If you fit any of the following criteria, they might advise you −

  • A woman who is at least 65 years old.

  • A postmenopausal female who is 50 or older.

  • A woman who has previously had menopause is under 65 and has additional factors that increase her risk of osteoporosis.

  • A male above 50 with additional risk factors.

  • If your posture has become more twisted.

  • You experience back pain for no apparent reason.

  • Reduced height − Osteoporosis is one of the main causes of spinal compression fractures, which can occur in those who have lost a minimum of 1.5 inches -1.6 inches of height.

  • Used certain medicines − Prednisone and other steroid drugs should not be used long-term because they interfere with bone regrowth, which can cause fragility.

  • Amounts of hormones dropped − In addition to the dip in hormones that naturally happens after menopause, estrogen levels in women can decrease as a result of several cancer treatments. Several prostate cancer therapies can decrease male testosterone levels. A reduction in sex hormone levels weakens bone.


A bone mineral density test evaluates the condition of the bones. It calculates the number of minerals, including calcium, in your bones. The risk of suffering from osteoporosis or breaking a bone depends on how much calcium you have in your system. BMD tests may also be used by medical professionals to identify osteoporosis. BMD tests are harmless, clinical procedures, so you can leave for home on the exact day of the test, and don't require any injections.


Q1. Can height be influenced by bone mineral density?

Ans: This confirms the notion that bone density affects height in addition to bone strength, which affects posture. The size of the bones may directly be impacted by bone density.

Q2. How long does it take to receive a BMD test result?

Ans: The usual timeframe for BMD test results is one to two weeks.

A radiologist decodes your imaging scans following the examination. Your primary care physician or the referral practitioner receives the results from the radiologist. The test results are discussed with you by your primary care physician or the person who recommended you.

Q3. Does poor bone mineral density signal eventual death?

Ans: BMD is a standard way to estimate the risk of fragility fractures and assesses the quantity of bone. Low BMD also demonstrated a strong correlation with cardiac complications and death in an older group. The majority of cardiac diseases and deaths in people with inadequate BMD were independent of fractures.

Updated on: 24-Nov-2023


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