What Is the Difference Between Endangered and Extinct Animals?


Endangered and extinct animals are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, there are significant differences between the two. An endangered animal is one that is in danger of becoming extinct, while an extinct animal is one that no longer exists in the wild or in captivity. This article will explore the differences between these two terms and the implications of their use.

Endangered Animals

An endangered animal is one that is at risk of becoming extinct. There are several factors that can contribute to an animal becoming endangered, including habitat loss, hunting, and pollution. In order to be classified as endangered, an animal must be at risk of extinction in the near future. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the organization responsible for determining the conservation status of animals. The IUCN has a Red List of Threatened Species that classifies animals into several categories based on their level of endangerment.

There are several levels of endangerment, including critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, and near threatened. An animal is considered critically endangered when it faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. Endangered animals are those that are facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild. Vulnerable animals are those that are at risk of becoming endangered in the near future, while near threatened animals are those that may become vulnerable in the near future.

Examples of endangered animals include the giant panda, the black rhinoceros, and the Sumatran tiger. These animals are all facing significant threats to their survival, including habitat loss and hunting.

Extinct Animals

An extinct animal is one that no longer exists in the wild or in captivity. Extinction can occur for a variety of reasons, including natural disasters, disease, and human activities. Once an animal is extinct, it is gone forever, and there is no chance of bringing it back.

The IUCN also maintains a list of extinct animals. This list includes animals that have gone extinct in the wild as well as those that have gone extinct in captivity. Some of the most well-known extinct animals include the dodo bird, the Tasmanian tiger, and the woolly mammoth.

There are several factors that can contribute to an animal becoming extinct. Habitat loss is one of the primary causes of extinction. As humans continue to expand their cities and industrialize their environments, animals lose their homes and their sources of food. Hunting and poaching are also significant threats to many animals. When animals are hunted for their meat, their fur, or their tusks, their populations can quickly become depleted.

Implications of Endangered and Extinct Animals

The terms endangered and extinct have significant implications for the animals they describe. When an animal is classified as endangered, it means that there is still a chance to save it from extinction. Conservation efforts can be put in place to protect the animal's habitat, limit hunting, and promote breeding programs. By working to protect endangered animals, we can help to ensure that future generations can enjoy the biodiversity of our planet.

When an animal becomes extinct, however, it is gone forever. The implications of this are significant. Extinct animals are no longer able to play their roles in the ecosystem, and the loss of these species can have ripple effects throughout the food chain. Additionally, extinct animals represent a loss of biodiversity, which can have negative consequences for the health and well-being of the planet.

Another implication of the terms endangered and extinct is their impact on human activities. When an animal is classified as endangered, there are often restrictions placed on human activities that may harm the animal. For example, the construction of a new housing development may be prohibited in an area where an endangered animal lives. These restrictions can be seen as a burden by some people, but they are necessary to protect the animal and its habitat.

When an animal becomes extinct, there are no longer any restrictions in place to protect it. This can lead to further environmental degradation; as human activities are no longer constrained by the need to protect the animal's habitat.

The loss of endangered and extinct animals also has cultural and aesthetic implications. Many animals are significant to certain cultures and are an important part of their traditions and beliefs. For example, the bald eagle is a symbol of freedom and patriotism in the United States. The loss of this animal would be felt deeply by many people in that country.

In addition, animals play a significant role in the aesthetic beauty of our planet. The unique features and behaviours of animals can inspire art, literature, and music. The loss of these animals means that future generations will not be able to experience the same level of natural beauty and inspiration.

Updated on: 19-May-2023

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