What is the full form of BASIC ?


BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a high-level programming language that was designed to be simple and easy to learn. BASIC has been widely used in the past for personal computing and education and has influenced many other programming languages. It is still used today in some industries, although it has largely been replaced by more advanced languages such as Python, Java, and C++.

Origin and Development of BASIC

BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was created in the mid-1960s by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA. The two professors wanted to develop a programming language that would be easy for non-computer science majors to learn, as well as for their own research purposes.

The first version of BASIC was implemented on a GE-225 mainframe computer in 1964. It was an interpreted language, meaning that the computer would execute the program line by line as it was entered rather than compiling it into machine code.

BASIC quickly became popular among students and researchers, and in 1967, Kemeny and Kurtz founded a company called Dartmouth Time-Sharing to sell a version of BASIC for use on other computer systems.

Over the years, BASIC has evolved and expanded to include new features and capabilities, such as structured programming, object-oriented programming, and graphical user interfaces. Microsoft developed a version of BASIC called Visual Basic for Windows, which became popular in the 1990s as a tool for building Windows applications.

Today, while BASIC is no longer as widely used as it once was, it remains an important part of computer history and a testament to the power of simplicity in programming.

Features of BASIC

Some of the key features of BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) include −

  • Interpreted: BASIC is an interpreted language, meaning that the computer executes the program line by line as it is entered, without the need for compilation.

  • Procedural: BASIC is a procedural language, meaning that programs are written as a series of instructions that are executed in order.

  • Interactive: BASIC is an interactive language, allowing users to enter commands and see immediate results.

  • Portability: BASIC is a portable language, meaning that programs written in BASIC can be run on different computer systems with minimal modification.

  • Structured Programming: Modern versions of BASIC support structured programming, which allows for the creation of larger, more complex programs with greater ease and maintainability.

Versions of BASIC

Here are some of the most notable versions −

  • Dartmouth BASIC: The original version of BASIC, developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College in the mid-1960s.

  • GW-BASIC: A version of BASIC that was included with early versions of the MS-DOS operating system for IBM-compatible PCs.

  • QuickBASIC: A version of BASIC released by Microsoft in the 1980s, which introduced features like structured programming and user-defined types.

  • Visual Basic: A version of BASIC that was designed for creating Windows applications, and included a graphical user interface and advanced features like event-driven programming.

  • QBASIC: A version of BASIC that was included with later versions of MS-DOS, which introduced features like screen graphics and sound support.

  • PowerBASIC: A modern version of BASIC that is still in use today, with features like 32-bit and 64-bit support, object-oriented programming, and support for Windows, Linux, and other operating systems.

  • SmallBASIC: A free, open-source version of BASIC that is designed to be simple and easy to learn, with a minimal set of commands and functions.

  • DarkBASIC: A version of BASIC that is designed for creating 3D games and other multimedia applications, with support for graphics, sound, and networking.

  • Just BASIC: A free, open-source version of BASIC that is designed to be simple and easy to learn, with a built-in editor and compiler.

  • Liberty BASIC: A version of BASIC that is designed for creating Windows applications, with features like support for COM objects and easy integration with other programming languages.

Significance of BASIC in Computing History

BASIC played a significant role in the early days of computing history. Here are some of the reasons why −

  • Popularization of Personal Computers: BASIC was one of the first programming languages to be widely used on personal computers, such as the Apple II, Commodore PET, and Radio Shack TRS-80.

  • Accessibility: BASIC was designed to be easy to learn and use, making it accessible to beginners and non-experts.

  • Standardization: BASIC was one of the first programming languages to be standardized, which helped to establish it as a reliable and widely accepted programming language.

  • Innovation: BASIC was used to develop a number of groundbreaking programs, including the first video game, Spacewar!, and the first spreadsheet program, VisiCalc.


From popularizing personal computers to inspiring a generation of programmers and innovators, BASIC played a vital role in the development of modern computing. Its legacy lives on in the many programming languages and innovations that it helped inspire, and its accessibility and ease-of-use continue to influence programming language design today.


Q1. How does BASIC work?

Ans. It uses a series of statements and commands to tell the computer what to do, and it can be used to create a wide variety of programs.

Q2. What are some disadvantages of using BASIC?

Ans. While BASIC is easy to learn, it can be limiting for more advanced programming tasks. Additionally, some implementations of BASIC may lack advanced features or be less efficient than other programming languages.

Q3. Can BASIC be used for web development?

Ans. While it is possible to use BASIC for web development, it is not a common use case for the language. Other languages, such as JavaScript and PHP, are more commonly used for web development.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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