What is the full form of BCR ?


A Bar Code Reader (BCR) , also known as a barcode scanner, is a device that can read and decode information from a barcode. A lens, a light source, and a light sensor that converts optical signals into electrical ones make up a bar-code reader. Moreover, almost all barcode readers contain decoding hardware that examines the sensor-provided picture data of the barcode and transfers the content of the barcode to the scanner's output port.

Definition of BCR

A device that can read and decipher the data encoded in a barcode is referred to as a barcode reader or barcode scanner. Graphical representations known as barcodes are made up of parallel lines of variable widths and a list of figures or other symbols printed below the lines. A laser or other light source is used to scan the barcode, and the resulting pattern of lines and spaces is then decoded by the barcode reader.

Types of BCR Technologies

Barcode readers come in a number of different varieties, each with unique features and functionalities. These are a few examples of popular barcode reader types −

Handheld Scanners

These small, portable devices can be used to read barcodes at any angle and are held in the hand. In retail and warehouse settings, handheld scanners are often used.

Stationary scanners

Barcodes are scanned as they pass by using stationary scanners, which are installed on a pedestal or other fixed surface. In manufacturing and logistics contexts, stationary scanners are frequently used to scan objects.

Presentation scanners

These scanners are intended for usage in a retail environment, where they are set up on the counter and used to scan goods as they are put on the counter for purchase.

Industrial scanners

Industrial scanners are frequently employed in locations with a lot of dust, dirt, and other pollutants because they can resist tough environments.

2D scanners

These scanners can read and decipher 2D barcodes, which are two-dimensional barcodes that have the capacity to store more complicated and in-depth data than conventional linear barcodes.

How BCR works?

A barcode reader scans a barcode by using a laser or LED as a light source to create a pattern of light and dark lines. With barcode readers, the laser or an analogous light source is often emitted through a small window. When the barcode reader is brought close to the light source, the light source scans the barcode, creating a pattern of lines and gaps. The photoelectric sensor detects the pattern and converts it into electrical impulses before transmitting them to the decoding algorithm. The algorithm converts the signals into the data that makes up the barcode after processing them.

Applications of BCR Technology

Barcode readers have a variety of applications, such as the following −


Barcode scanners are often used in retail businesses to process transactions and maintain track of inventory. When a customer purchases something, the system automatically enters the price and other information when the cashier scans the product's barcode.

Logistics and Warehousing

Barcode scanners are used in warehouses and other logistics facilities to trace the movement of shipments and items. When a product is received, its barcode is scanned, and the information is entered into the system.


Barcode scanners are widely used in manufacturing contexts to track a product's progress through the production process. By scanning a product's barcode as it moves from one stage of production to the next, the manufacturer may keep an eye on the product's progress and ensure that it is being produced in line with the schedule.

Benefits of using BCR Technology

Using a barcode reader has various benefits, including the following −

  • Accuracy: Barcode scanners are quite exact, which lowers the chance of data entry errors.

  • Speed: Compared to manual techniques, barcode scanners read and input data significantly more quickly, which can reduce processing time and boost productivity.

  • Ease of use: Barcode scanners are simple to use and don't require any training.

  • Durability: Barcode scanners are made to be strong and able to survive repeated use.

  • Cost-effective: By eliminating the need for human data entry and the accompanying labor costs, barcode scanners can reduce expenditures.


Printed barcodes can be read by an optical scanner called a barcode reader, which then sends the decoded data to a computer. Similar to a flatbed scanner, it has a light source, a lens, and a light sensor that transform optical impulses into electrical signals. Also, almost all barcode readers feature decoder circuitry that can look over the picture data the sensor provides for the barcode and transmit its content to the scanner's output port.


Q1. Explain mobile scanners.

Ans. These wireless scanners can be used to read barcodes from a smartphone or other portable device, and they are comparable to handheld scanners in that regard. While taking inventory in a warehouse or storeroom, for example, a static scanning station is not practicable. This is where mobile scanners come in handy.

Q2. How is a barcode reader useful in healthcare?

Ans. Barcode scanners are utilised in healthcare facilities to track the flow of pharmaceutical drugs, medical aid, and other tools. For instance, a nurse might utilise a barcode scanner to ensure that the right medication is being given to a patient.

Q3. Mention a few limitations of BCR.

Ans. Barcode readers have a number of drawbacks, including −

  • If barcodes are scratched, torn, or exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, they may suffer damage or become unreadable.

  • Barcodes may not give all the required information about a product or item because of the restrictions on the amount of data they can store.

  • Barcode scanners can be pricey to buy and maintain and may need instruction to use them correctly.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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