What is the full form of ADHD ?


There are various steps involved in determining whether a child has ADHD. One test cannot determine whether a person has ADHD. In order to determine whether the symptoms are comparable with the diagnosis the initial step is to consult a doctor. A primary care physician, such as a pediatrician, or a mental health specialist, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, can diagnose the condition.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of “ADHD”

Some adults with ADHD have significant symptoms that make it difficult for them to complete their routine work, although other persons report reduced symptoms as they age. Adults with ADHD may have "difficult focusing, impulsivity, and restlessness".The majority of individuals generally experience mild to severe symptoms.

Many persons who have ADHD are not aware of their disease and it becomes really challenging for them to follow their basic routine. Individuals suffering from ADHD may find it difficult to plan and focus on their tasks, which can lead to missed deadlines, delayed meetings, and ignored social events. The lack of control over "impulses" can lead to a number of behaviors, including frustration while driving in traffic, as well as mood swings and temper issues.

Certain conditions like anxiety, depression, sleep issues, and specific types of learning difficulties, might have symptoms similar to those of ADHD. A medical examination including hearing and vision testing is a procedure to rule out other disorders that have symptoms similar to ADHD

Types of “ADHD”

Depending on the symptoms ADHD can express itself in three ways −

  • The individual has trouble paying attention to details, organizing or completing tasks, and responding to talks or discussions. The person is easily distracted or neglects minor details of daily activities.

  • The person becomes restless and talks a lot. Children might run, jump, or climb nonstop. The person is restless and struggles to control their impulses."They might speak suddenly, constantly interrupt others, or take things away from them. They find it challenging to wait for their turn or follow instructions. Impulsiveness increases the chance of accidents and injury for some people.

Causes and Risk Factors of ADHD

Researchers are still uncertain of what causes “ADHD”, although “numerous studies” indicate that genes play a significant role in ADHD. In addition to genetics, researchers are investigating potential environmental risk factors for “ADHD” as well as how nutrition and social contexts might be related to “ADHD”.

Risk factors include −

  • Brain damage

  • Long term Exposure to environmental dangers during pregnancy

  • Alcohol consumption during pregnancy

According to commonly held beliefs, “ADHD” generally results due to increased carbohydrate intake, excessive screen time, poor parenting, and other social and environmental variables including instability or chaos in families. However, research does not support these claims. Of course, many factors, including these, could increase symptoms, particularly in some individuals.

Treatment and Management of ADHD

“ADHD” can not be completely cured but there are medications that can help with symptoms and functioning. Medication, psychotherapy, instruction or training, as well as a variety of treatments can reduce the symptoms

  • Medication − Many people are aware that taking medications for "ADHD" enhances their ability for concentration, productivity, and learning while reducing hyperactivity and impulsivity. A few different approaches must be tried before determining the best dosage or medication for a certain patient. Anyone taking the medication needs to be closely monitored by the doctor who is giving it.

  • Stimulants − Stimulants are the most commonly used class of drugs to treat “ADHD”. It works by elevating the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two neurotransmitters that are essential for thinking and concentration.

  • Before a child is diagnosed with ADHD, frustration, blame, and anger may have grown within a family. Parents and children may need professional assistance to overcome negative feelings. Professionals in mental health can inform parents about ADHD and how it affects a family. These will help in the improvement of new abilities, perspectives, and interpersonal relationships for both the child and parents.

  • Psychotherapy that focuses on changing a person's behavior is known as behavioral therapy. It could include getting practical aid, like organizing tasks or doing schoolwork, or it might involve coping with difficult situations.


Without therapy, ADHD can make it difficult to handle challenges that arise on a regular basis. Children may have trouble learning or developing social skills. Addiction and interpersonal connections can be challenging for adults. The condition may also cause mood swings, sadness, low self-esteem, eating disorders, risk-taking, and disagreements with other people.

However, many people with ADHD live happy, fulfilling lives It's important to keep an eye on the symptoms and see the doctor periodically. Drugs and treatments that have been beneficial in the past can occasionally become less effective. It's possible that the treatment plan might need some change. By following proper procedure the individual can lead a normal life without any medication


Q1. How is adult ADHD different from a child ADHD ?

Ans. Even though it is regarded as adult ADHD, the symptoms generally appear in early childhood. Sometimes ADHD is not identified or diagnosed until the patient is an adult. The symptoms of adult ADHD may not be as evident as those of child ADHD.

Q2. What are the necessary steps that could be taken to manage ADHD ?

Ans. All children should try to maintain good health, but those with ADHD may have additional reasons to do so. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, along with behavioral therapy and medication, can help in the management of ADHD .

Q3. Is medicine required to cure ADHD ?

Ans. The only option for treating ADHD is medication. A treatment plan for ADHD may include educational adjustments, behavior counseling, skill training for parents, and education about ADHD but only the doctor will decide if the medication is required for ADHD depending on the symptoms of the patient.

Updated on: 17-Apr-2023


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