What is the difference between Firebase and Parse Server?

Let us understand what a firebase is.


Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (Baas). It offers developers several devices and services to provide them create quality applications, increase their customer infrastructure, and earn profit. It is developed on Google’s infrastructure.

The analytics dashboard is the important characteristic of Firebase, which is supplied with. It is clear and can inform 500 event types, each with 25 attributes. The dashboard is first-rate for identifying user behavior and calculating several user characteristics. It provides us to learn how people use our application so that it can better optimize it in the future.

It can recognize custom audiences in the Firebase console depending on device data, custom events, or user features. Consequently, it can use these audiences that it determines with other Firebase attributes when focusing on new features or notifications.

Firebase handles real-time data in the database. Therefore, it can simply and quickly exchanges the information to and from the database

For developing mobile apps including live streaming, chat messaging, etc., it can use Firebase. It supports integration with Google Advertising, AdMob, Data Studio, BigQuery DoubleClick, Play Store, and Slack to create our apps with effective and accurate management and maintenance.

Firebase handles real-time records in the database. Therefore, it simply and quickly exchanges the records to and from the database. Therefore, for developing mobile apps including live streaming, chat messaging, etc., it can use Firebase. It supports integration to Google broadcasting, AdMob, Data Studio, BigQuery DoubleClick, Play Store, and Slack to create our apps with effective and accurate management and maintenance.

Parse Server

Parse Server is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) framework created by Facebook. Parse is a fully-developed backend for REST API and GraphQL which can be self-hosted.

It is open source and is being actively supported by communities. Parse supports a cloud-based backend service to develop data-driven mobile applications fastly.

Backend as a service is also referred to as MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service). It is a method for supporting the web and mobile developers with comprehensive methods for linking the application to the backend cloud storage and APIs.

It operates while supporting features including user administration and authentication of push notifications, social networking unification, and data analytics.

Developing the backend is a moderate procedure and requires the expertise to manage the related difficulties of combining multiple APIs. In such a situation, BaaS providers appear into play. BaaS bridges the gap among the front end of the app and several cloud-based backends via an individual API and SDK.

BaaS allows us to handle a centralized database that allows us, users, to share content via the cloud. Therefore, it supports us to focus on the front end and the design of this product to appeal to our customers while neglecting the tedious backend development.

Updated on: 22-Nov-2021


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