What Is Technical SEO? Basics and 10 Best Practices

Have you ever pondered the factors that cause certain websites to rank better than others in search results? Optimizing for Search Engines is the Key (SEO). SEO, or search engine optimization, is a method used to improve a website's visibility in search engines. Technical search engine optimization, or SEO, is a subset of SEO that analyzes and improves the website's performance in search engine results. The fundamentals of technical SEO will be covered, along with 10 best practices and basics for improving your site's performance.

What is Technical SEO?

Doing technical SEO entails fine-tuning the nuts and bolts of a website to boost its visibility in search results. Unlike more traditional forms of search engine optimization, technical SEO concerns hidden factors from site users. When a website's structure and content are optimized for search engines' consumption, the site's search engine rankings improve.

Basics of Technical SEO

Site Architecture and Navigation

Important factors in technical SEO include a site's structure and user experience. Search engines can better interpret a website's content if its structure is intuitive and well-defined. The success of a website depends on its users' ability to quickly and easily locate the specific content they want. Internal links may also enhance site architecture, which brings related pages closer together.

Site Speed and Page Load Times

Both search engine optimization and the quality of the user experience are affected by how quickly a site or page loads. Websites that take less time to load may drop traffic and, in turn, in search engine rankings. Page load times may decrease by optimizing images, caching, and code.

Mobile Responsiveness and Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is vital for search engine optimization, and user experience as mobile device usage continues to rise. Mobile-friendly websites tend to perform better in search engine rankings and offer a better user experience for mobile visitors. Mobile optimization may be boosted by using a responsive design and fine-tuning the mobile experience.

URL Structure and Site Hierarchy

One way to boost a website's visibility in search engine results is to have a well-organized naming scheme for its URLs. A well-designed site structure facilitates a search engine's ability to interpret a website's information. Site visitors will easily get around if the URL structure and site hierarchy are intuitive and well-organized.

Meta Tags and Descriptions

Search engines can learn more about a website's content thanks to meta tags and descriptions. It is important to provide accurate meta tags and descriptions to boost a website's position in search engine results. Website visitors may be persuaded to click on a link in search results by providing relevant, interesting meta-descriptions.

Schema Markup and Structured Data

Schematic markup and structured data give search engines more context for a website's content. Click-through rates in SERPs may be increased by using this data to generate rich snippets. Site rankings may also be boosted by using schema markup and structured data.

Best Practices for Technical SEO

Use a responsive design

Users and search engines alike would appreciate a mobile-friendly, responsive website. With responsive design, your website will automatically change its layout to fit whichever device is used to access it. This facilitates both user navigation and search engine crawling and indexing.

Optimize your site speed

Website rankings are heavily influenced by how quickly users can access your site. Visitors will get frustrated and leave the page if your website takes too long to load. Image compression, a content delivery network (CDN), and limiting the number of HTTP requests are all ways to speed up a website.

Use descriptive and optimized URLs

Website visibility and usability are improved when informative URLs include content-related keywords. Increased traffic and backlinks might result from the optimized URLs' greater memorability and viability for social media sharing.

Implement structured data

With structured data, you may make your website more easily readable by search engines. The use of structured data makes it easier for search engines to understand the nature of the information you've posted, whether it's a recipe, a product page, or a review.

Optimize your website's navigation

The usability of a website is directly proportional to the ease with which its visitors can locate and use its many features and resources. Your website's navigation will benefit from a simple menu, breadcrumbs, and a limited number of subcategories.

Optimize your website's images

Your website's user experience might benefit from including high-quality images, but the same images can be a performance bottleneck if they need to be optimized. You may improve your image's performance using compression, alt text, and informative file names.


HTTPS, the encrypted variant of HTTP, is increasingly relevant to search engine results. Users and search engines alike have higher faith in websites that employ HTTPS.

Fix broken links

Having broken links on your website may negatively affect the user experience and search engine rankings. You may either use a broken link checker tool or manually examine each link on your website to find and repair any that aren't working properly.

Use analytics to monitor your website's performance

You can track your website's success and pinpoint problem areas using analytics. Analytic tools allow you to monitor site traffic, locate pages with high bounce rates, and evaluate the success of your SEO initiatives.

Use social media to promote your content

The use of social media is a great way to spread your message and attract new visitors to your website. It's important to utilize trending hashtags, provide visuals like photographs and videos, and interact with your audience while promoting material on social media.


Technical search engine optimization is crucial to enhancing your website's user experience. Search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience (UX) improvement may be achieved by adhering to these 10 guidelines. Use a mobile-friendly layout, speed up your site without sacrificing quality, create structured data, improve your site's navigation and images, switch to HTTPS, mend any broken links you find, track your site's performance with analytics, and promote your work on social media. Following these guidelines can help make your site more accessible, user-friendly, and search engine-friendly.

Technical SEO is a continuous process that has to be constantly checked and updated. You can keep your website competitive and user-friendly by using the most up-to-date best practices and algorithms.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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