What is the full form of APK?

What is APK?

The full form of APK is Android Application Kit. This is a file format that has been developed for the Android operating system. The data that an app needs to run is available in the APK file. The data included in an APK file are −

  • Code of the application

  • Resources

  • Assets

Android apps can be downloaded from Google Play Store or other sources and all of them use APK files to get installed. If users install and app through the Google Play Store, they will not see the APK files. If they use other sources, APK files will be visible to them.

Opening APK

APK files can be easily opened on Android devices. These files are also compatible with Windows and MacOS. Apps that are downloaded from the Google Play Store can be easily installed and opened on Android devices. If the APK files are downloaded from other sources, users have to go to the settings on their Android devices and enable downloads from other sources.

Apps available on the Google Play Store are secure but there is no guarantee of security in the apps downloaded from other sources. Users have to be very cautious while downloading files from other sources as these files may have viruses and malware.

Windows Subsystem for Android is available on Microsoft Windows 11 which helps to install APK files manually. Windows Subsystem for Android provides permission to download Android applications available on the Amazon App Store. APK on Windows can also be opened with the help of Android Emulators like BlueStacks.

Creating APK Files

Android Studio is used to create APK files. Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment which is used for making different types of apps that can run on Android. All the data of an app can be compiled and stored in the APK file. Android Studio can run easily on Windows, Mac, and Linux. APK files can be stored by any name but the extension will always be. apk.

Content available in an APK File

APK files include different types of content that are used to run an app on a device. The content available is discussed here.


This is a manifest file which consists of the following information −

  • Name

  • Version

  • Access rights

  • Library

Besides these, other data related to the APK file is also available.


The application assets and resource files are available here.


These files are the Java classes which are stored in the form of DEX files.


Platform-dependent and native libraries are stored here. This data is available for architectures related to different devices like x86 or x86_64.


This is a folder which includes a certificate of the app, signature, manifest file, and a list of resources.


This is a directory of resources which can include images that are not compiled into resources.arsc.


This is a file which consists of pre-compiled resources that are used by the app to run on a device.

How does APK installation work?

If you want an app to be installed on your device, you will have to download the APK file. After the completion of the download, open the APK file to start the installation of the app. You can start using the app after the installation is complete. You can delete the APK file after the installation is complete. This will not hinder the working of the app. If you install an app from the Google Play Store, the APK file will be deleted automatically as soon as the app is installed.

An Android device allows apps from the Google Play Store only. If you want to use another source to download and install the apps, you will have to change the default settings.

Difference between AAB and APK

AAB can be expanded as Android App Bundle while APK can be expanded as Android Application Package. There are many differences between AAB and APK and some of them can be found in the table below −



AAB is a format that is used to publish apps efficiently on the Google Play Store.

APK is a file format which can be used to install apps and also distribute them to other users.

AAB includes compiled code, resources, and assets which are used to create an APK.

APK is a type of zip file which consists of all the files and resources needed to run an app.

AAB consists of code and resources which are needed to make an APK. The data is available only for a specific device. The data includes texture compression format, screen size, language, etc.

APK files consist of code, assets, and resources that are needed to run a file on devices with different configurations.

AAB is used for small apps.

APK is used for big and complex apps.

Download speed is fast

Download speed is slow

Advantages of APK

APK has many advantages and some of them are listed below −

  • APK files are secure as a strict and rigorous verification process is conducted before making them available on the Google Play Store

  • APK files are easily available on Google Play Store and over the internet

  • APK files can be easily uploaded on the Google Play Store

  • Downloading and installing APKs from the Google Play Store is easy and there is no need to change any settings

  • The size of the APK is small in comparison to the installation files of Apple apps

  • Users can customize their devices with the help of APKs

Disadvantages of APK

APK files have a few disadvantages and some of them are listed below −

  • Malware can be easily added to the APKs

  • Pirated apps are available which should not be download

  • APK files available on different sources may not be trustworthy

  • Hackers can modify the APK files and extra app permissions


APKs are installation files which are available on the Google Play Store and other websites. Users can use these APKs to download and install apps on different Android devices. If users download APKs from sources other than Google Play Store, they need to be very cautious as these apps may have malware and viruses.


FAQ 1: Can I install Android apps on Windows?

Ans: Yes! You can install Android apps on Windows but you will have to use an emulator like BlueStacks.

FAQ 2: Can APK be converted to other formats?

Ans: APKs cannot be converted to other file formats easily. You can change the extension to JAR or ZIP and open the files in the software applications that support these formats.

FAQ 3: Which application is used to make APK files?

Ans: APK files can be built on Android Studio.

Updated on: 04-Jan-2024


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