What is the full form of AM and PM ?

What is AM and PM?

AM is an abbreviation for "Anti Meridiem," which is a Latin term meaning "before midday." In simple terms, it refers to the time between midnight and noon. On the other hand, PM is an abbreviation for "Post Meridiem," which means "after midday." It refers to the time between noon and midnight.

The 12-hour clock system is used to represent time in AM and PM. The clock runs from 1 to 12, and then starts again at 1. AM time is represented as 1:00 AM to 12:59 PM, while PM time is represented as 1:00 PM to 12:59 AM. The use of AM and PM helps to distinguish between morning and afternoon hours and makes it easier to read and interpret time.

How AM and PM are Determined?

The determination of AM and PM is based on the 24-hour clock system, which is used by the military and some other countries. The 24-hour clock divides a day into 24 hours, starting at midnight and ending at midnight. The range of the hour numbers is 0 to 23. There is no need to use AM and PM in this system because the time is displayed in 24-hour format.

To convert a 24-hour time to the 12-hour format, the following formula can be used −

If the time is after 12:00 PM, subtract 12 from the hour and add PM to the end. For example, 14:00 (2:00 PM)

If the time is before 12:00 PM, simply add AM to the end. For example, 08:00 (8:00 AM)

The determination of AM and PM is significant as it helps to distinguish between morning and afternoon hours, which is especially important in scheduling events, meetings, and appointments. It also helps to avoid confusion when interpreting time, as it is easier to read and understand time in the 12-hour format with the use of AM and PM.


AM and PM have significant importance in various fields, including transportation, TV program schedules, and the medical field. In the transportation industry, the use of AM and PM is vital as it helps to avoid confusion and ensure that the timing of the journey is accurate. For example, if a train is scheduled to leave at 8:00 AM, it is important to know whether it is in the morning or afternoon to avoid missing the train.

In the TV program schedule, the use of AM and PM is important as it helps viewers to identify whether a particular show is on in the morning or afternoon. This is especially important for news channels as it helps to ensure that viewers can access the latest news in a timely manner.

In the medical field, the use of AM and PM is critical as it helps to ensure that medication is taken at the correct time. Medication is often prescribed to be taken at specific times of the day, such as once in the morning and once in the evening. The use of AM and PM helps to ensure that the medication is taken at the correct time, which is essential for the effectiveness of the medication.


AM and PM are important markers in timekeeping, allowing people to clearly differentiate between morning and afternoon hours. They are used in various settings, including scheduling meetings, transportation timetables, and TV program schedules, among others. Their significance is further highlighted by the fact that they are commonly used in countries that employ the 12-hour clock system.

In conclusion, AM and PM are important aspects of timekeeping that have been used for centuries to distinguish between morning and afternoon hours. They are based on the Latin terms “Anti Meridiem” and “Post Meridiem,” respectively, and their usage is determined by the position of the sun in the sky. AM is used to refer to the time before midday, while PM is used for the time after midday. The 12-hour clock system is the most common way of using AM and PM, and it is used in many countries around the world. However, some countries use a 24-hour clock system, which eliminates the need for AM and PM distinctions.


Q1. Are there any other terms used to refer to morning and afternoon hours?

Ans. Yes, some countries use other terms to refer to morning and afternoon hours. For example, in Spain, the morning is referred to as “la mañana,” while the afternoon is referred to as “la tarde.”

Q2. What is the significance of AM and PM in everyday life?

Ans. AM and PM are important in everyday life because they help people keep track of time and schedule their activities accordingly. They are used in various settings, including scheduling meetings, transportation timetables, and TV program schedules, among others.

Q3. How can I convert from the 12-hour clock system to the 24-hour clock system?

Ans. To convert from the 12-hour clock system to the 24-hour clock system, simply add 12 to the hour if it is PM. For example, 3:00 PM would be 15:00 in the 24-hour clock system

Updated on: 17-Apr-2023


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