What is Spoofing? Definition, how it Works, and How to Protect from Attacks

At present, different types of cybercrimes are getting developed, and these are the prime cause of data loss in an organization. Among these, Spoofing is another harmful cybercrime where it becomes easy for criminals to disguise phone calls and email addresses.

Key facts to know about Spoofing

Cybercriminals use spoofing to hack the confidential information of an individual and organizations. Here all need to understand the critical features of Spoofing.

It is the process through which hackers can divulge all personal information. Hackers can get all the information through email, caller IDs, and GPS services. Hence it is suggested to be cautious while downloading any file or opening emails. You should check whether the sources are trustworthy or not. It is necessary to install top-notch antivirus and antimalware software. Hackers can do Spoofing via DNS or IP address using all advanced technologies.

If you have noticed that your personal information has been hacked, you can complain to the consumer complaint Centre.

How does Spoofing work?

Often, users must understand that they have been spoofed and suffer from personal data loss. Here all need to learn how Spoofing works and how to stay protected from this online fraud.

While using Spoofing, cybercriminals at first try to gain your confidence. They will make you understand that spoofing communications are legit and that users will not face any harm. Typically, hackers use big and trusted company names to gain the users' trust.

Hackers mainly perform Spoofing based on two elements- Spoofing itself, which includes fake mail or websites, and another is social engineering. Social engineering is where the users pretend the fake mail id is the original. For instance, you may receive mail from a trusted company that offers massive discounts during a festive season. You will get spoofed whenever you start making a deal, and your accounts will be hacked. So, here it is suggested to click only an unknown link.

Spoofing will lead to disclosing all your personal & confidential information, and it can lead to substantial monetary loss. It can cause due to malware attacks on the computer. This attack can infect the computers and can also lead to financial threats. Hackers use spoofing to spread malware viruses through a link attached to the mail. The system will be affected by malware whenever the users click the link. 

Different types of Spoofing

In this era of advanced technologies, when the rate of cybercrime is increasing, all need to know the types of spoofing that lead to huge data theft.

  • Email spoofing − It is the most common spoofing type where the senders of emails are fake. This type of cybercrime is also a part of phishing, and it always tries to steal data. Here the mail users open these fake emails whenever they click on the link on any link. Usually, these links come with malware that infects the computers.

Email spoofing typically comes in three combinations false sender pretending to be a genuine one, missing sender address, and famous corporate branding.

  • Text Message − Another available spoofing is text message spoofing. It is similar to email spoofing, and messages sent from illegal sources pretend to be legitimate. Users will be asked to call a particular number or click on the link that will hack their private data.

  • Caller ID Spoofing − It is another spoofing where the caller calls from a number that may be from a legitimate source. The users will consider the call legit and will pick it up.

  • Neighbor Spoofing − This is also a type of caller ID spoofing where a call seems to be from someone you know or who resides near you. If you receive these fake calls, you will lose your data or can face financial fraud.

  • Website or URL Spoofing − URL spoofing is an advanced way to hack the personal information of website surfers. Whenever users click on these fraudulent websites, their personal information gets hacked. Sometimes you will find these fraudulent websites seem like banks or financial companies.

  • GPS Spoofing − Here, the hackers make the GPS users believe they are in a different location and headed to various destinations.

  • IP spoofing − It is another spoofing where the hackers hide their location from where they are delivering the emails or texts. In IP spoofing, the address of the scammers will look like a trusted source.

Protective measures against Spoofing

Several protective measures are necessary to follow to stay protected from spoofing.

  • Every mail users need to turn on the spam filter of the email. It will help filter spoofed emails, which will be transferred to the spam folder.

  • Experts suggest not opening an attachment or links sent from an unknown sender. You can also reach the sender directly to verify whether the mail is genuine.

  • Sometimes you may get a mail or text from a suspicious sender where you will be asked to log into the account. You should not log into the account and follow the steps mentioned.

  • You can opt for the File Extension setting. Here you need to go to the File Explorer and tap the "View" options. Now tick the box of the file extension. However, this will not keep scammers from hacking your data, but you can notice all spoofed extensions. It will not allow you to open malicious files.

  • It is also suggested to use reputable software for cybersecurity. Popular software will save you from potential data threats. This software will also not allow you to download unnecessary files and will prevent computers from malware. Well, here, you also need to keep the software updated to stay away from any threat.

  • Receive any message, call, or mail that tells you to provide your personal information. It would help if you waited to give that information. First, verify the sender's authenticity before sending all data.

Above are the spoofing types and preventive measures that all individuals need to learn.

Updated on: 26-Dec-2022


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