What is the difference between a .html and a .htm page?

With the exception of their file extensions, a.html and a.htm pages are nearly similar. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is used to build web pages, is used to create both file types. Prior to.html becoming the standard and most often used extension,.htm was used in earlier systems that had file name restrictions. However, in contemporary web development, modern web servers and browsers equally recognise and support both.html and.htm extensions. As a result, there is no real distinction between the two, and developers are free to utilise any extension without having an impact on the website's functionality or content. Despite this,.html is still regarded as the best option because of its widespread use and compliance with modern web development standards.

Key Differences Between .HTML and .HTM

  • File Extension − Their file extensions are the main point of distinction. Hypertext Markup Language, the standard and most widely used extension for web pages, is what ".html" stands for. An earlier variant of the same extension known as ".htm" was frequently used in platforms that had character restrictions on file extensions.

  • Interoperability − Both the.html and.htm extensions are supported by contemporary web servers and browsers. However, since.html is the more popular and well-known extension, it is typically advised to use it.

  • Practicality − Choosing.html is more practical due to its universality and wide acceptability because there is no functional difference between.html and.htm. It adheres to current standards and best practises for web development.

  • Convention − Using.html is a web development convention that has been faithfully upheld over time. It is regarded as a best practise since it makes it simpler for developers to cooperate and maintain projects.

Do ( .HTML and .HTM ) Have Different Objectives?

The creation of web pages and the facilitation of content display on the internet are the identical objectives of HTML and HTM. Both of them aspire to offer a common markup language for web development, making it simpler for developers to organise and display content online.

  • Creation of web Page − Providing a standardised markup language for the creation of web pages is the main goal of both HTML and HTM. They give programmers the ability to organise content and specify the design and constituent parts of a web page.

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility − Regardless of the platform or device, HTML and HTM work to make sure that web pages may be presented uniformly in a variety of web browsers. Visitors using different browsers will have a seamless user experience thanks to this.

  • Hypertext functionality − Both HTML and HTM have the ability to create hyperlinks, which are necessary for connecting web pages and allowing visitors to move around a website.

  • Accessibility − Web accessibility is supported by both markup languages, enabling web designers to produce more inclusive and useable online sites for people with disabilities, including those who use screen readers.

  • Separation of Content and Presentation − Both HTML and HTM put emphasis on separating a web page's presentation from its content. This division enables developers to use CSS to apply various styles and layouts, enhancing the flexibility and maintainability of the design and content.

  • Adapting to New Technologies − The ability to adapt to new technologies is a key element of both HTML and HTM. This flexibility enables web designers to include multimedia and new features into web sites while yet maintaining backward compatibility with earlier material.

Which is Better, .HTML or .HTM?

Practically speaking, there is no distinction between HTML and HTM in terms of features or functionalities. Hypertext Markup Language files are represented by the.html and.htm file extensions, and they both have the same function—creating web pages.

However, it is strongly advised to utilise the.html file extension in contemporary web development for a number of reasons −

  • Standardisation − The accepted and well-known file extension for HTML pages is.html. It is now considered to be the industry standard, making it simpler for developers to recognise and use HTML files.

  • Convention − It's important to follow best practises and conventions while developing websites. By adhering to industry standards and conventions, using.html makes it simpler for other developers to work on projects together and preserve code integrity.

  • Widespread Acceptance and Expectation − Although contemporary web servers and browsers may support both the.html and.htm extensions,.html is more often used and expected. By selecting.html, you can use your file in any context.

  • Future-Proofing − The.html file extension will probably continue to be the most popular one for HTML texts as the internet and web technology advance. Your web pages will be future-proof and compliant with industry standards if you use.html.

Similarities Between .HTML and .HTM

  • Both the.HTML and.HTM file extensions reflect Hypertext Markup Language, which is a programming language used to build web pages.

  • Online developers can organise online material, generate hyperlinks, and include multimedia elements using both.HTML and.HTM, which both offer the same capabilities.

  • Common goals include ensuring cross-browser compatibility, encouraging web accessibility, and advocating the separation of content and display.

  • The.HTML and.HTM extensions are interchangeable in today's web servers and browsers, making them nearly functionally equivalent.

  • Industry Standards Both.HTML and.HTM are used for the same purpose in modern web development, although.HTML is the more generally used and accepted extension.

  • Both extensions make it possible to create web pages with dynamic and interactive content, improving the overall online user experience.


Web pages are made using the markup language HTML, which is represented by the file extensions.html and.htm. They only differ significantly in terms of file extension standards and historical usage. The.html extension is the favoured option in contemporary web development because of its standardisation, widespread adoption, and industry practises.

By selecting.html, developers may collaborate more easily and are guaranteed to be compatible with all web servers and browsers. Additionally, it prepares web pages for the future as HTML develops. While.htm may still function in the majority of situations, using.html as the default assures compliance with current web development standards and best practises.

In the end, it is obvious to choose.html over.htm. Using the more often used and well-known.html extension gives developers the ability to construct web pages that are accessible to everyone, maintainable, and future-proof.

Updated on: 18-Aug-2023


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