Difference between Classification and Clustering

The most basic difference between classification and clustering is that classification is used with supervised learning technique, whereas clustering is used with unsupervised learning technique.

In classification, the computer is given a label to use in classifying new observations. For the label verification in this case, the machine requires thorough testing and training. Classification is therefore a more intricate procedure than clustering. In contrast, clustering is an unsupervised learning method that groups data based on similarities. Here, there is no need for training because the machine learns from the already−existing data.

In this article, we will discuss the important differences between classification and clustering. But before going into the differences, let's start with a basic overview of classification and clustering.

What is Classification in Data Mining?

Classification is a data mining technique that uses a set of training data to determine the class or category of a new observation. This method of supervised learning uses statistical and machine learning techniques to create a model that can categorise fresh data in accordance with the patterns seen in the training data.

  • A dataset is split into a training set and a test set for classification. The classification model is constructed using the training set, and its effectiveness is assessed using the test set.

  • The classification algorithm gains expertise from the training data and applies it to forecast the class of incoming, untainted data.

  • Many applications, including image recognition, spam filtering, fraud detection, and medical diagnosis, heavily rely on classification.

  • Decision trees, k−nearest neighbours, support vector machines, and neural networks are some common categorization algorithms.

Classification can be either "binary classification" or "multinomial classification".

  • When there are exactly two target classes, then it is known as binary classification.

  • When there are more than two target classes, as in the case of pattern recognition issues, then it is known as multinomial classification.

Advantages of Applying Classification in Data Mining

Following are the advantages of applying Classification in Data Mining:

  • Predictive power: In order to forecast the class or category of new data, classification can help find patterns in data that can be utilised for prediction and decision−making.

  • Interpretable results: As many classification algorithms provide models that are simple to understand, it is simpler for people to comprehend the logic behind a given classification.

  • Scalability: Classification is a scalable data mining technique since it can be used on big datasets.

  • Versatility: Classification is flexible and broadly applicable since it can be applied to many different forms of data, including numerical and categorical data.

Disadvantages of Applying Classification in Data Mining

Following are the disadvantages of applying Classification in Data Mining:

  • Overfitting: When a classification model fits training data too closely, it is said to be overfit, which leads to subpar performance on new, untried data.

  • Bias: Classification models may favour some classes or traits over others, which could lead to incorrect predictions.

  • Data quality: Inaccurate or inadequate data can lead to incorrect predictions, which can have an impact on how accurate the categorization model is.

  • Complexity: Certain categorization algorithms can be quite difficult to develop and interpret because they need a lot of computer power.

  • Sensitivity to input data: Classification models are sometimes susceptible to changes in the input data, which can have a major impact on the projected classes.

What is Clustering in Data Mining?

In data mining, the clustering approach is used to organize related objects or data points into clusters based on their similarity. The purpose of clustering is to find patterns and structures in the data and to keep similar and different data points separate by grouping them together.

The objects that reside inside a cluster will have high similarities and the objects of two clusters will be dissimilar to each other. In clustering, the class labels of objects are not predetermined, thus it is an unsupervised learning process of a model.

As an unsupervised learning technique, clustering does not require labelling or prior definition of the data. Instead, the program groups the data points based on similarity measures, such as distance or density, using statistical and machine learning approaches.

There are numerous clustering algorithms, each with their own specific advantages and disadvantages. K−means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and density-based clustering are a few well−liked clustering techniques. The properties of the data and the analysis's goals will determine which algorithm is used.

One of the most popular uses of clustering is the analysis of marketing for market segmentation. In this case, the users are segmented based on transaction history data and demographic details, and then this data is used to tailor the marketing techniques for each segment.

Advantages of Applying Clustering in Data Mining

Clustering is beneficial for exploratory data analysis because it can reveal patterns and structures in the data that may not be immediately obvious.

  • Data compression: By lowering the number of distinct data points while preserving the necessary information, clustering can be utilised to compress huge datasets.

  • Scalability: Clustering algorithms are scalable data mining techniques since they may be used on big datasets.

  • Flexibility: Clustering is adaptable and broadly applicable since it may be used with a variety of data types, including categorical and numerical data.

Disadvantages of Applying Clustering in Data Mining

Following are some of the disadvantages of applying Clustering in Data Mining:

  • Interpretability: Because clustering can result in complicated and challenging−to−interpret results, it might be difficult for people to comprehend the underlying structures and patterns in the data.

  • Effectiveness: Although clustering methods are scalable, some algorithms might not work well with data that has many clusters or high dimensions.

  • Quality of results: If the data is noisy, has outliers, or has illegible or ambiguous clusters, clustering algorithms may yield poor results.

Difference between Classification and Clustering

The important differences between classification and clustering are highlighted in the following table:





Classification is a supervised learning approach.

Clustering is an unsupervised learning approach.

What does it do?

It is a process where the input instances are classified based on their respective class labels.

It groups the instances based on how similar they are, without using class labels.

Training and testing

It has labels, hence there is a need to train and test the dataset to verify the model.

It is not needed to train and test the dataset.


It is more complex in comparison to clustering.

It is less complex in comparison to classification.


Logistic regression, Naive Bayes classifier, Support vector machines.

k−means clustering algorithm, Gaussian (EM) clustering algorithm.


Both classification and clustering are popular learning methods used in data mining for analysis of data groups and divide them on the basis of some particular properties. Classification is a supervised learning approach used to determine the class or category of a new observation, whereas clustering is an unsupervised learning technique used to group related objects or data points together.

Classification is important for prediction and decision−making, while clustering is beneficial for exploratory data analysis and finding hidden patterns in data.

The most significant difference between classification and clustering is that classification categorizes the data using the data obtained from trainings, whereas clustering categorizes the data based on different similarities between them.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023


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