What is the full form of AD ?


An authorized dealer is a financial institution or entity authorized by a regulatory authority or central bank to perform certain foreign exchange transactions. The scope of activities for authorized dealers varies by jurisdiction, but typically includes buying and selling foreign currencies, issuing foreign exchange products such as prepaid cards, and facilitating cross-border payments.

Banks are the most common type of authorized dealer, including commercial banks, investment banks, and central banks. Other types of authorized dealers may include foreign exchange brokers, money transfer operators, and other financial institutions licensed to perform foreign exchange activities. It is important to carefully evaluate the reputation and reliability of any authorized dealer before conducting business with them.

Person using a prepaid forex card at an authorized dealer

Meaning and Scope of Authorized Dealer

An authorized dealer is a financial institution or entity authorized by the central bank or regulatory authority of a country to perform certain foreign exchange transactions.

The scope of authorized dealer activities varies by jurisdiction, but typically includes buying and selling foreign currencies, issuing foreign exchange products such as prepaid cards, and facilitating cross-border payments. Authorized dealers may also offer other financial services such as remittances, trade finance, and investment products.

Types of Authorized Dealers

There are several types of authorized dealers, each with their own specific focus and area of expertise. One type is commercial banks, which are typically the largest authorized dealers and offer a wide range of foreign exchange and financial services to their customers. Another type is specialized forex brokers, which specialize in providing foreign exchange services to retail and institutional customers. They may offer more competitive exchange rates and fees than commercial banks, as well as access to advanced trading platforms and tools.

Another type of authorized dealer is money transfer companies, which specialize in facilitating cross-border payments and remittances. They may offer lower transaction fees and faster processing times than traditional banks.

Other types of authorized dealers include credit unions, investment firms, and money service businesses, each of which may offer a specific set of financial services tailored to their target customer base. Ultimately, the choice of which type of authorized dealer to use will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the customer, as well as the reputation and reliability of the institution.

Functions and Responsibilities

The primary function of an authorized dealer is to facilitate foreign exchange transactions for individuals and businesses. Authorized dealers may also be responsible for monitoring and reporting suspicious transactions to the relevant regulatory authority to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.

Other responsibilities may include compliance with regulatory requirements, maintaining adequate internal controls and risk management systems, and providing customer service.

Authorized Dealer vs. Money Changer

Authorized dealers and money changers are both involved in buying and selling foreign currencies, but there are some notable differences between the two. Authorized dealers are financial institutions that are authorized and regulated by government authorities to perform certain foreign exchange transactions, while money changers may not be subject to the same level of regulatory oversight. As a result, authorized dealers are generally considered to be more reputable and secure than money changers.

Additionally, authorized dealers may offer a wider range of financial services beyond just foreign currency exchange, such as prepaid cards and cross-border payments. Money changers, on the other hand, typically only deal with cash transactions and may not offer other financial services.

Benefits and Risks

Authorized dealers offer several benefits to customers, including access to a wide range of foreign exchange products and services, competitive exchange rates, and the security and reliability that come with dealing with a regulated financial institution. Authorized dealers may also offer additional financial services, such as prepaid cards and cross-border payments, which can be convenient for customers who need to manage their international financial needs.

By working with an authorized dealer, customers can have peace of mind knowing that their transactions are being conducted in a transparent and safe manner, and that their funds are protected by regulatory safeguards. There is also a risk that authorized dealers may engage in fraudulent or illegal activities, despite being subject to regulatory oversight.


In conclusion, authorized dealers play an important role in facilitating foreign exchange transactions for individuals and businesses. They are licensed and regulated by government authorities to provide greater security and assurance for their customers. While there may be risks associated with using an authorized dealer, such as foreign exchange rate fluctuations and transaction fees, it is important to carefully evaluate their reputation and reliability before conducting business with them. Overall, authorized dealers provide a valuable service to those who need to exchange foreign currencies, and their importance in the global financial system cannot be overstated.


Q1. What is the difference between an authorized dealer and a money changer?

Ans. Authorized dealers and money changers both deal with foreign currencies, but there are some key differences between them. Authorized dealers are licensed and regulated by government authorities and subject to more stringent regulatory requirements. Money changers, on the other hand, may not be subject to the same level of regulatory oversight.

Q2. What types of transactions can authorized dealers perform?

Ans. The scope of authorized dealer activities varies by jurisdiction, but typically includes buying and selling foreign currencies, issuing foreign exchange products such as prepaid cards, and facilitating cross-border payments. Authorized dealers may also offer other financial services such as remittances, trade finance, and investment products.

Q3. Can individuals use authorized dealers, or are they only for businesses?

Ans. Both individuals and businesses can use authorized dealers for foreign exchange transactions. Authorized dealers provide a valuable service to anyone who needs to exchange foreign currencies, regardless of the size or frequency of the transaction.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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