What is the full form of BARC ?

Establishment and History

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) was built in 1954, taking after the vision of Dr. Homi J. Bhabha, the father of India's atomic program. It has since been at the forefront of atomic inquiry, creating atomic control innovation, materials science, and radiation technology for different applications. Over a long time, BARC has extended its research portfolio to incorporate ranges such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, and natural science, and has gotten to be a driving institution in science and innovation in India.

Areas of Research

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) conducts inquiries about and development in different fields of atomic science, building, and technology. A few of the key ranges of research at BARC incorporate −

  • Nuclear Power Technology: BARC is included in creating nuclear control reactors and related advances to create power.

  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle Innovation: BARC conducts inquiries about creating innovations for fuel creation, reprocessing, and waste administration.

  • Materials Science: BARC conducts research in creating progressed materials for nuclear applications, such as radiation-resistant materials and nuclear fuels.

  • Radiation Technology: BARC employs radiation technology for different applications, including cancer treatment, nourishment conservation, and environmental monitoring.

  • Biotechnology: BARC conducts biotechnology research, with a center on developing crop varieties that are safe from biotic and abiotic stresses.

  • Nanotechnology: BARC is included in creating nano-materials for different applications, such as sedate delivery and cancer treatment.

  • Environmental Science: BARC conducts research in natural science, including studies on discuss, water, and soil pollution and creating remediation technologies.

Infrastructure and facilities

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has world-class infrastructure and facilities to support its research activities. Some of the key infrastructure and facilities at BARC include −

  • Research Reactors: BARC has a few research reactors, including the Dhruva reactor, which could be a 100 MW research reactor and one of the biggest in the world.

  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities: BARC has offices for nuclear fuel manufacture, reprocessing, and waste management.

  • Materials Science Facilities: BARC has facilities for materials characterization, such as X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and surface analysis.

  • Radiation Technology Facilities: BARC has facilities for radiation handling, including irradiation facilities for food and medical items.

  • Biotechnology and Life Sciences Facilities: BARC has a few advanced biotechnology and life sciences facilities, including creature houses, plant tissue culture research facilities, and a bioinformatics center.

  • Computing Facilities: BARC has high-performance computing facilities to back its investigation activities.

  • Natural Science Facilities: BARC has a few natural observing and remediation facilities, including air and water quality monitoring facilities.

Collaborations and Achievements

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has a few collaborations with leading institutions and organizations in India and around the world. A few of the key collaborations of BARC incorporate −

  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): BARC collaborates with the IAEA on a few ventures related to atomic control, radiation security, and natural monitoring.

  • Department of Atomic Energy (DAE): BARC works closely with other institutions under the Office of Atomic Energy, including the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), the Indira Gandhi Middle for Atomic Research (IGCAR), and the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC).

  • Industry Collaborations: BARC collaborates with a few businesses in India, counting the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Training School (BARC TS), which collaborates with different businesses for preparation and expertise improvement.

BARC has several achievements to its credit. Some of the key achievements of BARC include −

  • Design and advancement of India's to begin with atomic control reactor, Apsara.

  • Effective operation of India's to begin with pressurized overwhelming water reactor, Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS).

  • Improvement of a run of atomic fills, including uranium oxide, blended oxide, and thorium-based fills.

  • Advancement of a few radiation innovations, including nourishment light and cancer treatment.

  • Improvement of a few progressed materials for atomic applications, including zirconium alloys and radiation-resistant ceramics.


In conclusion, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is one of the head inquiries about institutions in India, with a wealthy history of commitments to nuclear science, engineering, and innovation. The institution has a world-class framework and offices that support cutting-edge research in different areas, including atomic control, radiation security, materials science, biotechnology, and environmental science. BARC has a few collaborations with leading education organizations in India and worldwide and has made significant achievements in ranges such as atomic control, fuel improvement, radiation innovation, and materials science. Overall, BARC plays a significant part in progressing India's science and innovation scene and is balanced to form assist commitments in the years to come.


Q1. What is the role of BARC in India's nuclear program?

Ans. BARC could be a major component of India's atomic program and is mindful for conducting investigation and advancement exercises related to atomic vitality, nuclear medicine, and other atomic applications. It is additionally dependable for preparing atomic researchers and engineers and for the improvement and arrangement of atomic innovation.

Q2. What are the major achievements of BARC?

Ans. BARC has made significant contributions to India's nuclear program and has accomplished a few breakthroughs within the field of nuclear science and technology. A few of the major accomplishments of BARC incorporate the improvement of India's first nuclear reactor (Apsara) in 1956, the successful testing of India's nuclear weapons in 1974 and 1998, and the improvement of progressed nuclear fuel advances.

Q3. Is BARC open to the public?

Ans. BARC is not open to the public for general visits or tours. However, the center conducts outreach programs and science exhibitions for school and college students, as well as for the general public on special occasions such as National Science Day.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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