What is the difference between Cryptography and Cyber Security?

Firstly, let us understand what cryptography is.


Cryptography is the technique of sending secured data and connections via some programs so that only the destined person understands the actual records that is shared. This mode of process intercepts unauthorized accessibility for the information.

Encoding of data in cryptography follows numerical hypotheses and few computations defined as algorithms. The encoded information is transmitted so that it makes it difficult to find the original information. These sets of rules are used in the process of digital signing, authentication to secure information, cryptographic key development, and safeguard all your financial transactions.

Types of Cryptography

There are various types of cryptography which are as follows −

  • Symmetric key cryptography − In this type of cryptography, both the sender and receiver use a single key during the communication or transfer of data. The sender needs this key for encrypting plain text and sends the ciphered text to the receiver through the connection channel.

  • Asymmetric key cryptography − This type of cryptography is also defined as public-key cryptography. Therefore we use two related keys such as public and private. The public key can be used for encryption and the private key can be used for decryption.

  • Hash function − In this type of cryptography, no key is used during the transfer of data. A fixed length of the hash value is used based on the plain text which creates it inaccessible for the contents of plain text to be recovered. Hash functions are generally used by several operating systems to encrypt passwords.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is the method of protecting technological systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks, damage, or unauthorized access. These attacks target accessing, transforming, or otherwise destroying important data, extorting money from users or organizations, and even disorganizing standard business procedures.

Types of Cyber Security

There are various types of cyber security which are as follows −

  • Network Security − It contains executing the hardware and software to achieve a computer network from unauthorized access, intruders, attacks, disruption, and exploitation. This security supports an organization to secure its assets against external and internal threats.

  • Information or Data Security − It contains executing a strong data storage mechanism to support the integrity and privacy of information, both in storage and in transit.

  • Identity management − It deals with the procedure for deciding the level of access that each individual has inside an organization.

  • Operational Security − It contains processing and creating decisions on managing and securing data assets.

  • Mobile Security − It contains securing the organizational and personal information saved on mobile devices including cell phones, computers, tablets, and other similar devices against several malicious threats. These threats are permitted access, device loss or fraud, malware, etc.

Updated on: 17-Nov-2021


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