What is the full form of ABM ?


A type of missile defence system called an Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) is intended to intercept and destroy approaching ballistic missiles. While ABMs are thought to have substantial consequences for both national security and international affairs, their development and deployment have been a source of strategic intrigue and debate for decades. Incoming missiles are detected, tracked, and destroyed by ABMs while they are in mid flight or at the end of their trajectory by means of sophisticated equipment including radars, sensors, and interceptors. ABMs are designed to defend against attacks using ballistic missiles, regardless of whether they are conventional, chemical, biological, or nuclear.

What does ABM stand for anti?

"Anti-Ballistic Missile" is referred to as ABM. It alludes to a specific class of missile defense system built to track and shoot down incoming ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles are defined as missiles with a trajectory that begins in space and ends with a reentry into the atmosphere that is directed at a specific target. ABMs use advanced technology such as radars, sensors, and interceptors to detect, track, and destroy incoming missiles in mid-flight or in the terminal phase of their trajectory. The purpose of ABMs is to protect against ballistic missile attacks, whether they are conventional, chemical, biological, or nuclear. The development and deployment of ABMs have been a topic of strategic interest and controversy for decades, as they are considered to have significant implications for national security and international relations.

Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme

The Indian Defense Research and Development Organization(DRDO) is creating a missile defense system called the Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Project (BMD) . The BMD programme seeks to defend against incoming ballistic missile threats with a multi-layered defense system that includes endo-atmospheric (inside the earth's atmosphere) and exo-atmospheric (beyond the earth's atmosphere) interceptors. The BMD system is intended to defend against potential missile assaults India's major cities, vital infrastructure, and strategic facilities. Since 1999, the BMD system has been in development, and its interceptor missiles have completed numerous successful tests. The Indian government views the BMD program as an essential element of its national security strategy, given the increasing proliferation of ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction in the region. However, the program has also faced criticism over its costs, technological challenges, and the potential for triggering an arms race in the region.

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty was a landmark arms control agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union, signed in 1972. The treaty limited the deployment of ABM systems, which were designed to intercept and destroy incoming ballistic missiles. The treaty was based on the premise that limiting the deployment of ABM systems would help prevent an arms race in missile defense and encourage strategic stability. Under the treaty, each side was allowed to deploy only one ABM system, which was limited to a single site with no more than 100 interceptors. The treaty was seen as a significant achievement in nuclear arms control, but it was also controversial. Some critics argued that the treaty favored the Soviet Union and that the U.S. should have pursued a more robust missile defense system. In 2002, the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the treaty, citing concerns about emerging threats from rogue states such as North Korea and Iran. The decision to withdraw from the ABM Treaty was controversial and sparked debate about the future of arms control and strategic stability.


The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system, which is a crucial component of missile defense, is intended to intercept and destroy incoming ballistic missiles. Since decades, the creation and use of ABMs has generated discussion regarding their strategic importance and its effects on both domestic and international security. A national initiative to create and implement ABM systems to defend against prospective missile assaults is the Indian Ballistic Missile Defense Program. In the meantime, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was a significant arms control pact between the United States and the Soviet Union that sought to ensure strategic stability and stop an arms race in missile defense. The U.S.'s decision to withdraw from the treaty in 2002 sparked debate about the future of arms control and strategic stability. As the threat of ballistic missile attacks continues to evolve, ABMs will remain an essential component of national security strategies around the world.


Q1. What is the current status of the ABM Treaty?

Ans. The ABM Treaty is no longer in effect, as the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the treaty in 2002.

Q2. What is the role of ABM systems in national security strategies?

Ans. ABM systems play a critical role in national security strategies, providing a defense against potential missile attacks and contributing to strategic stability.

Q3. Are there any international agreements or treaties related to ABMs?

Ans. The ABM Treaty was the primary international agreement related to ABMs, but other treaties and agreements related to nuclear arms control and disarmament have touched on issues related to missile defense and ABMs.

Updated on: 17-Apr-2023


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