What is QOS and mobile and network QOS?

Let us understand the concept of Quality of Service (QoS) in networking.

QOS in terms of networking

Quality of service (QoS) in the case of networking implies the ability of a network to provide reliable service to the traffic over various technologies including Ethernet, wireless, IP, Asynchronous Mode etc.

QOS in case of network congestion has to keep in record various elements causing this congestion. It may be due to the reason of low bandwidth or high traffic on a single route.

So, routing protocol being used heavily impacts the Quality of service of networking.

It depends on how efficient a routing algorithm is to detect the traffic on a particular route and to choose a route accordingly to prevent network congestion on a particular route.

Improve QoS in Networking

It is explained below as to how we can improve the Qos in networking.

  • The quality of service of the network can only be improved by reducing the network failures and reducing the congestion.

  • For this the company has to analyse the underlying hardware like switches, routers, hubs etc and the underlying software such as routing algorithms to improve the QOS.

  • The routing algorithm should be intelligent enough to select the best possible route to transfer a packet from its source to its destination by keeping in record various networking factors such as latency rate, network congestion, traffic on a particular route, and bandwidth of the network.

Improve QoS for a network based application

We can improve the QoS for a network based application with the help of following −

  • Use protocols to know the best way to implement a network based application.

  • Use the best and intelligent routing algorithm.

  • Always try to separate the functionality to different layers of the network.

Mobile QoS and Network QoS

Mobile QoS refers to the Mobile Quality of Service. QoS mechanism in mobile controls the reliability, usability and performance of a telecommunications service.

Network QoS refers to the Network Quality of Service. Qos mechanism in network manages the traffic of data to minimise the loss of packets, jitter and latency on network.


The metrics that determine the Qos in mobile are the coverage, accessibility (including GoS), and the audio quality.

The metrics that determine the Qos in a network are network traffic, effectiveness and network bandwidth.

Working of Mobile and Network QoS

In Mobile QoS, controlling the telecommunication services along with their performance, through various mechanisms leads to quality of service.

In Network QoS, setting priorities for specific data types on the network can help in controlling and managing network resources leading to quality of service.

Updated on: 16-Sep-2021


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