What is the full form of ABEDA ?


The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) is an intergovernmental financial agency founded in 1974 by Arab League member nations to support African economic growth. The Bank, which has its main office in Khartoum, Sudan, focuses on offering financing and technical support for African nations' economic and social advancement. BADEA has been a crucial partner in the execution of African Development Bank (AfDB) projects and has played a crucial role in facilitating access to funding for Africa's development projects.

What is BADEA in full?

The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa is the full name of BADEA. It is an international financial organization that was founded in 1974 to support economic growth in Africa by the Arab League member countries. It has a network of offices spread out over the continent, with its main office located in Khartoum, Sudan.

What is Abeda Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa?

Abeda Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) is a global financial organisation that was founded in 1974 in Khartoum, Sudan, by Arab League nations. Its principal objective is to advance economic and social development in Africa, with a concentration on infrastructure and development.

One of the biggest financial organisations on the continent and one of the regional economic development banks in Africa is BADEA. Via loans, grants, and technical help, BADEA offers financial aid to African nations. Moreover, it promotes private sector investment and aids in the expansion of African commerce. Moreover, BADEA offers support to African nations in the areas of healthcare, education, the environment, and industrial and agricultural growth..

Moreover, it promotes regional cooperation and integration among African nations. In addition to being a stakeholder in the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, BADEA is a member of the African Development Bank Group. It also contributed to the formation of the Arab Monetary Fund. BADEA has contributed significantly to the African Union's initiatives to fight poverty and advance economic growth.

Also, it has participated extensively in a number of the African Development Bank's programmes, including the African Economic Community and the African Infrastructure Bank.

What is the main goal of the African Development Bank?

The African Development Bank's (AfDB) primary goal is to encourage social and economic development in Africa. In an effort to combat poverty, promote economic growth, and help Africa's low-income nations meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the bank offers financial and technical support to African nations (SDGs).

In order to encourage sustainable development, the bank also aids partners on a regional and international scale.

The African Development Bank (Af-DB) strives to support regional private sector growth as well as economic integration and collaboration among African nations.

It helps to improve financial systems, encourage investment, and widen financial access. The Af- DB also aids in the advancement of energy and natural resource use, infrastructure, agriculture, health care, and education.

Moreover, it aims to raise funds from the worldwide community to aid in the development of Africa. The Af- DB also strives to support effective public administration and transparency throughout Africa.

What are the aims and objectives of ADB?

The African Development Bank's purposes and objectives are as follows −

  • Promote social and economic advancement in African nations by supplying funding and technical support for development initiatives;

  • Encourage the regional and global integration of African economies and their growth;

  • Encourage the movement of money and technology from Arab to African nations;

  • Encourage responsible lending practises and credit regulations in African nations;

  • Encourage economic, social, and environmental measures to raise Africans' standards of living;

  • Assist African nations financially and technically in developing their infrastructure, human resources, and social services; and

  • Assist African nations in strengthening their ability to run their financial and economic systems.


The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), that provides loans, grants, and technical help to African nations, is a significant factor in the development of Africa. Through facilitating access to financing for development projects, it achieves its primary objectives of reducing poverty and fostering sustainable economic growth and development in African nations. BADEA has been a crucial partner in the execution of African Development Bank (AfDB) projects and has played a crucial role in facilitating access to funding for Africa's development initiatives.


Q1. Who are some of the shareholders of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa?

Ans. The Arab League, the Islamic Development Bank, and the African Development Bank are the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa's major shareholders.

Q2. What are some of the projects that the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa has worked on?

Ans. The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa has worked on initiatives that include funding infrastructure upgrades, supporting growth of the private sector, and extending technical support.

Q3. What are the main areas of focus for ABEDA?

Ans. ABEDA promotes economic growth and regional integration in the Arab area through funding, capacity training, and research.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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