What is the best way to learn Python and Django?

In this article, we will learn the best way to learn Python and Django.

It may be difficult to adjust to a new framework. Django is no different. There is simply too much to learn, which can be frightening. However, with the correct road map and learning resources, the journey can be made easier.


Django is a free and open-source Python framework, that allows developers to fastly create complex code and apps. The Django framework aids in the development of high-quality web applications. It is one of the greatest Python frameworks for the rapid creation of APIs and web applications.

The Django framework has been used to create over 12,000 well-known projects. Furthermore, it is one of the more experienced Python web development frameworks.

This high-level framework simplifies web application development by providing a variety of powerful features. It features a massive library collection and emphasizes effectiveness, less coding, and component reusability.


  • Helps you in defining patterns for your app's URLs.

  • Inbuilt authentication system

  • URL system that is both simple and powerful.

  • Object-oriented programming language database with the best data storage and recovery capabilities.

  • The automatic admin interface feature allows for the customization of editing, adding, and deleting items.

  • A cache framework is a collection of cache mechanisms.

Roadmap for Learning the Django Framework

Learn Python

When first starting with Django, it is best to learn Python first. Many new developers jump right into Django without first learning Python. Django is a python-based web framework, and everything done in Django is done in the python programming language. Knowing Python before learning Django is advantageous because it will help you know what is going on while developing in Django.

Get to Know the Command Lines

You'll be using command lines a lot in Django. Django has command lines for doing various tasks in your application. There are a lot of command lines to know, but you don't have to master them all. Sometimes you just have to search it up. You may just need to master a few that will be used 90% of the time.

Master the Basic Concepts of Django

Django has a method that you must follow every time you wish to develop a web app. These are the first things you should understand about Django −

  • Creating a new project

  • Creating a new app

  • Routing of URLs

  • Setting Up Templates and Static Files

  • Running your project on the localhost

Learn About Django Views

The views are where you will do the majority of your work in Django. This is where you will do all of your server rendering and most of your Python code.

Django views are classified into two types −

  • function-based views and

  • class-based views.

To get started, you can learn any of these, but most courses will start with function-based views, and once you've mastered those, you can go on to class-based views.

Explore Django Models

Django has what are known as models. Models are similar to databases, but they are in the form of Python classes. Django models allow you to build and transfer data to the database. Each model is written as Python classes, each with its attribute. Consider the name of the model class to be the name of the database, and the class attributes to be each table in the database.


Using databases is the simplest aspect of Django. The Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) feature in Django allows you to interface with databases without writing a single line of SQL code. Django's default database is SQLite, however, you may also incorporate thirdparty databases such as Postgresql or MongoDB.

Authentication & Authorization

Authentication with Django is very simple because Django has already done the majority of the work for us; all you need to do is utilize the classes and functions that Django has already given. When a user signs up for your platform, Django's default User model is used to save user data. Django also includes a default authentication method that allows us to simply authenticate a user into our app.


The very first time you deploy a Django project, it can be stressful and full of bugs. However, learning how to deploy your Django project will undoubtedly make the process easier. There are other platforms available for deploying your Django project, but Heroku is the most popular. If you know how to configure your app for deployment, you can quickly deploy your Django project with Heroku.

The level of Python knowledge required to learn Django

You must be proficient in Python to write all of the code in Django.

To grasp what's going on behind the scenes in Django, you should be familiar with the concepts of Python. You can begin by studying the fundamentals, such as variables, data types, loops, conditional statements, functions, lists, dictionaries, and so on. You can also master some OOP (Object Oriented Programming) ideas to develop clean and efficient code.

That's all you need to know about Python if you want to use it to create a website. You do not need to be a Python expert. You're good to go if you understand the fundamentals of programming. You do not have to wait until you are an accomplished Python programmer. You can enhance your knowledge as you go.


In this article, we learned about the road map for learning Django. The things described above are simply a road map to help you get started with Django. There is still a lot to learn about Django.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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