What is Promotion Mix?

What is Promotion Mix in Marketing?

To accomplish a certain marketing objective, a promotional mix combines marketing strategies such as direct marketing, sales, public relations, and advertising. Usually, the promotional mix is just a small component of the overall marketing mix. You might want to adopt a couple of the strategies or conclude that combining them all might be the best option for your campaign.

Elements of Promotion Mix

Businesses utilize four primary elements in the classic promotional mix to generate meaning for their service or product and convince the public to buy it −

  • Advertising − Businesses spend money to simultaneously market their service or product to a large number of people. Ads that appear on television, in newspapers, via direct mail, on the radio, in magazines, or online are common kinds of advertising.

  • Sales promotion − Short-term incentives used to persuade consumers to purchase a good or service are known as sales promotions. Coupons, rebates, or open-to-the-public games and competitions are a few examples.

  • Public relations − This form of advertising informs the general public about a company's products and image. Press releases and news conferences are two examples.

  • Direct marketing − This is a more individualized technique that targets consumers directly through in-person events, catalogues, emails, phone calls, or the mail.

Nature and Importance of Promotion

Sales of the goods in a market with imperfections

Promotion aids in the sales of the goods in a market with imperfections. The product cannot be easily sold in the unfavorable market conditions just on the basis of price differentiation. It is a promotional activity that disseminates information about the variations, traits, and multiple applications of the products of numerous market competitors.

Bridging the gap between producers and consumers:

Promoting products and services can help bridge the gap between producers and customers. Without promotional activities, mass selling is virtually difficult given the competitive market. Today, promotional efforts are required to connect with consumers because the gap between manufacturers and consumers is so great.

Dealing with fierce competition

Promotion aids in dealing with fierce market rivalry. Others are compelled to follow a manufacturer's lead when he ups his advertising budget and implements an aggressive branding strategy. The result is a "promotional war." Market competitiveness is impossible without marketing the products. Therefore, it is essential to use promotional efforts to compete in the market.

Selling on a huge scale

Promotion aids in the sale of goods and services on a large scale. Large-scale production leads to sales promotion. It can only be accomplished via effective large-scale selling techniques. Promoting activities makes it possible to sell on a large scale. There will be more opportunities for product promotion as a result of the high volume of sales.

Intensified trade pressure

Promotion aids in escalating trade tensions in the market. Manufacturers are under more pressure to provide support and allowance as a result of the expansion of large-scale retailers like supermarkets and chain stores.

Quicker product acceptance

Promotion aids in quickening the pace of product acceptance. Most sales promotion tools, including competitions, premium coupons, etc., can be deployed more quickly than other promotion strategies, like advertising. There will be a direct impact on the product's acceleration when the promotional actions are carried out. In a cutthroat industry, increasing the rate of product acceptability is crucial.

Types of Promotion


It aids in raising awareness of a cause, promoting freshly introduced products, services, or businesses. Advertising is used by the business as a promotional technique since it quickly reaches a large number of individuals. Many traditional media, including radio, television, outdoor advertising, newspapers, or social media, are used to communicate advertisements. Social media, blogs, text messages, and websites are additional modern media that promote advertising.

Sales Promotion

This makes use of a variety of marketing tools to communicate with customers and enhance sales. It serves to increase customer demand, renew market demand, and improve product availability, but only for a brief period of time.

Personal selling

It is a procedure when businesses send representatives to speak with clients directly about their goods or services. Here, client input is promptly addressed, making it simple to establish confidence.

Public Relation

Public relations, or PR, is used to spread information or a message between a business (NGO, government agency, business), an individual, or the general public. The company may benefit from a strong PR campaign.

Factors Influencing Promotion Mix

Type of Product

The choice of promotion mix is significantly influenced by the type of product. Products can be divided into categories such as branded products, non-branded products, necessities, luxury items, new items, etc. These products all require various promotional tools.

For branded and well-known products, for instance, advertising works well. Personal selling could be appropriate for items without brands. A freshly launched product uses all four tools—publicity, sales promotion, personal selling, and advertising—to gain quick market approval.

Use of Product

Products can be industrial, consumable, necessary, or luxuries, which influences the choice of promotion tactics and media. For instance, consumer goods frequently employ advertising and sales promotion strategies, but industrial items frequently use personal selling.

Complexity of Product

The choice of promotional techniques is impacted by product complexity. For complicated, technical, dangerous, and freshly produced products that require in-person explanation and observation, personal selling is more effective.

On the other side, advertising works better for straightforward and manageable products.

Purchase Quantity and Frequency

When choosing the marketing mix, the company should also take purchase quantity and frequency into account. Advertising is typically utilized for products that people buy regularly, while personal selling and sales promotion are chosen for products that people buy less frequently. Advertising and personal selling are utilized for heavy and light users, respectively.

Fund Available for Market Promotion

The company's financial standing has a significant impact on the mix of promotions. Companies with little financial resources cannot afford to advertise on television, radio, in newspapers, or in magazines, while sales promotion and personal selling are considerably less expensive methods. Additionally, the business may decide to use some commercially significant events as a means of gaining awareness.

Type of Market

The type of promotion mix is determined by the type of market or consumer attributes. The key variables that determine a company's promotion strategy are education, location, income, personality traits, knowledge, bargaining ability, occupation, age, sex, and others.

Size of Market

Personal selling is obviously more successful in situations where there is a small market. Advertising is preferred in markets with a big number of purchasers. Location is a crucial factor as well. Geographical areas affect the type of message, language used, type of sales marketing instruments, etc.

Level of Competition

Promotional initiatives are created based on the kind and level of competition. All marketing tactics are intended to safeguard a company's interests from rivalry. The intensity of promotional efforts and tool selection are influenced by the level of competition.

The above list of factors is not exhaustive. There might be other variables. Promotional strategy should only be created after taking all pertinent elements into account. These factors need to be understood by the marketing manager. Keep in mind that these characteristics have varying degrees of impact on different businesses depending on their internal and external marketing environments.


It may be concluded that advertising, personal selling, and even sales promotion are typically used during the introduction stage. During the second stage, more aggressive advertising and sales promotion strategies are implemented. The third stage involves more aggressive advertising and personal marketing. In the fourth stage, the company would prefer to cut costs, therefore less promotion is done.

Updated on: 14-Sep-2022

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