What is the full form of BHP?

Definition of BHP

Brake Horse Power (BHP) is a measure of the energy a motor yields, uninfluenced by energy losses because of rubbing or additional elements. It is, as it were the intensity furnished by an engine to the yield pivot and, in that capacity, measured on a dynamometer, contemplating just friction misfortunes during processes. BHP is necessary for evaluating motor execution, especially concerning vehicles, generally estimated in torque (hp) or kilowatts (kW). It has significant informative content while deciding the motors.

Difference between BHP and HP

This chart outlines the primary distinctions between Brake Horse Power (BHP) and Horsepower (HP).

Brake Horse Power (BHP)

Horsepower (HP)


Power is transmitted to the output shaft after factoring in only the amount necessary to counteract frictional resistances.

The measurement for work rate output, equal to 745.7 watts, is called a unit of power.


By observing its energy output using a dynamometer and factoring in the need to counter friction, the power can be ascertained.

Measured by an engine dynamometer, taking into account all the power losses in the engine, such as friction, heat, and exhaust.


Commonly used to measure the performance of engines, especially in the automotive industry.

Widely used in various fields to express power, such as electrical motors, turbines, and other machinery.


Expressed in horsepower (hp) or kilowatts (kW).

Expressed in horsepower (hp) or kilowatts (kW).


A crucial metric for determining the engine's capacity, efficiency, and overall performance.

A general metric for expressing power and comparing different machines' performance.

In essence, BHP represents the quantum of energy discharged by a motor to the drive rotor, while HP is proffered as a standardized unit that denotes the rapidity at which work is accomplished. BHP stands out as a precise and intricate gauge in the automotive industry that is utilized to assess the motor's potency.

Calculation of BHP

The intricate process of computing Brake Horse Power (BHP) involves an assessment of the torque and rotational speed of an engine, which is then translated into horsepower. The formula for deriving BHP is a complex mathematical expression, represented as follows −

$$\mathrm {BER = \frac{(2πNT)}{ 33,000}}$$

Herein, the variable 'N' denotes the engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM), 'T' represents the engine torque in pound-feet (lb-ft), 'π' symbolizes the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.14159), and '33,000' denotes a constant that converts units from foot-pounds per minute to horsepower.

Importance of BHP

Brake Horse Power (BHP) is an essential metric used in the automotive industry to measure the engine's power output and overall performance. Here are some of the key reasons why BHP is important −

  • Engine performance − The measure of BHP is extremely important when evaluating an engine's performance because it reflects the genuine power produced by the engine, excluding the power needed to overcome frictional resistance. A greater BHP is usually indicative of a stronger engine, which can lead to improved acceleration and overall performance. It is essential to consider BHP when assessing an engine's capabilities.

  • Vehicle selection − When choosing a car, buyers often consider the BHP as an important factor in their decision-making process. A car model with higher BHP is generally perceived to have better performance, which can sway the buyer towards choosing it over other models. It is therefore a significant consideration in the car-buying process.

  • Racing − In the world of motorsports, BHP plays a crucial role in determining the engine's performance and power output. Racing teams frequently tweak their engines to boost BHP, which can provide their vehicle with a competitive advantage over rivals. It is a crucial metric that cannot be overlooked.

  • Engineering − In the field of engineering, BHP is utilized for the purpose of creating and enhancing engines that have improved efficiency and greater power capabilities. It is a vital measure in maximizing an engine's fuel economy and overall performance.

BHP and environmental impact

Brake Horse Power (BHP) is a unit of measurement that determines the power output of an engine, but it does not directly indicate the environmental consequences of a vehicle. However, vehicles with higher BHP generally have larger engines that consume more fuel and generate more emissions than smaller engines. This higher fuel consumption contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change and air pollution. Additionally, high BHP vehicles may be less fuel-efficient, requiring more frequent refueling and increasing the overall carbon footprint. However, it should be noted that the environmental impact of a vehicle depends on various factors other than BHP, such as fuel type, vehicle weight, aerodynamics, and driving habits. Many automotive manufacturers are working on developing technologies to improve engine efficiency and reduce emissions, regardless of the engine's BHP.


The automotive industry commonly uses Brake Horse Power (BHP) to measure an engine's power output. Although BHP is a significant aspect to compare the performance of distinct vehicles, its sole consideration is not enough to determine a vehicle's overall performance. Other elements like weight, aerodynamics, and gearing have a vital role in determining a vehicle's performance. Consequently, evaluating a vehicle's capabilities requires considering multiple metrics and factors.


Q1. What is the difference between brake horsepower and horsepower (HP)?

Ans. Brake horsepower and horsepower both degree an engine's control yield, but they are measured in an unexpected way. Brake drive is measured at the engine's crankshaft, whereas horsepower is measured at the engine's yield shaft. The drive can too allude to other sorts of control, such as electrical control.

Q2. Why is it called "brake" horsepower?

Ans. The term "brake" horsepower comes from the utilization of a gadget called a "brake" that was utilized to grade an engine's control yield. The brake applies a stack to the motor, which causes it to moderate down. The sum of control required to preserve a particular speed is at that point measured and utilized to calculate the engine's brake horsepower.

Q3. What is the significance of brake horsepower in vehicle performance?

Ans. Brake horsepower is an important measure of an engine's performance because it directly relates to the amount of power that is available to propel the vehicle. A higher brake horsepower rating generally means that the vehicle will have better acceleration and higher top speed. However, other factors such as vehicle weight, gearing, and aerodynamics also play a role in overall performance.

Updated on: 03-Jan-2024


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