What is the full form of BINAC?

Overview of BINAC

BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) was one of the earliest electronic computers, developed in the United States in the late 1940s.

Before Remington Rand Corp. bought it, Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation solely made the binary automatic computer. Two different central processing units that operated independently were present in the computer. Its own 16-channel, 512-word acoustic mercury delay line memory was available to each.

Using 31 bits per word, each channel could store 32 words. Moreover, it employed 700 vacuum tubes or such. Around 4.25 MHz was the matching clock frequency. The computer could only be manually updated with fresh data or programs using an eight-key keypad. The Binary Automatic Computer had no storage for decimal digits or letters but could do high-speed arithmetic on binary values.

Technical Specifications

Its technical specifications are as follows −

  • Processing speed − The BINAC had a clock pulse of 10 microseconds and could conduct around 3000 additions per second.

  • Memory − The magnetic drum memory of the BINAC included 512 words, each of which contained 31 bits.

  • Processing unit − The addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations on BINAC were handled by a binary serial arithmetic unit.

  • Input/output − Paper tape readers and paper tape punches were available on BINAC for input and output, respectively.

  • Programming − A fusion of machine language and assembly language was used to create the BINAC. Paper tape was used to store programs.

  • Power Usage − BINAC used approximately 25 kilowatts of power.

  • Physical size − In terms of dimensions, BINAC was a huge device that was roughly 20 feet in length, 8 feet in height, and 2 feet broad.

  • Weight − BINAC was nearly 3,000 pounds in weight.

  • Architecture − BINAC used a von Neumann architecture, where data and instructions were kept in the same memory.

Overall, BINAC was a huge step forward in the advancement of electronic computers, and its technical specifications show how far the field has come since its foundation.

Significance of BINAC

It is significant in the following key ways −

  • Early advancements in computing − BINAC was one of the earliest machines to process data using binary digits (bits), and it pioneered many of the fundamental ideas that succeeding machines would build upon. Moreover, it was the first computer to store data on magnetic tape.

  • Technology advancements − The creation of BINAC pushed the limits of what was then achievable with electronic technology. In order to minimize overheating, it needed a special air-conditioned room and utilized over 700 vacuum tubes, which were a cutting-edge technology in the 1940s.

  • Military Applications − Ballistic missile trajectory calculations were performed using the BINAC computer program, which was created for the US military and notably the US Air forces. Its creation and application during the Cold War were crucial for the US military.

Although BINAC did not achieve commercial success, it prepared the path for other computers, such as the UNIVAC I, the first commercial computer, and the IBM 701, the first large-scale research computer. These later computers developed and enhanced many of the ideas and innovations introduced by BINAC.

Limitations of BINAC

Some of the limitations of BINAC include −

  • Limited memory − BINAC had a very limited amount of memory, with only 512 31-bit words of storage.

  • Limited speed − It had a clock speed of 5 kHz, meaning it could execute only a few thousand instructions per second.

  • Limited programming capabilities − BINAC used machine language, which meant that programming was tedious and time-consuming.

  • Limited usability − Its limited memory and programming capabilities made it difficult to use for tasks outside of its specific domain.

Legacy of BINAC

Although BINAC had many limitations and drawbacks compared to modern computers, its legacy is still felt in several ways −

  • BINAC was primarily used for scientific research and engineering calculations. Its ability to quickly perform complex calculations helped advance research in physics, mathematics, and engineering.

  • Although programming BINAC was a tedious and time-consuming process, it helped establish many of the fundamental concepts of programming that are still in use today. These concepts include the use of binary code and the concept of a stored program.

  • Despite its limitations, BINAC was a key step in the evolution of computing technology. It inspired further innovation and development, creating more powerful and capable computers that have transformed how we live and work today.


BINAC's use of electronic components paved the way for the development of more advanced electronic computers that followed. Its ability to quickly perform complex calculations helped advance research in physics, mathematics, and engineering. It also helped establish many of the fundamental concepts of programming that are still in use today.

While BINAC may seem primitive by today's standards, it was a critical step in the evolution of computing technology. It played an important role in shaping the world we live in today.


Q1. How did BINAC pave the way for the development of more advanced computers?

Ans: BINAC introduced the concept of a stored program, which is a program that is stored in memory and can be retrieved and executed as needed. This concept allowed for more flexible and efficient programming. BINAC used binary code to represent data and instructions, which is still the basis of modern computer programming. This allowed for more efficient processing and storage of information.

Q2. How did BINAC inspire further innovation and development in computing technology?

Ans: BINAC introduced the concept of a stored program, which allowed for more flexible and efficient programming. This led to the development of high-level programming languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL, and BASIC, which are still in use today. BINAC's ability to perform complex calculations quickly allowed for new applications of computing technology in fields such as scientific research, engineering, and business. This inspired the further development of software applications for various fields and industries.

Q3. What is the purpose of BINAC?

Ans: The purpose of BINAC, or the Binary Automatic Computer, was to perform high-speed calculations more efficiently than was possible with earlier computers. BINAC was designed to advance the field of computing technology and provide a powerful tool for solving complex problems in a variety of fields.

Updated on: 24-Nov-2023


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