What is the difference between START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY while implementing


Here are some of the steps to implement services in android

  • Create a Service class: The first step is to create a Service class that extends the android.app.Service class. This class will define the behavior of the service.

  • Start the service: You need to call startService() method with an Intent that identifies the service you want to start. You can do this with the help of BroadcastReceiver or Activity.

  • Stop the Service: You need to call stopService() method with an Intent that identifies the Service you want to stop. You can also call the stopSelf() method within the Service class to stop the Service.

  • Bind the Service: If you want to interact with the service from an Activity or a BroadcastReceiver you can bind the Service using bindService() method. That allows us to communicate with the Service through an interface.

  • Unbind the Service: After implementing the Serving if you want to unbind the service then you should unbind it using unbindService() method.

  • Handle Service LifeCycle: It is necessary to handle the lifecycle of services properly to avoid wasting resources. You can do this by implementing onCreate(), onStartCommand(), onBind(), and onDestroy() methods in your Service class.

Here is the code to Implement Services in Android

package com.example.java_test_application;
import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;
public class MyService extends Service {
   public void onCreate() {
       // code to initialize the Service
   public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
       // code to perform background tasks
       return START_STICKY;
   public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
       // code to bind the Service
       return null;
   public void onDestroy() {
       // code to stop the Service and release resources

To Start the Service you can call startService() method with an Intent that identifies the Service you want to start.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);

To Stop the Service you can call stopService() method with an Intent that identifies the Service you want to stop.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);

What is START_STICKY in Android?

START_STICKY is a Service in Android that will be restarted by the system if it’s killed or stopped due to low memory. When the service is restarted the onStartCommand() method will be called with null intent. This is useful for services that perform background tasks such as playing music or monitoring a sensor. When the Service is restarted a system will call onStartCommand() method with null intent. This allows the service to continue its operations from where it left off before it was killed or stopped.

Here is How to Start Service using START_STICKY in Android app

 Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);

START_STICKY is a useful Service that performs background tasks. These Services need to continue running in the background even if the user switches to another app or device. By using START_STICKY you can ensure that your service continues to run even if it is killed or stopped.

What is START_NOT_STICKY in Android?

START_NOT_STICKY is a Service in Android that will not be restarted by the system if it’s killed or stopped. It is useful for the services that perform a specific task and that don’t need to continue running in the background. It is used to perform one-time operations that don’t need to run in the background.

Here is How to Start Service using START_NOT_STICKY in Android app:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);


In summary, START_STICKY is used for services that need to continue running in the background even if they're killed or stopped, while START_NOT_STICKY is used for services that perform a specific task and don't need to continue running.

Updated on: 09-May-2023

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